VSCode(Visual Studio Code)は、Microsoftが開発した無料のオープンソースのコードエディタです。軽量でありながら高機能で、多くのプログラミング言語に対応しています。
VSCode (Visual Studio Code) is a free, open-source code editor developed by Microsoft. It is lightweight yet highly functional and supports many programming languages.
The other day, my Go program stopped working when I added an extension to VSCode.
This PC is the machine that is in charge of almost all of the programs related to my work, so it's not an exaggeration to say that “half of me has been killed.”
# 「人生の半分を損している」というレベルとは違います。
# This is not the same as “losing half of your life.”
However, from experience, I know that if you try various things in a panic in a situation like this, you can destroy the PC system itself beyond repair, not to mention the program development environment (or rather, I think the number of systems I've destroyed is in the triple digits).
So, I was working to restore the Go language environment that had stopped working with the help of ChatGPT.
When I reinstalled Go and ran it, I was told to download a binary with a different revision number, which I did.
As a result, the program environment now appeared to have recovered, so that was good, but
―― バージョンの枝番まで細かく命令されて、それに従っている私って・・・
"I'm being ordered to follow the version branch number in detail..."
I felt that way.
Well, I'm probably a hostage with over 300 (maybe over 1000) self-made programs, so I have no choice but to work as the environment commands.
However, I can't shake the feeling that I am “subordinate to VSCode.”
Well, but now I am already “enslaved to generative AI.”
So, I also feel like, 'What is the point now?
とは言え、VSCodeを使っていて、マルクスの『資本論』における「労働の疎外(Entfremdete Arbeit)(*)」を実感することになるとは思いませんでした。
However, I never thought that using VSCode would make me realize the “alienation of labor” in Marx's “Das Kapital” (*).
(*) A reversal in which the tools (means of production) humans should control and use end up controlling them in a capitalist society.