―― 「コンテンツエバンジェリスト(コンテンツ伝道者)」
(Continuation from yesterday)
However, I will introduce you to an example, "to realize a rare use-case of "sharing a topic and a value," not by using "contents harassment."
I heard that a teacher of my daughter's bought his favorite books for all the students in her class at his own expense.
That is one of the books of "Mr. Simon Lehna Singh."
I don't know her teacher, but I think I can talk with him familiarly.
The book was also the best for me; it left me with an impression from the bottom of my heart.
Of course, "the best" will not reach most of them and cannot really reach them.
My daughter dropped out of the book at the initial step. The book needs high intelligence in physical science and math.
Thus, most of the books are going to a trash box.
ただ、この先生は、『この「最高」が、クラスのたった一人だけでも届けば目的は達成される』 ―― と考えたと思うのです。
However, I think the teacher thought his purpose would be completed, even if only one of the students was impressed by "the best."
その、いるかいないか分からない「たった一人」の為に、クラス全員分の文庫本を購入する ―― この覚悟こそが、本物と呼べるものです。
For only one person nobody knows, the preparation of purchasing the books for all students of his class is a real one.
That is an ideal figure that is antithetical to "content harassment,"
―― 「コンテンツエバンジェリスト(コンテンツ伝道者)」
"Contents evangelist"