

Yesterday, I went for a physical checkup.


I enjoy my own "ultra-precise weight management" as a hobby.


Therefore, on the day of my physical checkup, I have a strange habit of feeling pleasure in achieving my target weight with an error of less than 0.1kg (that is, right on the meter scale).

まあ、社会通念的には「良い性癖」だとは思うのですが ―― 『健康管理』というより、『健康"制御"』している感じですが。

Well, I guess it's a socially accepted "good habit". It's not so much "health management" as it is "health control".


On the day of the event, I had prepared to even calculate the amount of sweating I would have to do to get to the hospital.



Yesterday was the "afternoon start human health checkup" which I have never experienced before.


When I arrived at the hospital, I was the only participant.


It was good that we could do more and more tests with practically no waiting time, however,

―― 体重測定の順番の前に、バリウムを飲まされる

"They made me take a Valium before my turn to be weighed"


This was an unexpected trouble.

『なんてことをしてくれるんだ! これで、私の体重が300gは増えてしまうではないか!!』

"How dare you! This is going to add at least 300 grams to my weight!"

と ―― しかし、そんなんことで、「バリウム検査を、体重測定の後にしてくれ」と言えるほど、私も心臓は強くない方です。

I wanted to scream, but I don't have a strong enough heart to ask for a barium test after my weigh-in.



The result was +0.1kg.

あのバリウムさえなければ、-0.2kgになっていたことを思えば、逆に目標値に近くなったとも言えますが ――

If it weren't for the Valium, I would have been -0.2kg, which was far to my goal.


However, I am still not convinced.


From next year, I would like to add the "traveling check-up problem" like, "traveling salesman problem" for preliminary consideration.



By the way, I got 1.5 in both eyes using the "Ebata Bayesian Prediction".

ちなみに、私は裸眼では、パソコンの文字すら読めません ―― が、

By the way, I can't even read the words on my computer with my naked eyes -- but


An eye test is not something you see with your eyes. "It's something you calculate with your mind.


Posted by ebata