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私は、あなたのことを「勇者 ―― ビヨンド エバハラ」、省略して「エバハラ勇者」と命名したいと思います。


Recently, a new type of harassment called "maru-harassment" has become a hot topic.


"It's O.K.." This harassment is named by youth because some fear the "." of the last of "It's O.K.."

もちろん、これを一蹴することは易いですし、反論もできますが ―― 多分、そいうことではないと思うのです。

Of course, it's easy to kick this out and argue -- but maybe that's not the point.



I recognize that 'harassment is a unilateral decision made by the one who feels it, i.e., the victim, and the perpetrator has no defense against it.


We seniors have been reminded of this with "sexual harassment" and "power-harassment" for the last 20 years or so.


There was undoubtedly a time when "sexual harassment = communication" and "power harassment = education," and there was no problem with such treatment in those days (more accurately, "it was a big problem for the parties involved, but the public didn't take it up" is correct).


But times change, society's values change, and what was acceptable in the past is unacceptable today.


It is important to note that unlike "absolute evil" (murder and violence), "social evil" is constantly changing from day to day.


And it is the seniors (the old guys and old ladies, including me) cannot follow up on these changing social evils.


As a senior citizen, I want to see the government issue an official gazette(*) as "a 'social evil' that goes into effect today."


(*)The Official Gazette is a government public relations magazine and plays an important role as a medium for promulgating laws, government ordinances, treaties, etc.


Aside from that.



Regarding "maru-harassment," my blog is full of "maru-harassment."


My sentences are long, so naturally, there is a lot of punctuation.


And above all, these are not the kind of content that people who are afraid of "." will be able to tolerate.


Discussing social networking communication tools, blogs, or novels in the same category may be unreasonable.



However, I can think of something different from this "maru-harassment."


My pages are visited by roughly 4,000 to 5,000 people daily, which has not changed for the past 2 to 3 years (PV is about 1.5 to 2 times that number).

「2~3年間、変動がないことをどう考えるか 』―― これは、なかなかに難しいのです。

"How should I think about the fact that there will be no change for two to three years?" This is a tricky question.


My writing is unique, and the content is harsh (a collection of solid criticism and sarcasm).


It takes a lot of strength, even for me, to keep reading this every day.


My site is at the level of "Ebata harassment," so to speak, which I may name "Ebahara.


Therefore, I believe those of you who visit my pages daily are the brave ones who have overcome this "ebaharah.


At the very least, I think it is not the kind of blog that young people frightened of "maru-harassment" can enter.


Conversely, the 4,000 to 5,000 of you gathered on this blog can be identified as the "brave" who can stand up to Ebata's "ebahara.

私は、あなたのことを「勇者 ―― ビヨンド エバハラ」、省略して「エバハラ勇者」と命名したいと思います。

I want to name you "Brave -- Beyond Ebahara," or "Ebahara Brave" for short.

でも、少なくとも「エバハラ勇者」は"尊称"にはならないでしょう ―― むしろ、悪い"レッテル"になりそうです。

But at the very least, "Ebahara brave" will not be a "title" -- rather, it will be a bad "label."

これらを忌避して生きてもいいんですか ―― いいんです(楽天カードのCM風)。




Posted by ebata