

(Part 1.)


My second daughter said the following to a friend who did not get a job offer at my company.


"As far as the way my father works, that company is “black,” so you are lucky." 



No, it's not (I think).

私が四六時中働いているように見えるのは、私にとって業務の内容が難しくて、時間がかかりすぎていることが主要因です ―― 会社が"ブラック"であるかどうかは、私には分かりません。

The main reason I seem to work around the clock is that the work is too difficult and time-consuming for me -- I don't know if the company is “black” or not.


I know that my temperament is a problem. I can't say, 'I can't do it. '


However, I think I am doing the best I can, but I don't think I have received much praise.


Maybe my efforts are going in the wrong direction.


Anyway, in my case, I can only pat myself on the back.



(Part 2.)


When my daughters were young, I asked them the following questions:



(1) A dad who comes home early every day and can have dinner with everyone,


(2) A dad who comes home late daily but can take his children to Tokyo Disneyland twice a year.


Which do you prefer, (1) or (2)?



My two daughters didn't answer the question, and they just mouthed it to each other.

―― パパ、無理して早く帰宅しなくていいよ

“Dad, you don't have to come home early."


They replied.


Posted by ebata