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(8) 「安全な原発攻撃の手順書」の配布と、現場司令官への原発メカニズムの教育の徹底


The following list are things that must be done before starting a war.

(1) 立法府(議会)の掌握

(1) Seize control of the legislature (Congress)

(2) 外国の経済制裁に対する自国経済のロバスト度の数値化と経済シミュレーション

(2) Quantification and economic simulation of the robustness of a country's economy against foreign economic sanctions

(3) 緊急事態宣言下での最高権力者による私権制限の強化の立法措置

(3) Legislative Measures to Strengthen Restrictions on Private Rights by the Supreme Authority under a Declaration of Emergency

(4) インターネット等の国内IPX(インタネットエクスチェンジ)の運用組織の掌握

(4) Seize control of domestic IPX (Internet Exchange) operating organizations such as Internet, etc.

(5) SNS等の運用禁止と、自国政府運用SNSサービスへの国民の誘導

(5) Prohibit the operation of social networking services, etc., and direct citizens to social networking services operated by their own government.

(6) 海外メディアの国外追放

(6) Deportation of foreign media

(7) 反体制勢力、アカデミズムへのスパイの潜入と組織内紛争(内ゲバ)の誘導

(7) Infiltration of spies into dissident forces and academia and induction of intra-institutional conflict (internal conflict)

(8) 「安全な原発攻撃の手順書」の配布と、現場司令官への原発メカニズムの教育の徹底

(8) Distribute safe nuclear power plant attack procedures and thoroughly educate field commanders on nuclear power plant mechanisms.

(9) 外国企業の国有化に関する立法化の(事前の)シナリオ策定

(9) Develop (pre-)scenarios for legislation on nationalization of foreign companies

(10) 敵国の核ミサイル開発疑惑と人体を使った細菌実験疑惑等の捏造証拠資料の、開戦「前」の作成完了と、検証される時間を与えないタイミングでの国外メディアへの開示

(10) Completion of the preparation of fabricated evidence, including allegations of the development of nuclear missiles by the enemy and of germ experiments using human bodies, "before" the outbreak of war, and disclosure to the foreign media at a time that does not give time to verify the evidence.



I am amazed at the number of hands this has appeared in the daily news.


I am sure that there will still be more news of 'what should have been done before starting the war' to come.


I realized that if we are going to start a war, we need to prepare carefully for the worst-case scenario.



Incidentally, during the Pacific War, Japan was also subjected to economic sanctions from around the world, while its government responded in the same way as described above.


In other words, in the last 100 years or so, the paradigm of war has "changed little".



Still, I am amazed at how our country was able to continue the war during the four years of the Pacific War while being subjected to economic sanctions from all over the world.


(No, to be precise, it was because of economic sanctions that they expanded (invaded) southward in search of energy resources.)


At any rate, I notices that the current Russian (presidential) mindset is surprisingly similar to that of the Japanese (politicians and military) mindset before and during the Pacific War.


In fact, it is not surprising that they are similar, since almost 100% of the purpose of war is to "attack (neutralize or demilitarize) a neighboring country" for the reason of "guaranteeing one's own right to exist".


Posted by ebata