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The three New Year's days have passed, and parent team of the Ebata is now in normal operation.


This year, the Ebata family will be spending the year-end and New Year holidays together for the first time in a long time.


In addition to the acrylic partitions on the table that I introduced before, we have added another tip to prevent household infections.


Bring a camping table into the living room, and putting Osechi (New Year's Eve) food, hot pot, and hand-rolled sushi on a plate, and bring it to out seats at the table,

―― ビュッフェスタイル



has been installed.


Needless to say, I prepared different chopsticks for each food.


I felt a little "unsettled", but this was quite a fun "extraordinary" experience.



Maybe not even "extraordinary"


For the time being, the acrylic partition and the buffet table will not be removed from the living room, I think, sighing as I watch the news(*).


(*) Today, a notice was issued declaring a state of emergency in the Kanto area in response to the new corona infection.



The reason why I have been trying to prevent domestic infections so far is


- It is definitely the "daughters" who carry the virus without any subjective symptoms of infection.


- If I become infected, sick, serious, and at worst, die, my daughters will suffer for the rest of their lives, blaming themselves for "dying their parents."

―― か、どうかは、どうでもいいです。

It doesn't matter whether or not.


I'm not very interested in that. It's a problem for the daughters.


私のモチベーションは、ただ一つ ―― 「苦痛に対する恐怖」です。

My motivation is just "fear of pain".


If the new corona becomes ill and becomes serious, I know that


- the fact that it is not easy to die and that the process of death is "severe"


Even if it heals, it means that the pain of the aftereffects is also terrible.



In the first place, viral infections are like that.



I'm not the kind of person who can say, "If I got it from my family, I don't have a choice.


Posted by ebata