ですので、私と同性同名で、掲示板の書き込みがあったとしたら、それは、同性同名の別人です ―― かなりレアケースだと思いますが。


I do not broadcast information on social networking sites, nor do I post on message boards.

―― お前の食う飯なんぞ、知ったことか


I only write my opinions on my blog and in my serial columns.

ですので、私と同性同名で、掲示板の書き込みがあったとしたら、それは、同性同名の別人です ―― かなりレアケースだと思いますが。

So, if there is a post on the board with the same name as mine, it is a different person with the same name -- which I think is a pretty rare case.


To begin with, "Ebata" as a last name, is not so many, therefore I had been involved in such an accident.



There are some methods to distinguish me with the person with the same name.


(1)My comments are long.


If you find a comment with one word or one phrase, it is not mine.


(2)My comments are argumentative.


I have an obsession with 'if I can't argue logically, I will lose'.


(3)My counter-comments are twisted.


I never use dirty words directly.


I have an (useless) paranoia with 'I will be thought to be stupid(igrorand)'.

―― というような、(無駄に冗長な)書き方をしている"江端智一"なら、それは「私」です。

Like the above, if you find the comments in a (useless and redundant) way, they are mine.


Posted by ebata