

Like many young people, I used to 'strum' the folk guitar in junior high school.


When I say 'I was 'strumming,' I just 'strummed'... I could hold down an F code, the upper limit of my guitar skills.


One of my friends once asked me if I would like to perform in a live concert.


Of course, I was a 'fool' of my stature then, just like anyone else.


However, as expected, I had enough sense to think that it would be "strange, no matter how you think about it," to invite someone who can only "hold the F code" to perform live.


Naturally, I refused. No matter how stupid I was, I could at least judge whether I could perform in public.

なんで、こんなことを書いているかというと、Amazon Primeで「ぼっち・ざ・ろっく」をぼんやりと眺めているうちに、ふと、このことを思い出したからです。

I am writing this because I suddenly remembered this while idly watching "Botch the Rock" on Amazon Prime.



Now that I think back on it, maybe it was something like a

―― ライブ詐欺

"Live scam"


Maybe it was like that.


Live scam" is a term I just came up with, but wouldn't it be enough if the scam was, for example, 'forced to sell a quota of live tickets'?


Moreover, I was just a junior high school student without any law knowledge. I could have easily fooled them.


I thought it was strange then but didn't think it was suspicious.

『眩しいくらいに無垢で純粋な私(江端)』 ―― 今の私からは想像もできないような私が、当時は、確かに存在していたのです。

I was 'dazzlingly innocent and pure (Ebata)' - I certainly existed then in a way that I can't even imagine from what I am now.



Once again, I think,


"It's so easy to cheat a child."


I am now deeply aware of this.


I thought that in the future, when I am out of work, hungry, and in real trouble, I will become an "adult who targets children.


To be frank, this is easy.


After all, the people you are cheating do not know the law and are not even aware that they are the victims of a crime.



Therefore, I think that adults who force children to engage in sexual acts or scam them out of money should be 'removed from this society.


I think we can divide offenders dealing with children from other offenders. I don't think they should have a chance for rehabilitation."


If that is not possible, I believe that even if we apply the general law, we can permanently record criminal records as digital tattoos on the personal number card.

『子どもに手を出した奴に、未来はない』 ―― それでいい、と思う。

'There is no future for those who commit crimes against children' -- that's fine, I guess.


I support the fact that the law is slowly changing in that direction.



Posted by ebata