―― 生成AIを使い熟した受験生から、合格を得る時代


I have used ChatGPT and other generative AI and translation engines for years.

# 次女から、『ChatGPTの解説(コピペ)が長くて、読みにくい』というクレームを受けていますが、私の大切な忘備録となっているので、ご理解をお願いします。

# I have received a complaint from my second daughter that ChatGPT's explanation (copy and paste) is too long and difficult to read, but please understand that it is an important reminder for me.


Aside from that.

最近思うのですが、受験生が生成AIや翻訳エンジンを使い出したら ―― 「学習塾」が不要となり、少なくとも「家庭教師」という業種は消滅するのではないか、と考えています。

I've been thinking lately that if students start using generative AI and translation engines -- “tutoring schools” will become unnecessary, or at least the “private tutoring” industry will disappear.


Generative AI is,


When you enter a question (copy and paste is also accepted), it automatically creates an answer, and the content of that answer is almost always correct.


Furthermore, if you do not understand the content of the answer (including terminology, etc.), you can ask only that part, and it will answer you in detail.


And the decisive thing is,


The cost is low. And more than that, they are quick to answer (waiting time is “a few seconds”).



Also, the translation engine has great “revision power.”


Especially in English composition, not to mention checking grammar, correcting words to be used, checking tenses (present or present continuous tense), and most useful for me when I have trouble with the definite/indefinite article and singular/plural forms.


The translation engine has studied many English sentences, so I expect it to produce natural ones.



My total cost for the generated AI and translation engine is about 5,000 yen/month.


I don't know the cost of a tutoring school, but I doubt it could be “cheaper” than the cost.



―― 生成AIを使い熟した受験生から、合格を得る時代

"An era in which students who are proficient in the use of generated AI will be the ones who pass the exam."


I believe that my prediction will not be far off.


(Well, I have often missed it.)



However, it may not be so easy to say, 'Can we assert that it is “advantageous to take the exam” if we have an environment where we can use the generation AI and translation engines?


First, you will need another ability: the ability to ask questions.


This is because you cannot ask the right questions unless you figure out what you do not understand. Also, you need to have some “ tricks” to get accurate answers from the generated AI, and it takes quite a bit of time to acquire these tricks.

# この辺の「コツ」については、すでにレポートを作成しているのですが、会社の業務として行ったものなので開示できません。悪しからず。

# I have already prepared a report on the “tricks” of the trade in this area, but I cannot disclose it because it was done as part of company business. Please don't be sorry.


In addition, the essential ability of “willingness to learn” is also necessary.


These tools are ineffective for those who “don't want to study” or “don't want to acquire knowledge. " For example, “students” who are forced to study as a “duty” and “I (Ebata)” who enjoy studying as a “hobby” are in different “positions.”



In this light, it is debatable whether tutoring schools and private tutors are entirely unnecessary.


No matter how good generative AI is, human educators may still play a significant role in “establishing study habits,” “maintaining motivation,” and “providing individualized feedback.”


Studying, as a rule, is 'painful.



Only the “violence” of forcing children to turn to their desks by force cannot be implemented in a generative AI.



Some tutoring schools are already using AI to create curricula based on students' level of understanding.


It is almost certain that “the direction of utilizing AI as a ‘learning assistant’ rather than simply a substitute for a teacher” will become mainstream.


Posted by ebata