One example of the “It's coming soon” scam is the concept of “singularity.”
This “singularity” is interesting.
Firstly, the concept of “singularity” is not defined by a numerical value and still only exists as a concept.
Secondly, the expected time of occurrence is constantly being updated to “a few years or decades from now.”
It is truly the “Eternal Singularity”.

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As you know, I am using generative AI (such as ChatGPT) to the fullest.
I explain here that the generated AI is completely unintelligent and only displays the results of calculations on how to make sentences (choosing words, arranging letters, and determining how pleasant the sentence is).

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I am 'downwardly revising' human abilities, saying that the human mind or intellect is “only something that is created by machines.”
I think that the “mind” and “intelligence” that humans feel about are primarily determined by word choice, the letters' order, and the sentence's pleasantness.
I have already discussed this area.
―― 私たちは、心地の良いコミュニケーションだけがあればいい
In other words, “we don't need the word ‘singularity’ anymore.”
It is said that “only creative work cannot be done by a machine,” but in my daily use of ChatGPT, I can even “deny” this.
多くの人は、「創作」というのが、「まっしろなキャンパスの中から、突然湧き上がる発想」みたいな考え方をしているかもしれませんが ―― これ、素人の考え方です。
Many people may think that “creation” is something like “an idea that suddenly springs up from a blank canvas,” - but this is the way of thinking of amateurs.
From the perspective of a “patent specification manufacturing machine” like me, “creation” is “something or something that creates value beyond mere combination by combining existing technologies.”
In other words, the invention is “adding to existing technology” and “creating value greater than the sum of the additions.”
And ChatGPT is surprisingly good at this “combination.”
I can't help but ask, “How did you come up with that combination?”
For example, last night, I asked ChatGPT, “Can the ‘viscosity (difficulty of movement)’ of the place of interaction be included in a formula to increase the degree of human interaction? "The following answer blew me away.
The following are suitable physical laws for expressing the hypothesis that “the viscosity of a place for interaction increases intimacy.”
- ハーゲン・ポアズイユの法則(粘性が高いと流動性が低下 → 人の移動が減り、親密度が増加)
Hagen-Poiseuille's law (when viscosity is high, fluidity decreases → human movement decreases, intimacy increases)
- 万有引力の法則(移動が制限されることで距離が縮まり、相互作用が強くなる)
Universal Law of Gravitation (distance is shortened, and interaction becomes stronger when movement is restricted)
- ボルツマン因子(粘性が高くても、ストレスが大きいと親密度が下がる影響を考慮)
Boltzmann factor (even if viscosity is high, the effect of a large amount of stress lowering intimacy is taken into account)
- 粘性応力の関係(粘性が高いと流速勾配が小さくなり、固定的な関係が強まる)
Viscous stress relationship (when viscosity is high, the flow velocity gradient decreases, and the fixed relationship becomes stronger)
最も単純なモデルとしては、「親密度I は粘性η に比例する」という関係が適用でき、ハーゲン・ポアズイユの法則や万有引力の法則の変形で表現できる。
The simplest model is one in which “proximity I am proportional to viscosity η” can be expressed as a variant of the Hagen-Poiseuille law or the law of universal gravitation.
(The following description of the formula model is omitted.)
So, I was discussing with ChatGPT until late last night, and we completed reducing this “viscosity” to a general formula.
This content can be asserted as “creative work” done with ChatGPT.
At the very least, my definition of “creation” above is 100% fulfilled.
We don't need to wait for things like Singularity.
I think that what we need right now is a way to “get the most out of” (or “find the best way to use”) generative AI.
I want to keep the max” secret for as long as possible.
「まだChatGPTを使ってない人は『人生を悔い改めた方がいい』」 ―― と言った、ソフトバンクの孫社長に申し上げます。『いらんこと言うな』と。