
若い人に『手痛い失敗』をさせないことが大切だ ―― と思っています。

I believe that it is important not to let young people make "painful mistakes".


In the past, there was a department head who believed that the program loading method was no good, no matter how much I explained, and the research unit's R&D was stalled.


Of course, JavaScript, one of the program loading methods, is now capable of displaying the results of complex physical calculations in a web browser, showing them in action.


This is because the speed of networks and the performance of computers have improved to a degree that is unparalleled in those days.


However, the head of the department had made a painful mistake in his research of the "program loading method" when he was young, and had been imbued with negative memories that he could not recover from (or so I was told by others).


Naturally, the department's research took a back seat to the program loading method.


This is true not only for R&D, but also for patents.



The boss's assumptions are reinforced when paired with memories of failure, and the boss's power to influence his subordinates.


And to be honest, it is also unpleasant to hear that "my failure" was made successful by a subordinate.


What's worse, the boss can "logically explain to the subordinate why it won't work.


After all, they did it and failed, so it's easy.


Thus, pre-born technology will be systematically and fatally crushed without malice.

そして、私も、間違いなく、同じ愚を繰返していると思います ―― 『私は若手のアイデアを潰しまくっている』という絶対的な自信があります。

And I'm pretty sure I'm repeating the same foolishness -- I'm absolutely confident that I'm crushing the ideas of young people.



The lesson to take from this is, like,


(1)The boss must have the courage of, "I will overlook a subordinate's outburst". And, by letting it go, they must accept the unreasonable results that the responsibility will come back to them.


(2)Subordinates should not report their research to their bosses. Until they succeed in doing so, they need to continue their research under-table in silence and in solitude.


is the antithesis against reporting, communication, and consultation


Bosses must be prepared to forgive their subordinates' arbitrary preoccupations with a wry smile, and subordinates must be prepared to do the research they believe in on their own time (sleep time, holidays).


Communication is important.


However, non-communication is just as important.


If you read this book, you will understand that.


「萌えキャラ」というものが、最近、色々騒がれているようです ―― が、私は、妙なことに巻き込まれるのは嫌なので沈黙を決め込みます。

There seems to be a lot of fuss about "moe characters" these days -- but I don't want to get involved in anything strange, so I'll keep quiet.


When I finish writing a column, I start illustrating it, which for me is like a "reward" for myself.


Well, I don't expect anyone to be interested in my illustrations.


In fact, there is no way that something that I draw with a feeling of "reward for myself" becomes great.

それに、次女が言うように 『どっかで見たようなイラストだね』という感想は、残念ながら、私も同意しています。

And, as my second daughter said, "Your illustrations look like something we've seen somewhere else," which, unfortunately, I agree with.



For me, it's not so much 'drawing is fun' as it is 'being able to use a variety of techniques' with drawing software (I use SAI).

■ ここの部分だけ、切り取りたいな

- I just want to cut this part out.

■ このキャラクターは、ちょっと発光させてみたいな

- I'd like to make this character bright a little.

■ この絵は、ちょっと白黒を強めに出したいな

- In this picture, I want to make it a little more black and white.


I like the feeling of being able to do things like that in a snap with draw software.


I may be surprised to find that a wrong operation can produce effects that I never expected.

■ 自分でポーズを取って、ビデオ撮影して、キャプチャしたものからイラストを作るのも、面白いですし、

- It's also interesting to pose myself, take a video, and create an illustration from the captured images.

■ 男性のキャラクタを使って、それを女性のキャラクタに変換したりする作業も、楽しいです

- It's also fun to take a male character and transform it into a female character.


However, this is just a matter of "technology".


I have never considered my work to be a "work of art".



I am grateful to IT (computers) for making it possible for an engineer like me, who has no artistic talent, to draw illustrations.


Ever since I started illustrating with drawing software, I have had a deep respect for not only art in general, but also for anime and what is often referred to as "moe" art, and its creators.

「萌えキャラ」というものが、最近、色々騒がれているようです ―― が、私は、妙なことに巻き込まれるのは嫌なので沈黙を決め込んでいますが、

There seems to be a lot of fuss about "moe characters" these days -- but I don't want to get involved in anything strange, so I'll keep quiet.


