
Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.
踊るバズワード ~Behind the Buzzword(5)量子コンピュータ(5):
量子もつれ ~アインシュタインも「不気味」と言い放った怪現象
Dancing Buzzword-Behind the Buzzword (5) Quantum Computer (5)
Quantum entanglement - the phenomenon that even Einstein called "uncanny"
Compared to the creepiness of quantum behavior, there's nothing in the horror of ghosts and the stories (really).
については、今回全部書いてしまったので ―― もう、このネタついては、もうこれ以上記載することがありません。
There are just things I'm curious about. In this "Quantum Tangle" survey, I couldn't find any literature or papers that shouted "I don't know!" "Mysterious!" like my column.
After all, there was only the phrase "a phenomenon like this is called "entanglement"", and there is no essential reaction to this phenomenon. It is an
―― 驚愕
Even the description of an academic paper,
"At present, this "non-locality of quantum" called "quantum entanglement" is a physical phenomenon that can only be considered as "insane" from the viewpoint of classical mechanics based on observations."
I wanted to read the above phrase.
It's as if the authors of papers and books think it's "uncool" to be surprised or dismayed.
I believe that
"The essence of the science is "feelings (startle or awe)""
"The essence of engineering is "failure and repetition"
Therefore, I show my honest feelings in the column, upload the failed cases (programs, etc.) to the blog, and expose them to the world.
I am convinced that they are absolutely necessary for the advancement of science and engineering.
In a "cheap" success example (computer simulation in a convenient setting with limited experimental conditions, etc.), the researchers and engineers who mass-produce papers,
I think I'm much more "helpful" than them even if I keep mass-producin and publishing columns based on misconceptions and a lot of failures.
もちろん、偉大な発見や発明をした人/する人の「役の立ち方」には、遠く及びませんが ――
Of course, it's not far from the "helpfulness" of the person who made/will make the great discoveries and inventions.
However, "cheap" researchers and engineers have "cheap" ways to contribute to humanity.
The "cheap" guy does nothing to imitate the behavior of the greatest discoverer or inventor.
"ちんけ"な研究員&エンジニアは、『一生、見苦しく生きて行く』でいいんです ――
"Cheap" researchers and engineers are good at "living unsightly for the rest of their lives".
Even if no one in the world understand it, I can accept you.