―― もしかしたら人間の知的能力(ChatGPTに相当する能力)というのも、電力量の単位で置き換えられるかもしれない


In the past, “100W bulbs” were commonly used.


Most of them have been replaced by LED bulbs, which consume roughly 1/5 of the power (20W) for the same amount of light.

比して、ラズパイ(Raspberry Pi 4 Model B)の消費電力は、5.5~7Wくらいです。

In comparison, the power consumption of Raspberry Pi (Raspberry Pi 4 Model B) is about 5.5 to 7W.



On a recent business trip, I confirmed that a single Raspi can transfer four real-time video images in an experimental system at a factory.


We also use Raspi to run a multi-agent simulator database with 20,000 people running simultaneously.


Given cost performance,

―― コンピュータ(というか半導体)って、凄いなぁ

"Computers (or semiconductors) are awesome!"


I realize that this is not the case.



I have previously talked about a future in which the power consumption of computers, which are supposed to be outstandingly cost-effective, will “explode” due to generative AI.

―― 生成AIの登場が、これまでの私の仮説を、次から次へとひっくり返しに来ているなぁ


This is a good indication of the tremendous amount of electricity used by generative AI.



I was thinking about this, and it occurred to me that,

―― もしかしたら人間の知的能力(ChatGPTに相当する能力)というのも、電力量の単位で置き換えられるかもしれない

"Perhaps human intellectual capacity (equivalent to ChatGPT) could also be replaced by units of electricity."


Units of calories can replace units of electric power.


For example,

100W の電力を1時間(3600秒)使用した場合のカロリー量は、

The amount of calories for one hour (3600 seconds) of 100 W of power is the following.

Ecal=100×36004.184860,420 calE_{\text{cal}} = \frac{100 \times 3600}{4.184} \approx 860,420 \text{ cal}

これは、ざっくり、860 kcal は 約1時間半のランニング(10 km/h) や 約3時間のウォーキング(5 km/h) に相当します。これは、一般的な成人が1日に消費するカロリーの約1/3~1/2に匹敵する運動量です。

Roughly, 860 kcal is equivalent to about 1.5 hours of running (10 km/h) or 3 hours of walking (5 km/h). This is equivalent to about 1/3 to 1/2 of the calories a typical adult burns daily.


So far, we have discussed the commonly used “relationship between physical activity, calories, and body weight.”



But here's the difference.


The time will come when the reports made by ChatGPT (and their power) and my reports will be compared by professors or supervisors and judged by the numbers.


"Yeah, this Ebata's report is likely to “10 watts."


Such is the emergence of the world.


It is a disgusting world.


The most disgusting part of this world is that there can be an induction, derived from the idea that “people who use their brains use more energy,” into the false perception that “fat people don't use their brains.”


No, to be precise, I do not have any logical basis for saying this is 'wrong.' I cannot deny the possibility that it may be 'scientifically correct.'


I never really thought about it, but now that I think about it, I can't remember any scientist or businessman on TV or at Nobel Prize ceremonies who thought, 'This person is so fat.



Anyway, at this stage, I would like to warn you about the possibility of someone saying there is a relationship between “intelligent physical activity and weight.”


Let's stop at “just physical activity and weight.” No one will be happy if you go any further than that.


I can't live my life if I have to quantify the amount of exercise my brain does.



But in my case, I certainly lose weight after writing a paper or right after complex programming.


In the worst cases, I have lost about 2 kg, which can be horrifying.


Also, I lose weight when my mental health is hit. I lose weight at an alarming rate.



Recently, I have resolved program issues with two of my projects.


One was a bug I had been struggling with for about six months, so I was relieved when I found this.


The other is those above “confirm four real-time video transfers.


I am now 2 kg overweight (from the standard weight at the time of the physical exam).


Posted by ebata