ーー もし、今日の宿に困っている人が『今は使われていない、江端家の長女の部屋を使いたい』と言われたら、私はどう行動するか



I once contributed a column about how the Second World War began because of the major powers' protectionist trade policies.


(Jump to the column)


If we were to use a single word to describe protectionism roughly, it would be “self-interest first,” which is precisely the policy pursued by the current US president.


The weapon used in the “country first” principle is “tariffs.” Tariffs are a very convenient tool.


If you want to protect your country's industry, you can raise tariffs, and conversely, if there are products that your country lacks, you can eliminate tariffs (make them 0).


However, this is a card that only large countries with large populations of consumers can use.


Japan also uses this card. For example, search for “konnyaku potato, tariff, Prime Minister Nakasone” on Google. You'll find something interesting.


Leaving that aside.



I only lived in the US for two years, but I know that the people who support the country's living infrastructure (roads, sewers, rubbish) are not immigrants, but I don't know if they are white. They were Hispanic or Latino and currently comprise 18.7% of the population.


It is predicted that in the United States, racial and ethnic groups other than non-Hispanic whites will account for most of the total population in the mid-to-late 2040s, and this is considered almost certain.


In the same way, it is only a matter of time before more than half of the Japanese population will be of immigrant descent.


We should look at the United States and learn from it.



It is not widely known that many Americans tolerate (and perhaps even welcome) legal immigrants.


I think they are angry because “illegal immigrants” are free-riding on American interests.


I think that the only issue in this year's US presidential election was the immigration issue.



I once conducted the following thought experiment to understand the immigration issue.


It's a bit of a trivial thought experiment. Let me think

ーー もし、今日の宿に困っている人が『今は使われていない、江端家の長女の部屋を使いたい』と言われたら、私はどう行動するか

"If someone who is having trouble finding a place to stay today said, “I want to use the room of the eldest daughter of the Ebata family, which is not being used at the moment,” how would I act?"


『誰も使っていないなら、別に問題はないだろう?』『今日の命のかかっている人がいて、その人たちに居住地を提供することは、当然だ』と人道的かつ論理的には思えますが ―― でも私は、それに同意しない、と思う。

'If no one is using it, then there's no problem, right?', 'There are people whose lives depend on it today, so it's only natural to provide them with a place to live' - it seems humane and logical, but I disagree.


I am confident that I would say cold words to that poor person, telling them to go to someone else's house, and even if they said, “Then, are you telling me to go outside and freeze to death!” I would still shut the door and lock it, committing a cruel act.

私は自分の管轄している領域に、私の知らない人間が入ってくるのが、耐えられないのです ―― 人命というもっとも大切な価値に対してさえ、私は、自分の感情を優先させると思います。

I can't stand it when people I don't know come into the area I'm in charge of - I think I put my feelings before the most critical value of human life.

私の家は、私の権力(or ガバナンス)の及ぶ最小単位であり、そこに制御できるかどうか分からない"モノ"や"ヒト"が入ってくることが、恐しく、怖くて、そして嫌なのです。

My house is the smallest unit over which I have power (or governance), and I am afraid, scared, and dislike the idea of “things” or “people” that I cannot control coming into it.

私(たち)は、多くの場合人類愛を叫びますが、多くの場合、それは自分のガバンナンスの効力範囲外のもの ―― 自分との関係が限りなくゼロに近い、世界の遠くのどこかのこと、が条件になっているのです。

In many cases, we shout out our love for humanity. Still, in many cases, this is conditional on something outside the scope of our governance - something far away in the world, with a relationship to ourselves close to zero.

『カラマーゾフの兄弟』の中の「人類を愛するほど、人間一人一人を愛することが難しくなる」とか、ライナス・ヴァン・ペルトの「人類は愛せる。だが人間は愛せない」というものであり、英語では"NIMBY(Not In My Back Yard)"という略語があります。直訳すると「自分の裏庭にはごめんだ」という意味です。

There is a saying in “The Brothers Karamazov” that “the more you love humanity, the more difficult it becomes to love each human being,” and there is also a saying by Linus van Pelt that “you can love humanity, but you can't love humans.” In English, there is an abbreviation for this saying called “NIMBY” (Not In My Back Yard). A direct translation of this would be, “I don't want it in my backyard.”


This expression refers to the psychological state of wanting a socially necessary facility or project (such as a waste disposal plant or power plant) to be built in an area other than where you live while acknowledging its importance.



In the recent US presidential election, the side that directly stated this (the Republican Party) won.


In Europe, the far-right is now gaining momentum on the issue of immigration.


Incidentally, the Japanese are an exclusive people (I think they're probably one of the most exclusive in the world).

なにしろ、2023年の日本国の難民認定と米国のそれは、303人 対 12万5000人(1:417)です。

After all, the number of refugees recognized by Japan is 2,023, while the number recognized by the United States is 303 to 125,000 (1:417).

私の知る限り『303人とは少なすぎる! 日本は、米国の人口比から合わせて、年間4万人の難民を受けいれるべきだ!』と言っている人を、私は、これまで、一人も見たことがありません。

To the best of my knowledge, I have never seen anyone say, “303 people are too few! Japan should accept 40,000 refugees a year, based on the population ratio of the United States!”.



So, when it comes to the issue of immigration (particularly refugees), Japan is in a position where it “cannot say a single word” to Europe.


I think the Japanese government and people have no position to take on the issue of the current US president's involvement in and victory.



Posted by ebata