


(Continuation from yesterday)


When I was a student, I lived in a so-called autonomous dormitory.


The dormitory had only the remnants of the student movement ten years ago remained, and could hardly appeal to students.


However, some of the dormitory students were proud of the principles of the dormitory.

そして、小さな町工場の息子であって、零細企業の悲哀を思う存分味わってきた私は、哲学者やら思想家やらの言葉を引用して、議論をする彼らとは ―― とことん、相容れませんでした。

And I was the son of a small town factory, and I had tasted the sorrows of small businesses. So I could not agree with them whom quoted the words of philosophers, thinkers and others.

■資本家による搾取だぁ? バカいってんじゃねーよ。日本の97%の企業は中小または零細企業で、その社長の殆どは、大企業のサラリーマンよりはるかに貧乏だぞ

- Is it exploitation by a capitalist? Don't be stupid. 97% of companies in Japan are small companies, and most of their presidents are much poorer than business persons of large companies.


- Even a large company, under the supervision of shareholders, under the supervision of shareholders, if management is doing bad management, they will be dismissed at the moment. In order to survive, they simply make the choice to lay off their employees.

とまあ、その当時にあって、不渡りの連鎖で、取引先の夫婦が首吊り自殺をして、父の会社も倒産直前まで至った、その社長の息子は ――

Well, at that time, the son of that president whose father's business partners were hanging suicide and father's company also reached just before bankruptcy in the chain of failure,


While making me laugh, he was listening to their ridiculously empty arguments.


(To be continued)


Posted by ebata