―― 凄い、素晴しい、見事。あらゆる賞賛の言葉を尽しても足りない

―― 死ぬまでに、一度は見に行きたい劇団

―― あいかわらず、時空間コンテンツを扱えば、この劇団は上手いなぁ・・・

で、今日、DVDが届いたのですが ―― 我が家にDVDプレーヤがないことに気がつきました。



Now, here we are.

先程、嫁さんと2人で「きみがいた時間 ぼくのいく時間」を見終えました。

My wife and I just finished watching "The time you were there, the time I'm going"

―― 凄い、素晴しい、見事。あらゆる賞賛の言葉を尽しても足りない

"Amazing, wonderful, brilliant. All kinds of words of praise are not enough"


I almost gave a standing ovation for the TV in the living room.



I happened to be at a business hotel in front of Hitachi Station on a business trip when I started watching this play on a late-night TV program at about 1:00 am.


The play ended at 4:00 a.m. I was too excited to go to bed right away, so I went to bed for three hours and had a meeting at the factory the next day in a daze.


とは言え ――



Remembering those days, I am now convinced that I was not mistaken in my decision at the time, saying, 'Going to bed without seeing this play would not have been an option.


Posted by ebata