無人の実家 ―― 江端のセキュリティシステムがガッチリ守っていますが ―― に帰省して、実に半年ぶりの庭手入れをしました。
I went to uninhabited my parents house, and tended the garden for the first time in six months, though Ebata's security system is protecting my garden.
The garden was getting out of control because of the weeds.
We cut all the grass and trees with an electric chainsaw and then laid down 50m square meters of weed control sheeting.
For the plants and trees cut, I used 14 bags of garbage for collection.
What helped me this time was a portable mosquito coil.
I bought two of these and wore them on the front and back of my pants.
I have found that the more primitive the object, the more effective it is.
During the previous day's work, there were several bush mosquito bites, but today there was no damage.
And that's beside the point.
Last night my arms were shaking and I couldn't use chopsticks.
本気で「アル中」になったのかと思いましたよ ―― 禁酒してかなり経つというのに。
I seriously thought I have been an "alcoholic" -- however, I've been sober for quite a while now.
Apparently it's due to overuse of the electric chainsaw. I was able to get it fixed this morning.
しかし、腰から背中への痛み(筋肉痛)が半端ではなく、午前中はなんども眩暈(めまい)を起こして、作業を中断しながらの作業でした ―― ちなみに、飲料水はリットルレベルで補給していましたが。
But the pain (muscle pain) of my back was so bad. In the morning, I got dizzy many times and had to stop working for a while. Even I was replenishing my drinking water at the liter level.
It's a phenomenon I've never experienced before and I'm a bit shocked.
コロナ自粛による運動不足か ―― もう本格的に「老化」かもしれません。
Lack of exercise due to Corona self-restraint -- it may be full-blown "aging" already.