

The number of slander cases on social networking sites, emails, posts, graffiti, and blogs is endless; written messages can destroy people's hearts.


To begin with, “text messages” have the troublesome properties of (1) not involving communication in the real world, (2) causing a time lag of several hours or more in response, and (3) not being able to share the background situation.


When we think about it like that, we could say that “text messages” are an imperfect and flawed communication tool.


So, it is only natural that if this “imperfect and inadequate tool” is handled by someone who is even more imperfect and lacks writing literacy, it will become "something worse."

いっそのこと、SNSとかメールとかブログとかを記載する権限を、免許制度にしても良いのではないでしょうか ―― SNSが、交通事故と同様に、人を傷付け、殺害するものなのは明かなのですから。

Why not make it a licensing system that requires people to have permission to use social networking services, email, blogs, etc. - because it is clear that social networking services can hurt and even kill people in the same way as traffic accidents.


Suppose you can operate your SNS account without any accidents. In that case, they will reward you as a “Gold SNSer,” but they may punish you and even be banned from the SNS platform if you receive a complaint about a defamatory message.

しかし、そういう制度は、簡単に権力サイドが濫用する(言論統制)ので、法制度に入れない方がいいですが ―― 「民間機関による格付け」くらいのサービスなら、だれかやってもいいとは思います。

However, such a system could easily be abused by those in power (to control speech), so it would be better not to include it in the legal system. However, if it is a service like “rating by a private organization,” anyone can do it.

しかし、一方、民間でそういうサービスを始めれば、ネット上の組織的なイジメできるようになります ―― とまあ、どれほど考えても、『これ』といった決め手がありません。

However, if such a service starts in the private sector, it will become possible to cyber-bully systematically on the internet. Therefore, no matter how much you think about it, there is no 'decisive factor.'

―― 「SNSでの誹謗中傷はやめよう」とは言う人はいても、「SNSを使うのをやめよう」と言う人はいない



So, I have a suggestion: how about 'drafting using generative AI'?


I tried the following conversation with ChatGPT.

===== ChatGPTへの依頼ここから =====

===== Request to ChatGPT From here =====


Please convert the following email text to avoid sounding like power harassment.


“I have not received the report due to be submitted last Friday. Please submit it as soon as possible.”

===== ChatGPTへの依頼ここまで =====

===== Request to ChatGPT ends here =====

===== ChatGPTからの回答ここから =====

===== Answer from ChatGPT =====


If you make the following changes, the expression will become softer and less likely to be perceived as power harassment.


'I haven't been able to check the report due last Friday, so I was wondering how things are going. I apologize for bothering you when you are busy, but it would be a big help if you could respond as soon as possible.


This expression politely conveys that the report has not yet arrived without putting pressure on the other party and requests that they respond as soon as possible.

===== ChatGPTからの回答ここまで =====

===== ChatGPT's response ends here =====


The generative AI will fix your sentences like this.


This function is standard equipment for social networking services and email clients.

私が知らないだけで、すでに実装されているような気がする、と思い調べてみたところ、"Grammarly"、"HyperWrite"、"Assistr.ai"などのツールがあるようです ―― というか、"Grammarly"は、私が有償で使っているツールです(ずっと英文翻訳のチェックに使っていましたが、たしかに"Tone"とかいう項目がありました)。

I thought that there might be tools like “Grammarly,” “HyperWrite,” and “Assistr.ai” that I just didn't know about, so I looked into them. It seems that there are tools like that—or rather, “Grammarly” is a tool that I use for a fee (I've been using it to check English translations, and there is indeed an item called “Tone”).


Leaving that aside.



The following is the worst case in Japanese history involving “text messages.”


Therefore, I am proposing using simultaneous translation tools for diplomacy between politicians.


we can 'force the cause of foreign policy problems onto AI.'


In the same way, defamation cases on social networking sites are the most accessible means to push onto generative AI (such as ChatGPT).


In addition, it is unlikely that a sentence created by a generative AI would cause such an incident.


Before long, there may come a time when people say, “Are you stupid for letting your poor writing go out as it is and causing a stir?”.


Posted by ebata