ここで敢えて言いましょう ―― がんばれ!兵庫県知事、しがみつけ!兵庫県知事。明日の私の日記のネタの為に。


I am so interested in the Tokyo Trials that I still play the audio of the movie “Tokyo Trials” in the background while I work.

―― 江端家のトイレライブラリの書架にある「はみだしっ子」が、娘たちに貸出された形跡がない


I had the basics of the law hammered into me in a seminar on patent law, so I naturally have my doubts about the legality of the “Tokyo Tribunal” (mainly about the “prohibition of retroactive punishment”).


However, I think the historical significance of the “Tokyo Trials” was very significant.


If there had been no trial, the “Nanking Incident,” the “Bataan Death March,” and the “Manchurian Incident” would have ended with the execution of the war leaders, with nothing known about them.



The national character of our country is that “once the defendant has committed suicide or resigned, we stop pursuing the case afterward.


Regardless of the pros and cons, I believe this is one of the “Fair World Hypothesis.”

『北朝鮮に拉致された人は、きっと、その国の人間として、普通に幸せに暮しているよ』―― と。


So, for my part, I want to know about the current Hyogo governor's “power harassment allegations,” “misconduct allegations,” “punishment of the accuser and suicide,” and “obstruction of the establishment of a third-party committee” make my judgment, and discuss them in my own words, so I want the governor “never to commit suicide or resign.

ここで敢えて言いましょう ―― がんばれ!兵庫県知事、しがみつけ!兵庫県知事。明日の私の日記のネタの為に。

Let me dare to say here -- Hang in there! Governor Hyogo. Hang on there! Governor Hyogo. For my diary entry tomorrow.


Posted by ebata