However, I often wonder "Is there any respect for the creator there?


wg.Add():   wg.Add(n)でn個の並行処理が存在することを伝え

wg.Done(): wg.Done()で終了を伝える









package main

import (


func main() {
	c := multicast.New()
	wg := sync.WaitGroup{}


	go func() {
		l := c.Listen()
		defer wg.Done()
		for msg := range l.C {
			fmt.Printf("Listener 1: %s\n", msg)
		fmt.Println("Listener 1 Closed")

	go func() {
		l := c.Listen()
		defer wg.Done()
		for msg := range l.C {
			fmt.Printf("Listener 2: %s\n", msg)
		fmt.Println("Listener 2 Closed")


	c.C <- "1 Hello World!"
	c.C <- "2 Hello World!"
	c.C <- "3 Hello World!"
	c.C <- "4 Hello World!"




ebata@DESKTOP-P6KREM0 MINGW64 ~/goga/3-7
$ go run main.go
Listener 1: 1 Hello World!
Listener 1: 2 Hello World!
Listener 2: 1 Hello World!
Listener 2: 2 Hello World!
Listener 2: 3 Hello World!
Listener 2: 4 Hello World!
Listener 2 Closed
Listener 1: 3 Hello World!
Listener 1: 4 Hello World!
Listener 1 Closed



package multicast

import "sync"

// Channel represents a multicast channel container which provides
// a writable channel C and allows multiple listeners to be connected.
// Channelは、書き込み可能なチャンネルCを提供し、複数のリスナーの接続を可能にする
// マルチキャストチャンネルコンテナを表します。

type Channel struct {
	// C is a writable channel on which you can send messages which will
	// be delivered to all connected listeners.
	// Cは書き込み可能なチャンネルで、接続されているすべてのリスナーに配信される
        // メッセージを送ることができます。

	C chan<- interface{}

	c chan interface{}
	l *Listener
	m sync.Mutex

// New creates a new multicast channel container which can have listeners
// connected to it and messages sent via its C channel property.
// このコンテナにはリスナーが接続され、C channelプロパティでメッセージが送信されます。

func New() *Channel {
	c := make(chan interface{})

	return From(c)

// From creates a new multicast channel which exposes messages it receives
// on the provided channel to all connected listeners.
// Fromは、新しいマルチキャストチャネルを作成し、提供されたチャネルで受信した
// メッセージを、接続されているすべてのリスナーに公開します。

func From(c chan interface{}) *Channel {
	return &Channel{
		C: c,
		c: c,

// Listen returns a new listener instance attached to this channel.
// Each listener will receive a single instance of each message sent
// to the channel.
// Listenは、このチャンネルに接続された新しいリスナーのインスタンスを返します。

func (c *Channel) Listen() *Listener {
	defer c.m.Unlock()

	if c.l == nil {
		c.l = NewListener(c.c)
	} else {
		c.l = c.l.Chain()

	return c.l

// Close is a convenience function for closing the top level channel.
// You may also close the channel directly by using `close(c.C)`.
// Closeは、トップレベルのチャンネルを閉じるための便利な関数です。
// close(c.C)`を使ってチャンネルを直接閉じることもできます。

func (c *Channel) Close() {
	defer c.m.Unlock()




package multicast

// Listener represents a listener which will receive messages
// from a channel.
// リスナーは、チャンネルからのメッセージを受信するリスナーを表します。
type Listener struct {
	C <-chan interface{}
	f chan interface{}

// NewListener creates a new listener which will forward messages
// it receives on its f channel before exposing them on its C
// channel.
// NewListenerは、Cチャンネルで公開する前に、fチャンネルで受信したメッセージを
// 転送する新しいリスナーを作成します。

// You will very rarely need to use this method directly in your
// applications, prefer using From instead.
// アプリケーションでこのメソッドを直接使用することはほとんどないと思いますが、
// 代わりにFromを使用してください。

func NewListener(source <-chan interface{}) *Listener {
	out := make(chan interface{}, 0)
	l := &Listener{
		C: out,

	go func() {
		for v := range source {
			if l.f != nil {
				l.f <- v
			out <- v

		if l.f != nil {

	return l

// Chain is a shortcut which updates an existing listener to forward
// to a new listener and then returns the new listener.
// Chainは、既存のリスナーを更新して新しいリスナーに転送し、
// その新しいリスナーを返すショートカットです。

// You will generally not need to make use of this method in your
// applications.
// 一般的には、このメソッドを使用する必要はありません。

func (l *Listener) Chain() *Listener {
	f := make(chan interface{})
	l.f = f
	return NewListener(f)


package main

import (


func bus_func(i int, wg *sync.WaitGroup, ch *multicast.Channel) {

	l := ch.Listen()
	defer wg.Done()

		// これだといいんだけど、多面待ちができない
		for msg := range l.C {
			fmt.Printf("Listener %d: %s\n", i, msg)


	for {
		select {
		case v := <-l.C:
			if v == nil {
			fmt.Println(i, v)
		//time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)

