Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.
Let's turn over the world by number (63). Extra:
How to make a "virtual silver bullet" for engineers who want to counterattack Corona, even kicking against the pricks

The theme of the previous column was "despair" and "resignation."
Currently, the "containment strategy" that is being implemented by the governments of each country is a battle that we cannot see the exit easily.
Invisible enemies rampage, and even if we are frustrated or painful, the only thing we can do is "endure".
This kind of struggle to dedicate to exclusive defense causes great anxiety and stress for both individuals and society.
In today's society, even if the economy is stopped for only one day, financial instability can easily occur. However it has been stagnant for more than 2 months.
If there are people who aren't anxious about this, it's something that is no longer "human".
In contrast, the theme of this column is "Counterattack" and "Hope".
We presented specific examples of counterattacks, not dedicated defense.
―― 新型コロナウイスルを、ズタズタに切り裂く"siRNA"の塩基配列は、もう分かっている
"The base sequence of the "siRNA" that cuts the new coronavirus into pieces is already known"
―― やつら(COVID-19)を、殲滅する設計図は、私たちの手の中にある
"The blueprint for destroying them (COVID-19) is in our hands"
This is a great hope for me.
The masterpiece "Bye bye Jupiter" by the late science fiction writer Sakyo Komatsu-sensei, is that
太陽に突進してくるブラックホールに対して、人類の一部が ―― 正確に言うと、宇宙開発に携わる現場のエンジニアが ―― 驚くべきアイデアで対峙する
Part of the human race ――To be precise, the field engineers involved in space development ―― confronts the black hole rushing to the sun with an amazing idea
a magnificent science fiction novel.
At first, there was a plan to escape up to 100 million people to 20 billion human beings (and a plan to "exit only for the time being"), but one engineer presents "how to fight against black holes" .
As a result, vitality returns to the field, and the "fight" becomes the last trump card of humankind.
―― 今までは、何しろ、逃げる以外に手の打ちようがなくて、誰と誰がどれだけ逃げ出せるか、誰を逃がして誰が残るかという問題だけだったが、
Until now, I had no choice but to escape, and t was just a problem that "Who and who can escape" and "Who will escape and who will remain"
―― ただ、受け身の立場としで右往左往するだけではなく、あの"黒い怪物"にたとえ一太刀でもきりつける事ができそうだとなったら、またはりきる奴も出てくるだろう
However, as a passive person, going right and left, If we can use a single sword that cut against that "black monster", someone will stand-up again.
―― たとえ無駄でも、"X"野郎に一矢むくい、横っつらの一つでもはりとばしてやれるとなるとな・・・
Even if it's in vain, if we can get a blow in the "X" bastard, and knock him.
We haven't lost yet.
The battle for aggressive attacks, not just defense, will start now.
「たとえ無駄でも」 ―― ではありません。
"Even if it's in vain" is NOT
We will wipe out all "COVID-19" from this planet.