

Yesterday, I considered the topic from the perspective of “AI as a project leader,” but this time, I would like to think about it from a different perspective.



Recently, I've been hearing the term "generation AI abandonment," but as someone who uses ChatGPT daily, I find it a little hard to believe.


There may be differences in the type of business (field) and how it is used.


In the programming world, I think that generative AI is “usable,” but it may come with the following conditions.


'The persons have the skills to point out the problems in the code created by generative AI.'



Sometimes, I think it is pretty essential to have the skill to look at the program (code) you have requested, think, “That's strange,” and ask, “Is this wrong?”

ChatGPTやGithub Copilotは素直な奴なので、私の指摘が正しければ、直ちにその場で修正を行うし、私の指摘が間違っていれば、私の間違いを理由とともに説明します。

ChatGPT and Github Copilot are straightforward, so if I'm right, they'll fix it right away, and if I'm wrong, they'll explain why I'm wrong.


If you only have one-way communication, where you ask a question and then get an answer, the generated AI may not be that good, but if you keep asking questions and getting answers, you will have a very reassuring partner.


The person who named the generative AI “Copilot” has good taste.



“generation AI abandonment" may mean “I can't understand what the copilot is saying/I can't discuss with the copilot.”


After all, I suspect that the “generation AI abandonment” is a lazy person's idea of trying to solve everything by throwing everything at the generation AI.



Posted by ebata