―― 背筋も凍るほど『鬱陶(うっとう)しい若手研究者』
I posted a diary like this the other day.
The person in this diary was me when I was young.
Well, I did a lot of things.
I created and operated a system for writing and following up on patent specifications.
I had installed a surveillance camera system in the laboratory,
I had started study groups, etc.
I had proposed a “barricade strike” to the union,
If asked, I had happily traveled abroad to any country and attended meetings in my made-up English.
Looking back now,
―― 背筋も凍るほど『鬱陶(うっとう)しい若手研究者』
"I was a 'young researcher who was so annoying that it made my spine tingle."
I must have been a very annoying person.
あまりにもうっとうし過ぎて、私に殺意を覚えたシニア研究員もいたと思います ―― いや、絶対にいたはず。
I think there was a senior researcher who was so annoyed that they felt like killing me - no, there was.
Because I think that way now.
But at the time, everyone put up with my annoying ways without complaining.
So, this time, I have to be the one who “puts up with it.”
'The energetic proposals of the young' must never be squashed. Never.
If possible, it's probably best not to make any suggestions or give any advice (I have a lot I want to say, but I'm gritting my teeth and keeping quiet).
The most outstanding contribution we seniors can make to them is to 'stay out of their way (and not be indifferent to them).'
「やりたいことを、やりたいように、やらせてあげる」が、私たちシニアの最後の努めです ―― たとえ、それが失敗に向かっていることが、明白であったとしてもです。
Our last duty as seniors is to “Let them do what they want to do. However, they want to do it,” even if it is clear that they are heading for failure.
Because we can only learn from our mistakes (this is my personal belief).