―― 『政府の施策に国民の多くが自発的に応じた』という、戦後史におけるレアケース
I used to write a series of columns on the “new coronavirus infection and vaccines,” based on a report sent to me by Dr. Shibata, and add my interpretation.
(Jump to the first column)
I still remember that.
―― 政府の大規模ワクチン摂取が始まったら、それまで大混乱だった病院内が一気に静まった
"Once the government's mass vaccination program began, the previously chaotic hospital suddenly quieted down."
(If I'm wrong, please let me know, Dr. Shibata).
At the time, I understood it as an image of 'the huge amount of items that couldn't be processed that were flowing on the conveyor belt suddenly not coming.'
It was a different perspective from the “numbers” of new infections reported on the NHK news, and I remember thinking, “This is a scene that can only be seen by someone on the front line.
The vaccine's effects, side effects, and after-effects are still being verified. This is a good thing, as verification from a medical or scientific perspective should continue in the future.
マスクは、新型コロナ感染に、なんの効果もなかった ―― という発表が、数年~十数年後にされる可能性は「ゼロ」とは言えないのです。
the important thing here is that
―― そのベルトコンベアの物品を止めたのは、ワクチンを打った国民
"The people who stopped the items on the conveyor belt were the people who had been vaccinated."
Looking at this from a different perspective, I think that the large-scale vaccination program carried out by the government was
―― 『政府の施策に、国民の多くが、自発的に応じた』という、我が国戦後史におけるレアケース
"A rare case in the post-war history of our country, in which 'many of the citizens voluntarily responded to the government's measures'"
At any rate, I think our country's national character is to 'suspect government measures in principle.'
Is that just prejudice?
でも、『太平洋戦争時に、政府と軍部とマスコミに欺かれ続けた』 ―― という記憶は、日本人のDNAになっていると、私は思っています。
However, I believe that the memory of “being deceived by the government, the military, and the media during the Pacific War” is part of the Japanese people's DNA.
New testimony has been reported regarding the illegal activities and tax evasion (including cash back) surrounding the political funding party held by ruling party Diet members yesterday.
I thought those in charge of national affairs were firmly maintaining this DNA of the Japanese people.