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私は「池上彰のニュース そうだったのか!!」をよく見ます。

I often watch the TV program whose title is "Akira Ikegami's News, Oh I got it!".


The themes in this program are easy to watch, as even I know about 60-70% of each themes


Last night's theme was about the contents of recent high school textbooks. I was looking at it quite seriously.


(This is also related to the theme of my next series).


The impression of the program, was

―― 池上さん。数学、理系科目全般、プログラミング教育について、1mmも触れてくれなかったなぁ

"Ikegami-san. He didn't touch on math, science subjects in general, or programming education, at all"



I've been trying to think of a topic in Mr. Ikegami's past programs that touched on math and science, however I can't remember.


But that's beside the point.



The main character of my favorite novel/anime said,


"The Magazine of 25 Deviations"


and, disrespected a fashion magazine that his sister was reading.


The protagonist of the story is set up as a character who "hates mathematics," and this line alone gives a clear indication of this tendency.


This is because a "magazine with a deviation 25" is not commercially viable.


This is because "25 deviations" is not only an expression of "low intellectual level," but also an expression of "low probability of occurrence.

50 + 10 x Z = 25, Z = -2.5 σ です。

50 + 10 x Z = 25, Z = -2.5 σ.


If you read this value 0。00621 from the standard normal distribution. the number of buyers of the magazine is 6 out of 1000, at the most optimistic.

雑誌の好みもあるので、それらを考慮すると、おそらく 1000人に1人にもならないでしょう。

In addition, according to the magazine preferences, the radio is probably not even one in a thousand.

1学年が100万人。女生徒はその半数として50万人。その0.1% は、500部です。

A school year has one million students. Half of that is 500,000 female students. 0.1% of that is 500 copies.


Even for junior high school students in grades 1-3, there are 1,500 copies nationwide.


By the way, the number of junior high schools in Japan is about 1,000.


It's clear that a magazine that can't handle an order of 10,000 is not commercially viable.


私のような、データ解析で食っているエンジニアだけでなく、どの分野の人間であっても、この程度の計算ができなければ、商売なんぞできない ――

If you can't calculate like that, you can't do any business, even if you are not an engineer like me.


That's what I want Ikegami-san to talk about.


(By the way, this kind of approach is called "Fermi estimation")



"Your criticism of the ignorance of 'a magazine with about 25 deviations' is a proof of your ignorance"

と、雪ノ下にディスられると思うぞ ―― 比企谷。

Hikigaya, you will be disrespected by Yukinoshita.


Posted by ebata