Previously, I often told the animation "Hyouka".
What I understand the contents of "Hyouka" series, are
(1) "Hard work is no match for genius."
(2) "Genius is not happy".
This animation show us the above realties that I had not reached in my teenager, appearing life-size young people.
その続編となる米澤 穂信さんの小説「いまさら翼といわれても」についても、何度も書きましたが、今、改めて読み直しています。
I often wrote about the sequel novel "Even if you give me my wings now", by Honobu Yonezawa, and I am reading it again now.
In this novel, 'insignificance of high school club activities' are described, in addition to the above (1) and (2) themes.
There is a story that is a harsh criticism of high school activities that has no purpose, waste time and just make factions with friends.
In comparison with, there are persons who completed two world-wide computer operating systems. Even before entering high school, they focused on what they did and what they wanted, without paying attention to such club activities, etc.
もちろん、そのような「成功体験」がある例はレアなケースですし ―― ぶっちゃけ「成功」なんてどうでもいいのです。
Of course I know such "success experiments" are rare. Moreover I don't care about "success" to be frank,
あの高校時代の時間を、もっと『狂ったように過す』ことはできたと思います ―― 友人という名のグループに安住して、無為な時間を浪費することなく。
I think I could have spent the time for 'going crazy' during those high school years.
In other words, "It was me as young".
However, for many people including me, it is difficult to find such an object of "going crazy".
In addition, the common "currency" of teenager is a strange thing that called "friends".
And they cannot escape from the spell of the value of "currency", called "numbers of friends".
The "currency" called "friend" is often treated to be valuable beyond the teenager.
In the column of this month, I will argue the "currency", called "friends"