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―― 営業時間外酒類提供をしている店舗の密告制度の導入


The fourth state of emergency has been declared by the Corona disaster in the Tokyo metropolitan area, and restaurants are being asked to close and stop serving alcoholic beverages.


And the minister in charge of economic revitalization caused a stir when he said that financial institutions will be asked to work with restaurants that refuse to stop serving alcoholic beverages or do not respond to requests to close.


As soon as I heard this, I knew in my gut that this would be impossible.


I thought it was too much to ask, not only legally, but also as a request from the government (public office).



As an image,


"Old men on the board of the neighborhood association pressuring local stores to donate money for the summer festival"




"A group of old ladies who want to dance on the podium at Bon Odori without asking and set up the schedule without permission."


It's a way of extending that kind of behavior, I thought.


しかし、この発想 ―― 嫌いじゃない。

But this idea -- I don't hate it.


If I were him, I'd plan something even more outrageous.

―― 営業時間外酒類提供をしている店舗の密告制度の導入

"Introduce a tip-off system for stores that serve alcohol after hours"


People who find such stores and report them will receive a few hundred yen in electronic money (bitcoin, etc.).


As for the informant's personal information, for example, if it is just a bitcoin ID number, it is impossible to trace it back to the informant (which is why bitcoin is a good method for money laundering).



How about the introduction of such a system similar to the "Tonari Gumi(mutual-aid system)" system during the Pacific War?


The song "Tonari Gumi" contains the lyrics "help you, help me", but in reality, it also had the function of making residents monitor each other (jump to Youtube).


People who would speak out about Japan's defeat in the war were tipped off and taken to the police.


This kind of snitching was called 'stabbing'.


This kind of behavior is a common phenomenon in national emergencies, both in ancient and modern times.


In other words, "the people limit their own private rights, and in the end, they tighten their own necks.



The ongoing "desperate" tag-team match between the government and us in the corona disaster might be going,


in the future,


"People at that time were all fools who used infectious diseases as an excuse to be manipulated by the government (state power)"

と軽蔑される可能性は ―― 残念ですけど ―― かなり高いです。

The possibility of us being disrespected like this are -- I'm sorry to say -- quite high.


Posted by ebata