	//fmt.Printf("Listener %d Closed\n", i)

func main() {
	c := multicast.New()
	wg := sync.WaitGroup{}

		go func() {
			l := c.Listen()
			defer wg.Done()
			for msg := range l.C {
				fmt.Printf("Listener 1: %s\n", msg)
			fmt.Println("Listener 1 Closed")

		go func() {
			l := c.Listen()
			defer wg.Done()
			for msg := range l.C {
				fmt.Printf("Listener 2: %s\n", msg)
			fmt.Println("Listener 2 Closed")

	for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
		go bus_func(i, &wg, c)


	c.C <- "1 Hello World!"

	c.C <- "2 Hello World!"

	c.C <- "3 Hello World!"
	c.C <- "4 Hello World!"




package main

import (


func bus_func(i int, wg *sync.WaitGroup, ch *multicast.Channel) {

	l := ch.Listen()
	defer wg.Done()

		// これだといいんだけど、多面待ちができない
		for msg := range l.C {
			fmt.Printf("Listener %d: %s\n", i, msg)


	tick := time.Tick(time.Millisecond * 10000)

	for {
		select {
		case v := <-l.C:
			if v == nil { // c.Close() で goroutineをクローズする
			fmt.Println(i, v)

		case t := <-tick:
			// ここに送信するものを入れる
			fmt.Println("tiched", t)

		//time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)

	//fmt.Printf("Listener %d Closed\n", i)

func main() {
	c := multicast.New()
	wg := sync.WaitGroup{}

		go func() {
			l := c.Listen()
			defer wg.Done()
			for msg := range l.C {
				fmt.Printf("Listener 1: %s\n", msg)
			fmt.Println("Listener 1 Closed")

		go func() {
			l := c.Listen()
			defer wg.Done()
			for msg := range l.C {
				fmt.Printf("Listener 2: %s\n", msg)
			fmt.Println("Listener 2 Closed")

	for i := 0; i < 5; i++ { // ここの"5"は  (Aに飛ぶ)
		go bus_func(i, &wg, c)


	wg.Add(5) // (Aから)ここの"5"と一致している必要がある(が理由が分からん)

	c.C <- "11111!"

	c.C <- "22222!"

	c.C <- "33333!"

	c.C <- "44444!"
	//time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)

	c.Close() // これでスレッドを全部止める



























With telecommuting during the Corona disaster, workers are now often at home all day.


According to my wife, many wives say, 'I can't stand the fact that my husband wears their jersey all day long in the house'.


Ebata: "I think jerseys are excellent, highly functional garments"


Wife: "So, if I asked you to wear a jersey all day, would you resist?"


I gave her an immediate answer.


Ebata: "Not even a millimeter. It's more like a welcome. I don't understand the psychology behind your dislike of it."


Wife: "Then Can I wear my bloomer all day during housework"


Ebata: "I absolutely hate that. I want you to give me a break. But are jerseys and bloomers concepts that can be exchanged equivalently?"


Wife: "I think they're both the same in the sense that they're not everyday garments."


My wife said that if we are talking about "equivalent exchange," then a couple who wears jerseys and bloomers as loungewear can only have "mutual acceptance" or "mutual rejection.


Ebata: "No, I think there's an incomparable difference in the sense of the extraordinary between 'the daily wear of bloomers' and 'the daily wear of jerseys.


Wife: "For me, it's 'equally repellent extraordinary'"



Both My wife and I know that this discussion cannot be solved by logic.


This is because it is a matter of sensitivity.


However, even differences in sensitivity can be recognized relative to each other.


I feel that bloomers are overwhelmingly unusual, while my wife feels that bloomers and jerseys are equally unusual and repellent.


"The subject who determines the ordinary and the extraordinary is not myself, but others"


On that one point, we come to an agreement, so we do not wear clothes or decorations that are beyond our mutual acceptance.


I mean, I'm not interested in my wife's clothes (except for very unusual matters such as "daily wearing of bloomers").


As a result, my wife just makes a one-sided complaint (demand) about my clothes.



Wife:"I cannot stand 'long men's underpants'"


Ebata: "My grandpa (father) used to wear 'long men's underpants' as his loungewear.


Wife: "Grandpa is O.K."

江端:「おい! 『非日常』に、対象別の基準が入ってきているぞ」

Ebata: "Hey! There's a subject-specific standard coming in for "unusual."


Wife: "That's why 'extraordinary' can't be verbalized."


