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韓国で戒厳令が施行されたと聞いて、「フェイクニュースにも程がある」と思ったのですが ―― 事実でした。


韓国で戒厳令が施行されたと聞いて、「フェイクニュースにも程がある」と思ったのですが ―― 事実でした。

When I heard that martial law had been declared in South Korea, I thought, “That's taking fake news to the extreme” - but it was true.


Martial law is “a legal measure in which the military seizes administrative and judicial authority in a specific region during a national emergency.” Simply put, the military forcibly suspends the judiciary and administration.


Incidentally, there is no “martial law” in the Japanese constitution.


There are times when the police will restrict your movements (for example, in the event of a crime or disaster).


There have also been instances of the Self-Defense Forces being deployed to maintain public order. Still, there has only been one instance under the current constitution (the Soviet cargo ship riot off the coast of Hachinohe in 1961). In addition, standby orders have been issued to deploy the Self-Defense Forces in response to the Anpo struggle and the movement for the reversion of Okinawa to the Japanese administration.


The Self-Defense Forces' disaster relief activities are not a public security operation (of course).


To begin with, Japan does not have an army, so it is logically impossible to take “legal measures to have the army seize administrative and judicial authority in a specific region.”



The “state of emergency” declarations repeatedly issued during the coronavirus crisis restrict citizens' behavior led by the government and local governments. However, they do not involve military intervention (the law carries them out).


Well, although the “state of emergency declaration” could also be called a “quasi-martial law,” the state of emergency declaration in our country at that time was a finely-tuned declaration that avoided the “collapse of medical institutions” caused by the coronavirus.


I had imagined a situation where people who couldn't reach medical institutions were left dead on the street, so I highly praise the government's response at the time as “brilliant control.”


(Click to go to the column)


Back to the story.



Of course, South Korea has an army, and the constitution also includes a provision for “martial law,” which is the president's sole prerogative.


To begin with, the South Korean military is still engaged in combat with the North Korean military (they have only suspended hostilities).


The President of South Korea can declare martial law at his discretion, and in fact, martial law has been stated several times in the past in South Korea.


The two major events included in history textbooks are the Korean War (1950-1953) and the Gwangju Uprising (1980). Still, martial law was also used to govern the country during the era of dictatorship in Korea (e.g., the Lee Seung-man administration and the Park Chung-hee administration).


で、今回の戒厳令ですが ―― 全く訳が分からんです。

And this martial law - I have no idea what it means.


It seems similar to the “use of domestic governance” during the dictatorship era, but I feel significant discomfort.


I had assumed that the next time martial law would be declared in South Korea would be 'when the <North> invades Seoul,' so I was surprised by this unexpected declaration of martial law.


We'll learn a lot in the next few days, so I'll wait and see what happens.



Posted by ebata