私は、人工知能(Artifical Intelligent:AI)なるものは存在せず、これからも出現しない ―― と、ずっと言って続けてきた当事者です。


私は、人工知能(Artifical Intelligent:AI)なるものは存在せず、これからも出現しない ―― と、ずっと言って続けてきた当事者です。

I have always said, “There is no such thing as artificial intelligence (AI), and there never will be.”


However, I am now a “generative AI addict” who can confidently say that I can't live without generative AI.


I've always thought that “intelligence” and “intellect” were more complex, profound, and mysterious.


However, recently, I have begun to revise my view of human intelligence/intellect downward, thinking, “Perhaps human intelligence is as simple as the mechanism of generative AI.


If human intelligence and intellect are as low-level as generative AI, I am prepared to change my thinking and say, “Artificial intelligence already exists.”


Let's be frank.


This is not a “change” but a “Turnaround”.

"江端" "転向"でwww.kobore.netをサーチしてみた



From the perspective that jobs will disappear for humans due to the creation of AI, we Japanese, who are currently experiencing a dramatic population decline, can be considered lucky.


It would be lucky if the quality of service could be maintained even if the number of people decreased.


However, the number of job types is decreasing because working conditions are becoming stricter, which is unlucky.


That said, the approach of “finding work that generative AI cannot do” is probably incorrect.


We should learn from the past.



It was once said that 'once computers (including personal computers) appeared, we would have nothing to do,' but we now have more to do than we can handle. And to be honest, computers haven't made us happy.


It has been said that “once nuclear weapons appeared, humanity would stop going to war,” but within the framework of nuclear deterrence, controlled warfare continues.


It is said that “since the Harbor-Bosch method was created, humanity will no longer starve,” and logically, this should be the case, but it is not.

この発明によって、人類は「食料不足を補う為に、領土を奪い合う戦争」というパラダイムを終了させた ―― はずでした。

『好きな時間に好きな音楽や映画を見られるようになったら、エンタメ産業は全滅する』と言われました ―― サブスク流行っていますが、エンタメ産業は全滅していません。

It was said that “if people can watch the music and movies they want, whenever they want, the entertainment industry will be wiped out” - - although subscriptions are popular, the entertainment industry has not been wiped out.

『リモートで仕事ができるようになったら、街はゴーストタウンになる』―― いや、そういう社会は大歓迎なのですが、そうなっていません。せっかく、世界的なパンデミックという稀有な機会を得た後でさえ、です。

'If we can work remotely, the town will become a ghost town' - no, we would welcome such a society, but it hasn't happened. Even after we had the rare opportunity of a global pandemic.



In this way, it is not the case that “if generative AI becomes mainstream, we will be unable to work.”


We will become even busier, and in a way that will make us unhappy.


Whether it's a computer or a smartphone, we've probably gained more bad things than good.

# 例えば、子供たちを自殺に追いやり続けるSNSとか、芸能人のギャラを搾取するサブスクとか、四六時中、気が休まらないチャットとか。

# For example, social networking services that continue to drive children to suicide, subscriptions that exploit the fees of celebrities, and chats that don't let you rest at all.



Anyway, you don't need to worry about finding work. Different jobs will arise. We don't have to think about it every time,


However, I cannot say whether or not that work will make us happy.


My outlook is quite negative.


Posted by ebata