It's a system that allows married couples to choose whether or not to use the same family name, but I'd like them to introduce it as soon as possible and move on to discussing other important issues.
It's a bit late to say this, but this is my stance on names.
If this were a “compulsory system of separate family names for married couples,” I might disagree.
でも「選択」できるんでしょう? 何が問題なんですか?
But we can “choose,” right? What's the problem?
The opposition's arguments are roughly as follows.
- 夫婦別姓が進むと家族の一体感が損なわれるとの懸念。
- 伝統的な「家」制度との整合性の問題。
- 子どもの姓の扱いをどうするかが議論される。
- There is concern that allowing married couples to have separate surnames will undermine the sense of unity within the family.
- There is a problem of consistency with the traditional “family” system.
- There is debate over how to handle the surname of children.
This is not a matter of the 'state,' but of the 'family.' If you have such concerns, you can 'choose' to be a 'same-sex couple.'
I have no intention of criticizing those who make this choice, even by a single millimeter. To begin with, “symbols (in this case, family names)” are critical and valuable assets. This is something that you can easily understand by studying trademark law.
私は『伝統的な「家」制度』というものに対して、例えば、戸主権とか、家督相続とか、婚姻とか、そういうものには、全く価値を感じませんが、国家による管理対象としての「家」制度には価値を認めています ―― つまり「データベースで管理するのに、「家」制度はラク」というのは、多分事実です。
I don't value the rights of the head of the household, their inheritance, or marriage, for example. Still, I recognize the value of the “house” system as a target for state management—in other words, it is probably true that “the ‘house’ system is easy to manage in a database.”
Well, there may also be things like “the priority of being forced to care for one's parents” (it's a disgusting topic, but it's also one aspect of the “house” system).
「子どもの姓の扱い」こそ、家族の問題でしょう。これに国家がどうこういうことには、違和感を感じます ―― というか、私は、人生で1回に限り(法律上、成人の誕生日から30日以内、とか)、無条件に自分の名前を自分で変えられる権利があっても良いと思っているくらいです。
The way children's family names are handled is a family issue. I feel uncomfortable with the state getting involved in this. People should have the right to change their name once in their lifetime (legally, within 30 days of their birthday, etc.) without any conditions.
What's more, I think that it would be okay to introduce a system for creating new family names. (It might be okay to make the conditions stricter than for names).
The government manages citizens solely based on the number on the My Number card, and family names and given names are just convenient “symbols” for life.
私の言っていることは「IPアドレス(マイナンバー)」と「ドメイン名(名字)」と「サブドメイン名(名前)」のパラダイムで説明できると思います ―― 少々乱暴ですが。
I think what I'm talking about can be explained using the paradigm of “IP address (My Number),” “domain name (family name),” and “subdomain name (name)” - a little rough.
I repeat: I understand that “symbols” have value as assets. The value of assets is accompanied by authority, power, and money.
So, there are benefits for same-sex couples.
But it's a “choice”.
I think it is natural that we have the freedom to choose which interests we follow.