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I am a person who want to overcomes my own sense of discrimination by studying and studying.


However, I am afraid that this heady logic often fails to overcome the disconnect with real-world discriminatory attitudes.


Example 1:

おばさんの服を着た、外見が酷い(不潔感MAX)、肥満で、髭の生えた、清潔感がマイナスに振りきれているおっさん(おばさん)が、ソバを食べている私の横に座った時 ―― 加えて、すさまじい凄い体臭で、私の食欲がゼロになってしまった時、

When the old person in aunt's clothes, who looked terrible, obese, bearded, and had a negative sense of cleanliness, sat down next to me eating buckwheat, in addition to that, when my appetite was reduced to zero due to her tremendous, terrible body odor.


Just the feeling of "disgusting" and "uncomfortable" was enough to push my brain performance to 100%, and the concept of "LGBT" was blown away in front of that person.


The "beautiful" world of comics, novels, and movies is very different from the real world, and right now I don't have a medium to complement the distance between the two.


Example 2:


For a long time, I thought that "gay" was the more discriminatory term between "homo" and "gay," but it wasn't until two years ago that I learned that it was quite the opposite.


So, even when the difference was explained to me in terms of logic, I couldn't keep understanding it.


One day, I heard that the word "homo" has the same meaning as the discriminatory term "negro," and I was finally convinced from the bottom of my heart.


Now I don't use the word "homo", but rather "gay" as a unifying term.


However, you can't understand this story unless you understand the connotation of the word "negro".


In fact, when I mentioned the above to my wife, she looked like "what's what?"



However, I think there are many "heady logicians" like me.


I guess you could call people like me the "LGBT pretenders".


At any rate, the "LGBT pretenders" are only a little bit better than the "people who proudly say they don't understand LGBT".


Unfortunately, I don't think we can expect to find "a way to solve this problem all at once".


I believe that the gap between the "beautiful" world of comics, novels and movies and the real world will be bridged little by little as LGBT people become more and more commonplace.


Posted by ebata