

- Feels tired throughout the day


- Wake up at night with a cough.


- Phlegm in throat. Pain when cutting phlegm.


- Violent chills before going to bed at night.


- Sweating profusely at night


- Water is consumed regularly.


- Over-the-counter medications were ingested "Kaigen" and "Contac EX", but no improvement was seen



I went to the clinic today after making the note.


I thought it might be corona or influenza, but since my fever was 36.6 degrees, I thought it could be neither.

それでも、発熱者扱いとして、診察室の外で待たされました ―― 窓が開けっぱなしの廊下は寒かったです。

Still, I was treated as a fever patient and made to wait outside the examination room -- it was cold in the hallway with the windows left open.



I got the medicine and took it immediately.


An hour later, I was in a state of fatigue where I could not move a finger, but now I am able to write this sentence (I still have the fatigue).


I knew that prescription drugs were great.


Posted by ebata