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For the purpose of writing this month's column, I read some commentaries on the Unification Church's scripture, the Original Book of Principle.


In addition, I read a documentary book about the rescue of families from the Unification Church's mind control.(I think that I read it a long time ago)



Once again, I could understand that the Unification Church's mind control(brainwashing) was very powerful and difficult to break.


I think that it is easy to speak about this brainwashing from the view of non-believer.


This is because the content of the "original principles" is blinding nonsense.


However, it seems that way because "I am not a member of the Unification Church".


If this were not the case, it might not be unreasonable to consider those who deny the Unification Church's teachings to be 'they are all Satan'.



I was thinking how to understand the believer's feeling under the mind control, and I came up with one last night.

―― この世界は2次元の平面世界であって、地動説など間違っている

"This world is a two-dimensional flat world, and geocentric theories are wrong"


What if you are said that (and indeed, some people still believe this to this day)?


It is the 'Anti-Copernican Paradigm'.



Surrounded by relatives and counsellors,

『江端! どうして、大地が動くなんてナンセンスな考え方ができるんだ!』

"Ebata! How can you think nonsense about the earth moving!"


"If the earth is moving, you won't be safe either!"


Of course, I do my best to explain things like the law of universal gravitation (the equivalence principle of special relativity) and planetary orbits.


Furthermore, when I give them a programme on how to calculate the orbits of GPS satellites and positional positioning, they do not want to understand it at all.


My relatives and counsellors argue against me with stories of observed natural phenomena.


They would look at me with a pensive look and finally sigh deeply.


Reaching the limit of my anger, I shout,


"All of you who don't understand geocentrism are Satan!"




If we are to think about mind control by cults, we must make an imagination,


"They deny the geocentric theory, they impose the geocentric theory on us, and they will never let us go until we say, 'I give up'."


It means that we need to approach them.


Posted by ebata