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―― 正月の過し方が分からん


This year, due to the new Corona disaster, neither my wife's Kyushu area team nor my Tokai area team (just me) will be able to go home.


This is the first year end and beginning of the year when the family will spend time together at home.

―― 正月の過し方が分からん

"I don't know how to spend the New Year"


What are the dishes for New Year's and the end of the year?


I'm in a panic, making mail-order reservations for Osechi and searching for a fish shop in my neighborhood using Google Maps.


これまでの年末年始は、実家で、掃除して、料理して、でもって、持ち込んだパソコン一式で、プログラム、コラム執筆して、してと ―― まあ、かなり忙しい日々を送っていたものです。

So far, I've spent the New Year's holidays at my parents' house, cleaning, cooking, and programming, writing columns, using a set of computers I brought.


But now, as for me, I'm still moving around, for whatever I can.

私が、「のんびりした正月」を体験できないのは、「私の環境」 ―― というよりは、「私の資質」に因るところが大きいようです。

The reason why I can't experience a "relaxed New Year's" seems to be largely due to my environment -- or rather, my qualities.


Well, I guess that means I'm still the same no matter where I am.


Posted by ebata