―― 「なんで、みんな、『他人と上手くやっていける』と思えるんだろう?」

私は、「団体競技 = 苦痛」「集団行動 = 苦痛」が刷り込まれている(あるいは、そういう経験しかない)ので、高校生までの人生は、辛く厳しいものでした。

I had lived in harsh reality since I was graduated from high school, because 'team sports = pain' and 'collective action = pain' are imprinted on me.


As for me, frankly speaking, the 'sports day' and 'school trip' were torture.

修学旅行で、徹夜して騒いでいるやつらは ―― 控え目にいっても ―― "バカ"としか思えませんでした。

On school trips, people who stayed up all night making noise were - to put it mildly - considered "idiots".


"Is is more fun to get good sleep, walk around with light steps, read the board explaining historic story, see the historic architecture, and follow the historical site?"

という子どもは、当時、圧倒的少数でした ―― というか、いなかったように思えます。

There were an overwhelming minority of children at the time. I mean there were no child like that



By the way, when I talk to my daughters, I hear their friends suffer from mental disorder, and enforce to leave of absence or office.


In many cases, they are tired of their company relationships.


However, it is a rare and lucky case to get alone with others.


And I think, really, that...

―― 「なんで、みんな、『他人と上手くやっていける』と思えるんだろう?」

"Why do you all seem to be able to 'get along with others'?"



When I was a college student, I had already made a self-analysis that I was not a good team player.


So I thought that my work style would be better "stand-alone" rather than "teamwork".


As a result, I made me a "research engineer".



I think that many people believe that their communication ability is higher.


Or they might think that once they start working, it is going well.

でも、はっきり言いますけど ―― こればかりは『なんとかなりません』。

However, clearly speaking, it cannot be helped about this issue.


Posted by ebata