
restrictive about → limited in terms of

Our hypothesis is → We hypothesize that

in the bay area of Tokyo → in the Tokyo Bay area

From the viewpoint of "easy to use" → The key points of ease of use

However, neither of the two transportation systems could worded well from the both viewpoints of ease of use and from anywhere → しかし、この2つの交通システムは、「使いやすさ」と「どこからでも使える」という両方の観点から、うまく言い表せない。

attempted to reflect the dissatisfactions in dynamic vehicle operating planning. → attempted to [use such dissatisfaction to create better dynamic routing?].


taking into account the dissatisfaction → on the basis of driver (company) and passenger dissatisfaction



「酒類持ち込みを許可する店」って何? そんな店(居酒屋等)があるの? どうやって儲けるの? と嫁さんと話していたのですが、ようやく、分かりました。





I am a "fast" writer in English. I think I'm one of the 1,000 fastest writers in Japan.


The reason why it's "fast" is because I ignore everything about English from the beginning.


For more details, you can read about it here.


Aside from that.


最近、そういう「デタラメ英語 = 江端英語 = エバンゲリッシュ」が通用しない英語を書く必要に迫られており、しかたなく、その世界におけるルールを調べて(×勉強)しています。

Lately, I've been forced to write English where such "bullshit English = Ebata English = Evangelish" doesn't work, and I've been forced to look up ("not study") the rules in that world.


I went to a huge bookstore 20 minutes away by car.


So I bought the following book.


I thought it was kind of a "catchy" headline, but after reading the first 20 pages, I decided to buy it.


I liked the phrase, "No matter how much content there is, speed is essential.


There are a lot of people in this world who think there is value in 'rewriting' reports, patent specifications, papers, etc., over and over again, which is quite stressful for me.


Because my policy is, "once I've completed 80% of a work, it's more fun to get on with the next work"

『"仕方なく"読む』『無味乾燥でストレートに伝える』 ―― まさに、その通り。

"We have no choice but to read it." "Tasteless and straight to the point"  -- That's exactly.


In other words, I can feel the sense of crisis of the engineers in the development field, 'If you write lazy sentences, (rockets and spaceships will explode, and) your fellows will die,' which is very good.



I've just finished reading about 1/3 of the text and I thought this book is very good.


In particular, the short "bad" and "good" examples, which are no more than one or two lines, are listed in contrast to each other. It is also good.


Also, the explanations are clear, make sense, and are easy to read.



However, I still find English, according to the rules, to be tedious and difficult.


Even if my English is inaccurate and does not concern human life, 'just stringing words together and ignoring the rules' will suffice for me.

『一生使わないままの英語』より、100万倍もマシです ―― 実際に、業務で使っています。その"エバンゲリッシュ"を。

It's a million times better than the "English I'll never use" -- and I actually use that "Evangelish" in my work.



  • 高速スタートアップの無効化
    • 「コントロールパネル」→「システムとセキュリティ」→「電源オプション(電源ボタンの動作の変更)」→「現在利用可能ではない設定を変更します」→「高速スタートアップを有効にする」→チェックボックスを外す
  • アニメーションの無効化
    • 「スタートメニュー」→「設定」→「簡単操作」→「その他のオプション」→「Windowsでアニメーションを再生する」→「オフ」
    • その他、以下のようにした
  • 電源プランで「高パフォーマンス」を選択
    • 「コントロールパネル」→「ハードウェアとサウンド」→「電源オプション」→「電源プランの選択またはカスタマイズ」→「追加プラン(高パフォーマンス)」



  • ClearTypeテキストの調整
    • [コントロールパネル]→「デスクトップのカスタマイズ」→「フォント」→「ClearTypeテキストの調整」で、あと色々いじっていると、文字のガタガタが直った


あと、https://ygkb.jp/4475 の内容を参照させて頂いた



ActiveX Installer (AxInstSV)
Application Management

Certificate Propagation # これは残した 個人的なプログラムで認証作業をやっているので
Connected User Experiences and Telemetry
Data Collection Publishing Service
Distributed Link Tracking Client
Distributed Transaction Coordinator
Downloaded Maps Manager
Function Discovery Provider Host
Function Discovery Resource Publication
Geolocation Service
Home Group Listener
Home Group Provider
Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)
Microsoft App-V Client
Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Service
Net.Tcp Port Sharing Service
Offline Files
Peer Name Resolution Protocol
Peer Networking Grouping
Peer Networking Identity Manager
PNRP Machine Name Publication Service
Portable Device Enumerator Service
Print Spooler
Printer Extensions and Notifications
Remote Registry
Routing and Remote Access
Shared PC Account Manager
Smart Card
Smart Card Device Enumeration Service
Smart Card Removal Policy
SSDP Discovery
UPnP Device Host
Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service
Windows Remote Management (WS-Management)
WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service
Xbox Live Auth Manager
Xbox Live セーブ データ
Xbox Live ネットワーキング サービス
ユーザー エクスペリエンス仮想化サービス
市販デモ サービス

Sensor Monitoring Service
Sensor Service


AllJoyn Router Service
Application Identity
BitLocker Drive Enctyption Service
Block Level Backup Engine Service
Bluetooth Handsfree Service
Bluetooth サポート サービス
Diagnostic Policy Service
Diagnostic Service Host
Diagnostic System Host
Sensor Monitoring Service
Sensor Service
Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)






root# apt install postgresql-13-pgrouting

// 必要なDBのテーブルを作成

///// 江端追加ここから
root# cd /go/src
root# chmod a+rx -R work
root# cd work
root# chmod a+rx -R environment
///// 江端追加ここまで

root# su - postgres
postgres# cd /go/src/work/environment



root@8f02d02f5b8e:/go/src/agent# cat User.cpp | grep 12/24
// LOG_D << ss_info; 江端が実施 12/24 15:43

>                        paramF, _ := strconv.Atoi(x)
>(再度のgo installは不要です。)
