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―― うちの父親が、「やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている」が凄い、って言っていた


The books "My youth romantic comedy is wrong, as I expected" would be a masterpiece.


I don't "admire" that main character. Please don't misunderstand me.


I wanted to write that kind of work.


Well, I don't know what a "romantic comedy" is, I can't write it well, and honestly I don't want to, however that main character's mindset, values, and worldview is what I wanted to write about

ただ、私が書くと、ベースは「ラブコメ」ではなくて、多分「東南アジア 一人旅」になると思うけど ―― うむ、読む人いるかな?

However, if I were to write it, it wouldn't be based on a "romantic comedy" but probably on a "solo trip to Southeast Asia" -- hmm, I wonder if anyone would read it?



And, well, I hope you've explained it in such detail.

―― うちの父親が、「やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている」が凄い、って言っていた

"My father said that "My youth romantic comedy is wrong, as I expected" was great."


I hope you will hesitate a little to tell your friends in a light-hearted way, my daughter?


I'm a little embarrassed.


Posted by ebata