都市機能を1週間まるまる止める ―― 今こそ、そういう「豪快な避難訓練」が必要かもしれません。

先日、「NHKスペシャル 東京リボーン (5)「渋谷 迷宮大改造」」を視聴しました。

I watched NHK Special Tokyo Reborn (5) "Shibuya Labyrinth" the other day.


- The night at the end of May. Major works to move the platform 350 meters and correct the track for 500 meters in 54 hours without stopping the station's functioning.


- It took two years to prepare the plan. More than 1,000 construction workers.


- A race against time, with every minute counted. The unexpected continues to happen even after all the preparation.

十何年か前に、私も、似たような案件(「時間」に関してはもっと厳しい条件だったように思う)に関わらせて頂いたことがあり、思わず、そのことを思い出して ――

Some ten years ago, I was involved in a similar case (I think the conditions were more stringent as far as "time" is concerned), and I couldn't help but think back to it -- and,


I was almost in tears.


This is what I call "drama".



Incidentally, I was on a business trip to London during that period. In front of the Metro station,

―― 地下鉄、まるまる2週間停止

"Subway shut down for a full two weeks"


When I witnessed the shutdown of the transportation infrastructure in a very dynamic manner, I realized that there was a way to do it.


It was truly a "Columbus' egg".


渋谷を経由する全ての鉄道(山手線、埼京線、湘南新宿ライン、井の頭線、東横線、田園都市線、銀座線、半蔵門線、副都心線)を、1週間、完全に停止する ――

All railways through Shibuya (Yamanote, Saikyo, Shonan Shinjuku, Inokashira, Toyoko, Denentoshi, Ginza, Hanzomon and Fukutoshin lines) are to be completely shut down for one week.


The centralized construction of the project "will be difficult".


But if the Great Kanto Earthquake strikes, we won't be able to open the entire line in six months, not one week.

都市機能を1週間まるまる止める ―― 今こそ、そういう「豪快な避難訓練」が必要かもしれません。

Stopping the city from functioning for a week -- maybe now is the time for such a "bold evacuation drill".


Posted by ebata