録画した「NHKスペシャル 約束はどこへ 原発事故14年 さまよう除染土」は、これから見る予定です。
I plan to watch the recorded “NHK Special: Where is the Promise? 14 Years after the Nuclear Accident: Wandering Decontaminated Soil” now.
I think it would be better if the decontaminated soil were “made obligatory to be taken back by ‘any corporation or individual in proportion to the amount of electricity they used in Fukushima.’”
However, I (Ebata) was thoroughly pointed out by ChatGPT for my “ignorance.”
■(By Fermi's estimation), the amount of decontaminated soil taken from our house is roughly 1.93 cubic meters (enough to fill a bath 8-10 times)
Frankly, I was surprised that it was more than I expected, but I still thought, 'If I pile it up in the yard, there's nothing I can't do.
Later, however, ChatGPT pointed out the difficulty of managing decontaminated soil individually.
(1) 放射線防護対策が必要で、遮蔽対策として、厚さ30cm以上のコンクリートや鉛シートが必要となり、『必要な時以外は近づかない』という対策が必要 → これでは『自宅を放棄する』と同義です。
(1) Radiation protection measures require concrete or lead sheets at least 30 cm thick as shielding measures, and 'stay away from the area except when necessary. → This is equivalent to 'abandoning your home.
(2)拡散防止対策が必要で、除染土を厚手のポリ袋(フレコンバッグ)やドラム缶に密封し、さらに、防水・防塵シート(ブルーシートではなく鉛シートやターポリン系の厚手のもの)で二重に覆い、加えて、雨水が浸透しないように、排水溝や盛土も必要 → 自宅を建てる費用より高額になるんじゃないか?
(2) Countermeasures are required to prevent the spread of the contamination. The decontaminated soil must be sealed in thick plastic bags (flexible container bags) or drums and covered with a double layer of waterproof and dustproof sheets (not blue sheets but thick lead sheets or tarpaulins), in addition to drainage channels and fill to prevent rainwater from infiltrating → It is more expensive than building your own house. Wouldn't that be a lot of money?
(3)さらに、周辺土壌の放射線モニタリングまでもやらなければならない → うん、日本全土がモニタリングポストだらけになるだろう(でも、それは、仕方ないとも思う)
(3) In addition, radiation monitoring of the surrounding soil must also be conducted → Yes, Japan will be covered with monitoring posts (but I don't think that's an option).
In conclusion, ChatGPT told me it is almost impossible for an individual to manage decontaminated soil safely.
'Isn't the decontamination process complete for the decontaminated soil?' I asked, and ChatGPT gave me many points that sounded like they were yelling at me, 'Idiot!' I received a mountain of pointed questions as if they were yelling at me, “Are you an idiot?”
Below is just a summary (as the points made are too long to write).
Decontamination” is a measure to reduce radiation, not to render it harmless.
■Nature of radioactive materials: Long half-life and does not disappear completely. In particular, cesium-137 and strontium-90 continue to emit radiation for nearly 30 years, so decontamination does not eliminate the danger.
■It is hopelessly impossible for residents to bring back decontaminated soil from the site because “proper management is necessary over a long period.
Well, that's logical if I think about it.
現在も避難指示が解除されていない区域は、約310平方キロメートルもあります(名古屋市:約326 平方キロメートルとほぼ同じ)。
The area where the evacuation order has not been lifted is about 310 square kilometers (about the same as Nagoya City: about 326 square kilometers).
And the reality is that approximately 7,800 residents who lived there can still not return to their homes.
There is no way that an amateur individual can easily manage such troublesome and dangerous decontaminated soil.
I thought I knew about the mechanism of nuclear power plants, but I had no idea about decontaminated soil (and water).
However, many people probably know as much as I do.
I disclosed this reprimand from ChatGPT, hoping you will be as 'ashamed of your ignorance' as I am.
廃炉の問題だけでなく、福島原発事故に関して完了している事項は一つもない ―― 原発再稼動の議論の前に、今一度、考えなくてはならないと、私は思うのです。
There is not a single matter that has been completed regarding the Fukushima nuclear accident, not just the issue of decommissioning -- I believe that we must think about this once again before discussing the restart of nuclear power plants.
===== 追記 =====
===== Added =====
該当条文:第3条第2項 「国は、中間貯蔵開始後三十年以内に、福島県外で最終処分を完了するために必要な措置を講ずるものとする。」
Name of Law: Interim Storage and Environmental Safety Corporation Law (JESCO Law)
Applicable Article: Article 3, Paragraph 2: “The national government shall take necessary measures to complete final disposal outside Fukushima Prefecture within 30 years after the commencement of interim storage.”
......The penalties were there, but the content did not violate Article 3.2.
"If any auditor or employee, in connection with his duties, accepts, demands, or promises to accept a bribe, he shall be imprisoned for a term not exceeding three years. If he thereby commits an improper act or fails to perform a reasonable act, he shall be punished with imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years.”
I don't care; it doesn't matter.
「国が第3条2項違反 = 30年以内の福島県外で最終処分を未完了」となってしまった場合、どうなるのかもChatGPTに聞いてみました。
I also asked ChatGPT what would happen if the “national government violates Article 3.2 = final disposal not completed outside Fukushima prefecture within 30 years”.
■ Since Article 3.2 of the JESCO Act does not contain penalties, it is likely that it will not be immediately illegal for the government to fail to complete final disposal within 30 years.
■Although citizens and local governments can file lawsuits, it is difficult to legally compel the government to do so because of the “duty to make efforts” provision.
■ In practice, it is highly likely that “deadline extensions” or “policy changes” will be made as the 30-year period approaches.
■ Therefore, it cannot be said to be a violation of the law, but rather is more likely to be treated as a political issue.
I knew that would be the case.