『もはや高学歴、大企業就職の時代ではない』 ―― と、私が入社する頃、つまり30年前に言われていました。
When I joined the company, 30 years ago, I was told, "This is no longer the era of high education and big company employment".
I did a little research and found that a lot of it was said, especially during the 70-year security struggle.
Incidentally, my father, who was a reserve officer in the Navy when the war ended, once told me that he did not go on to higher education because he believed in "these words.
Therefore, the phrase of
"this is no longer the era of high education and big company employment"
has been said for nearly 80 years.
If so,
―― 『高学歴、大企業就職の時代』がなくなるのは、一体、いつなのでしょう?
When will the "era of high education and big company employment" disappear?
I suspect that it will continue, at least until the "signaling theory" is completely debunked.
Or, I think this phrase will continue to be said until a new signal is introduced to replace "highly educated" and "big company".