忠臣蔵も、プロジェクトXも、日本のシンドラーも、つまるところ『コンプライアンス違反』である ―― そして、違法行為が、「正義」になったり「人道」になったりすることはよくあり、逆に「正義」や「人道」が、違法行為であるということもよくある


I train myself every day to look at things from an angle.


This is because I have been burned a few times for siding with the majority (of course, siding with the minority will get you burned more often).


The following are some examples.


The Chushingura incident was a case of mass terrorism (murder) under the laws of the time (the various laws governing the samurai class).


(Click to go to the column)

■新撰組は、会津藩主・松平容保の私財で運営された私的な傭兵部隊(民間軍事会社:PMC(private military company)であり、これは、京都守護職指揮下での越権行為である。また、新撰組が制定した私的ルールである「局中法度」は、「御定書百箇条」の『無裁判での処刑や私的な報復』に対する脱法行為である

The Shinsengumi was a private military company (PMC: private military company) funded by the Aizu clan lord Matsudaira Katamori, and it was an act of exceeding its authority under the command of the Kyoto Shogoshoku. In addition, the Shinsengumi's own rules, the “Shinsengumi Law,” were a way of circumventing the “100 Articles of the Shogunate,” which forbade “execution without trial or private revenge.”


Sakamoto Ryoma was a weapons dealer (a merchant of death) who supplied weapons to anti-government terrorist organizations, even under the laws of the time (the 100 Articles of the Imperial Rescript).

最近『「坂本竜馬」の記述を、歴史の教科書から削除する』 ―― 真実か単なる噂かは不明ですが ―― という話を聞きました。


Some successful cases of NHK's “Project X” also violated internal company regulations at the time (non-compliance).



I am well aware that my way of looking at things often makes other people uncomfortable, but there are many cases where my actions in the spirit of the times were wrong even by the rules of that time (× the regulations of today).


It's OK to think that this is wonderful, but I think it's pretty important that there are even a few observers who don't get caught up in that kind of “enthusiasm.”



Mr. Sugihara Chiune is a diplomat known as the “Schindler of the East.”


He is known for having helped many Jews persecuted by Nazi Germany to escape by issuing them visas while serving as a consular agent at the Japanese consulate in Kaunas, Lithuania, during World War II.


I understand this act is “wonderful” based on humanitarianism (ChatGPT also praised it).


However, that is not what interests me.



So, I tried chatting with ChatGPT as usual.


Ebata: 'That's not the point. The question is whether this constitutes a violation of official orders. For example, if diplomats can issue their visas, this would not violate official orders. Please explain that clearly.


ChatGPT: “I will organize the question of whether Sugihara's actions constituted a violation of his work orders from a legal perspective.


Whether or not a diplomat has independent discretion in issuing visas is generally determined based on the country's laws and policies. During World War II, Japan's diplomatic policy required that diplomats in regions such as Lithuania follow clear instructions from the Japanese government when issuing visas. In particular, they were strongly encouraged to follow orders from above regarding actions that might worsen relations with Germany.


In the case of Sugihara, the visas he issued to Jews in Lithuania were not officially sanctioned by the Japanese government, and he acted against government orders. Thus, his actions went beyond the scope of diplomats' discretion. The Japanese government had restricted the issuing of visas to Jews, so his actions were considered to be against official orders.


In conclusion, Sugihara's visa issuing was against the Japanese government's orders at the time, and his actions can be considered a violation of his work orders. Therefore, his actions were beyond his discretion as a diplomat and can likely be seen as violating orders.

―― やっぱり、そういうことになるか

As I thought...


And I was satisfied.



The Japanese government's official evaluation of Sugihara Chiune, especially the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, came more than 50 years after his actions (1991). That's an incredibly long time.


For a long time after the war, the government (the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) refrained from publicly evaluating his actions.


Of course, they would have done that.


If the actions of Chiune Sugihara are officially recognized as “right”, the Japanese government would have to acknowledge that “if it is humanitarian, the local consulate may act against the will of the government”. This is a denial of the governance of a sovereign nation. It is a huge problem.


If our government allows this behavior, the government will not function.


The raison d'etre of the government is not “justice” but “national interest.”


では、なぜ、杉原千畝さんの業務命令違反が、1991年に、日本国政府によって評価されるに至ったか ―― これは私の推測ですが、多分「外圧」だと思います。

So, why did Sugihara's violation of his official orders come to be evaluated by the Japanese government in 1991? I guess that it was probably due to “external pressure.”


One reason for his achievements' widespread recognition was his 1977 selection as “Righteous Among the Nations” by Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Memorial in Israel.


Disregarding Israel's heroes would be an act that would offend the United States, which has a unified relationship with Israel.

あとは、戦後50年という期間、つまり「時効」あたりでしょうか ―― 当時の関係者が、概ね、鬼籍に入ってしまっていること、というのは重要です。死んだ人に責任追及することはできませんから。

The other thing is that it's been 50 years since the war, so it's probably the time limit - the people involved at the time must mostly pass away. You can't hold the dead to account.



Of course, Mr. Sugihara risked his life to uphold his sense of justice and humanitarianism.


I think he was prepared for the possibility of losing his job and Nazi Germany was assassinating his most realistic fear.


The possibility of this was relatively high on a realistic level. It was a miracle that they survived.


This is precisely what it means to “put your life on the line.”


I can confidently say that even if I were to be reborn 100 times, I would never be able to do something like this.



I hear people saying, “Hey, Ebata, what exactly do you want to say?”.


Let's get to the conclusion.


If I were to sum it up in a very rough way,

忠臣蔵も、プロジェクトXも、日本のシンドラーも、つまるところ『コンプライアンス違反』である ――

Chushingura, Project X, and Japan's Schindler are all ultimately “compliance violations” ――

そして、違法行為が、「正義」になったり「人道」になったりすることはよくあり、逆に「正義」や「人道」が、違法行為であるということもよくある ――

And it is often the case that illegal acts become “justice” or “humanity,” and conversely, it is also often the case that “justice” and “humanity” are unlawful acts.


I've talked on and on, but in the end, I want to piss off the recent 'compliance supremacy.'



What I do is "nitpick".


There is no doubt that compliance is the right thing to do. I agree with that.


I think it's important to remember that there are things that can be lost through “correctness.”


Posted by ebata