―― 統一教会の運営は、(自分の全財産を自分の意思で差し出せるような)狂信的な信者を”作り出せる”か否かにかかっている


Today, I released the "original manuscript" that we had promised.

―― 『とある宗教団体』を直撃する内容


If you have signed up but have not received an email, please contact me again,


- after checking to make sure that the mail has not been forwarded to a folder such as "junk mail"


using this mail address.



Initially, I thought, 'Why don't I just publish a PDF file?

けど、『それも芸がないなぁ』と思い、Webページを作成したのですが ―― 酷い目に合いました(丸一日持っていかれました)。

However, I didn't think that it is not cool, so I tried to make my original web page. But it was "terrible"(I spent the whole day)

■ホームページを丸ごとダウンロードできる便利ツールHTTrack(WinHTTrack) を使って、EE Times Japanのスタイル のサンプルを作ってみた件

ホームページを丸ごとダウンロードできる便利ツールHTTrack(WinHTTrack) を使って、EE Times Japan風のスタイルサンプルを作ってみた件

-I made a sample of EE Times Japan's style using HTTTrack (WinHTTrack), a convenient tool that allows you to download an entire homepage.


- Do not try "Basic Authentication" on Sakura rental servers by yourself, but use the server control panel.




Well, the true reason who I created the pages even if I spent the whole day, was


I wanted to tell you,

―― 統一教会の運営は、(自分の全財産を自分の意思で差し出せるような)狂信的な信者を”作り出せる”か否かにかかっている

The management of the Unification Church depends on whether or not it can "create" fanatical believers (even if who are willing to give up their entire wealth).



Posted by ebata