

When I see a documentary or something by a pilot of the Air Self-Defense Force, I am honestly impressed and think, “That's great.


I am grateful to the Self-Defense Forces for their talent and training, giving life to our fighters, and serving in our national defense.


However, from now on, that pilot will probably become the weakest link in the fighter.


The human body is not designed to ride on a moving vehicle with “6G” that can change from positive to negative in seconds.

どう考えても、「これからの戦闘機は、無人機になっていく」 ―― が流れです。

No matter how you look at it, the trend is that “future fighter planes will be unmanned”—that is the trend.



But this “unmanned fighter aircraft” has its problems.


First, signal transmission is a problem for remote control. Sending a control signal to an object moving at the speed of sound is a challenging task. Radio waves, especially, are vulnerable to external interference, not to mention weather. It is apparent with the rise of drone weapons in recent years.


In addition, there is the problem of control delay (if the response is even 0.1 second too slow, the aircraft can quickly be shot down).


とすれば、独立型の知能 ―― AI搭載戦闘機になりますが、正直、こいつは『何をやらかすか分からん』のです。

If so, it will be an independent intelligence and AI-equipped fighter, but to be honest, nobody knows what the AI something will do.


Since machines equipped with AI technology only follow the given rules correctly, they will attack foreign fighter jets that violate airspace with missiles at that moment. If they are not good enough, they may shoot down civilian planes as well.

ルールに何十ものフェールセーフをかけたとしても、予想もせぬ条件では、コンピュータ(AI技術)が何をやるかは、分からないのです(私は、システムエンジニアとして、山ほど経験してきました。『あ! そんなところに、そんなところにif文(抜け穴)がぁぁぁ!!』です)。

Even with dozens of fail-safes in the rules, you never know what the computer (AI technology) will do under unexpected conditions (I've experienced this a lot as a systems engineer. 'Oh! There is an if statement (loophole) in such and such a place!)


“human hesitation” has saved the world from ruin so far.


I don't know what the people in charge of national defense and warfare are thinking, but as an engineer, I am interested in what the future holds regarding “unmanned fighter aircraft.”



I am not interested in the movie Top Gun because I think that the excellent skills of the so-called “Top Gun” pilots will one day be taken away by machines (AI technology), and I can't get into the movie.

それは、数学、科学、ITができない奴が虐げられる世界 ―― 『理系にあらざれば、人にあらず』


Posted by ebata