

I found a book titled “Motivating People Who Hate Change” (I haven't read it).


When I find a book with a title like this, I immediately want to be sarcastic.


Some people may not like “change that moves people who don't like change.” Can this book change their mind?



This book's antithesis (the title) is “Letting ‘People Who Hate Change’ alone.”


More simply put, 'Leave people alone.




I know firsthand that if you are on the “moving side of things,” people who are averse to change are a terrible hindrance.


I think to myself, “I am a very selfish person,” but as the organizer (host), I try to get others involved, exerting my fearsome power to “get things moving.

これが一転、参加者(ゲスト)側にいる私は、ホストに対して非常に非協力的な存在 ―― 「邪魔くさい存在」になります。

This turns around, and I, on the participant (guest) side, become very uncooperative with the host -- a “distraction.”



That this is true can be illustrated by a crude example.


(Case 1)


The organizer of a drinking party is scrambling to arrange a venue, coordinate time, and keep track of the number of attendees. Without proper management of these matters, the event of a drinking party would not be possible.


In contrast, attendees at a drinking party are slow to reply to a call for attendance and cancel without hesitation on the day of the party. They only pay the fee and act as if they are exempted from liability.


(Case 2)


The moderator who facilitates a meeting or the host of a wedding has to manage the day's scheduling down to the second, but the speaker or the person giving the speech doesn't care about that; they behave as they please and destroy the event itself.


In my experience, the content of speeches given by people who do not pay attention to the time is not only “boring” but also “painful,” and their content is often “inept.


I previously wrote about a principal in elementary and middle schools with no presentation skills.



“People are not interested in people or things other than themselves.


Surprisingly, many adults are doing adult work without knowing these basic principles.


In any case, it is true that 'moving people who don't like change' is quite tricky.


私は、この本を批判している訳ではありません ―― そもそも、まだ読んでいないです。

I am not criticizing the book -- I haven't read it yet.


So I just made a reservation at the library.


I will write more thoughts after I read it.


Perhaps this book will inspire me to write a column titled “Letting People Who Hate Change Alone.”



Posted by ebata