Ebata: "I know that, but we're going to try to verbalize it and make an effort to get closer, even if it's only by 1mm.



(Continuation from yesterday)


マイナンバーカードと運転免許証と保険証の統合をする程度のことに、何年かかっとるんだ? と思いますし、そこに、クレジットカードとSUICAも、機能アドインするくらいのことができんのかなぁ、と思っています。

The reason why people are not getting their own My Number cards is because the government has not been able to present the benefits. How many years is it going to take to integrate my number card with my driver's license and insurance card? I also wonder if it would be possible to add credit card and SUICA functions to the cards.




I know that in companies where remote work was not promoted even during the Corona disaster, the president alone (not the employees) is basically IT illiterate. I know that it's not that the president "can't" do it, but that he "won't" do it. The reason why the president doesn't change the way he works is because it's too much trouble.




I know very well that IT integration is deathly difficult, so when I build a system, I basically rebuild it from scratch. However I also know that this is because my systems are experimental, and I am comfortable building them independently of organizational structure and internal political pressure.



The fact that the banking system will be shut down six times in 2021 alone is an extraordinary situation. If you really want to realize e-government or public-private partnership, you have to give the head of the system development unit a degree of authority and cooperation that even the president or the prime minister cannot interfere with.


だって、どうせ、やつら『何だか分からんが、とにかく動かせ!止めるな! 予算を越えるな!!』って叫んでいるだけでしょう?



I know that IT illiterates with power are the biggest cancer in system development. Because, anyway, they're like, "I don't know what it is, but just move it! Don't stop! Don't exceed the budget!" How do I know that? Well, you only have to look at how IT-illiterate those politicians are.


That's all.



I was reviewing the draft of my column for the November issue (to be released at the end of the month), and I thought it was redundant, so I had to delete some phrases.


I've written a lot about those of us Japanese who are just crazy about the TOEIC in Japan, but don't want to go abroad and don't have the ability to use foreign talent


In this survey, I was shocked to learn that children's IT education, which has finally started in Japan, is almost 20 years behind that of the UK and the US, and I was also shocked at the small budget for IT R&D in Japan (*).


Most of the Japanese Nobel laureates have not been enrolled in Japanese universities, and I wonder how they can be called "proud of Japan".


There were a few of my colleagues who started their own businesses (they were all unpleasant, but certainly brilliant), but I haven't heard their names since, and I still wonder if our country was supporting them properly.


I think the only Japanese company that had the potential to be like GAFA was NTT Docomo's "i-mode".


Many times I have seen young researchers' ideas for new Internet services crushed by a single word from a senior executive: "Give me an estimate of the market size and cost-effectiveness," and I have seen them become demoralized, exhausted by Excel calculations.




This weekend is the week before my manuscript deadline, so please excuse the disclosure of the photo on my desk.


『アンガーコントロール』というのは、私には難しい ―― という話は、これまでに何度もしてきました。

I've often said that "anger control" is difficult for me.


It is often said, "When anger arises, wait six seconds," but my anger does not have that kind of lifetime.


In my case, my anger stays light for six or sixty days, and sometimes for six years or more.


I have very little anger that can boil over in an instant.


In my case, I have a nasty anger that is persistent, lingering and long, and using my own logic, I can set off a chain reaction of anger that reaches critical mass.


Well, to put it bluntly, I'm aware that 'I'm pretty much the worst.


However, this does not mean that my "self-esteem" will be shaken.


Rather, it increases the sense of denial of others.


It means,

―― 私は悪くない。世界が悪い

"It is not my fault but the world's fault"




I'm the kind of person who gets easily "offended" by the text of an email.


That's why I even put out this warning.


However, the only people who would benefit from such a warning are disinterested parties.


In my work, this kind of thing happens every day, and I can't do my job if I'm upset about it.


This is because work is made up of a network of inexhaustible and tedious links.


That advantage can easily be turned upside down by the nature of the work.


Specifically, it depends on who has the "money" to make the move.

どんなに不愉快な奴でも、それが、いつか、自分にとっての"金主"になることがあります ―― 歳を取れば、こんなことは、日常的に、普通に、当たり前にあることが分かります(本当)。

No matter how unpleasant a person may be, he or she may one day become a "gold master" for you. As you get older, you realize that this is a normal, everyday thing.



So, my "anger management" is to look at the face of the person I am angry with as a wad of cash.


The thing we are dealing with is not a "human being".


The wad of cash is talking.


At least I don't have the slightest qualms about following, discerning, accepting, obeying, acquiescing, and getting down on my knees to "the wad of cash"