It is quite rare for a cemetery to exist for more than 100 years, and the only ones that remain are the graves of famous celebrities in historical scenic spots.
It is also very doubtful that the person's remains are in there.
The possibility that the land we now live on was once a cemetery is too high to ignore.
つまり ―― 墓とは、しょせんは、その程度のものなのです。
In other words -- a grave is just that -- a grave.
Still, I think it has the significance of being a landmark for families and relatives to gather.
For example, we can make cherry blossoms bloom in the middle of winter by scientifically reacting the soil, or blow up an entire cemetery by achieving a room temperature nuclear fusion reaction.
However, I think there are a certain number of people (or a significant number of people) who say, 'I don't want to be in the same grave as my spouse, father-in-law, or my mother-in-law, even if I die.
Well, I think it takes a lot of time and effort (special equipment and inputting time and effort) to put a print imprint on a pencil, so I don't know if "more than double" pays off.
―― 個人情報保護の時代を逆手にとった新ビジネス
"A new business that reverses the era of personal information protection"
I guess I'm overthinking it.
However, I think that "the gift of specializing in individuals" is "the way" of the future.
Oh, by the way, the 3D printer I had ordered seems to have arrived from China this morning.
Last year, I had to replace the battery of my company phone due to its lifespan, but I realized that I had forgotten to install the new coronavirus contact confirmation application (COCOA), so I hurriedly installed it now.
For example, I can use a virtual new type of virus, such as the Ebata strain (for testing), and spread the information about the infection to my close contacts as I walk around the city.
It may be necessary to test the person beforehand to confirm his or her suitability, but it also seems that the registry (registration) process will be difficult.
If this is the case, the government could select and request companies to be tested.
The idea is that the employees of the company (their company phones) will be unconditionally installed with COCOA that supports the test mode, and the operation and management will be thrown to the company.
-> Impossible. As a general rule, it is better to think that "transplant" and "donation" are incompatible (there are exceptions such as in the case of corneal transplants only).
Q: 献体するにはどうればいいのですか
Q: How can I donate my body?
→ 今年度分の予約は終了しましたので、4月1日以降に連絡を下さい。
-> Reservations for this year have been closed, so please contact us after April 1.
Q: 私の献体は可能ですか
Q: Is it possible for me to donate my body?
→ (住所を聞かれて)管轄内ですので可能です。
-> (When asked for the address) It's within our jurisdiction, so it's possible.
-> There is no problem as long as the following items are not included. (1) Death due to viral infections such as corona, (2) Death due to infectious diseases such as syphilis and tuberculosis, (3) Suicide
Q: 献体の「使われ方」をインタビューまたは見学したいのですが、どうすれば良いですか?
Q: I would like to interview or observe the "use" of a donated body.
→ 本大学での対応は難しいので、全国ネットワークの「篤志会」にコンタクトされることをお勧めします。
-> Since it is difficult for our university to respond to this request, we recommend that you contact the national network of "benevolent societies".
I did my own research on "What should I do if I want an organ transplant only?" like my wife.
(1) Fill in your address, name, and other information on your driver's license, My Number Card, or Organ Donation Intention Card (I got this at the checkout counter of a convenience store).
(By the way, the field for filling out the card on the My Number Card is so small that it looks like "What kind of ultra-fine pen can you use to fill it out? This makes it look like the government doesn't want people to have organ transplants.)
The idea that "if I show my intentions, someone with good intentions will take care of it" is -- quite frankly -- an illusion and a naïve way of thinking.
Of course, this is a story for those who wish to donate their organs for transplantation.
By the way, if it's "donation" versus "organ donation," I prefer the latter.
And Ebata, an engineer who considers human organs as "devices" or "parts", from the bottom of his heart,
Incidentally, this is a part of the "life after life" (activities for the end of life) -- I thought it was somewhat similar to "marriage hunting" or "job hunting.
If you'd like my death body, I can give it all to your university, if you'd like. -- I am afraid that it would be a very "little gift" for thanking you for writing the column.