Domestically, I couldn't find a similar product, and I also tried my hand at mail order in China, but I was hesitant when I saw the "one month delivery time" sign.
To begin with, our house has a wireless WiFi signal in every corner of the house.
The fact that I can't use this is also very uncomfortable.
I thought "Okay, I solved the problem", and I installed the second machine. However I confirmed that the exact same problem of the first machine occurred.
"The probability of two identical devices failing with exactly the same symptoms is so small in the real world as to be considered zero"
This is the usual way of systems studies.
After thoroughly inspecting the area around the device, it was discovered that there was a problem with the signal cable connections.
(However, I have also done follow-up testing with three signal cables, and to be honest, I can't explain this phenomenon, but I decided to forget about it.)
Anyway, I was be able to get it back in working order before.
This saved me from discarding the "TR-10RDX", which has a premium value.
When you're angry at they guy who cannot make anything, but feels like they are doing their job by meddling in my creations, even more so, I confirms my deep respect for my wife.
The distance from the TV at the back of the living room to the kitchen sink is about 5 meters, so when I'm cooking in the kitchen or washing up, I can see the TV, but not hear the audio.
In the kitchen, in order to hear the sound of the TV, I have to be in a maximum volume situation, but of course, this is too loud in the living room and can be a nuisance to the neighbors.
So, we use an FM transmitter to broadcast the TV sound to the FM radio.
Although I can't use AC power and have to use batteries, I can move the radio easily anywhere (such as on the table in the living room) and it has become convenient.
Even with batteries, it seems to last a light six months or more.
I don't like, or rather "hate", sitting on the couch and watching TV.
Because it feels like I waste my resources.
For me, I enjoy watching N-Spe (NHK special) the most while cooking and washing dishes.
Of course, each person has his or her own background, but I don't think the above efforts, whatever their background, will prevent them from "knowing their enemy".
The essence of "Sun Tzu's teachings are that even if they're not good at it, even if they're out of your field, they study this disaster head-on, even for a millimeter or a second, and strive to help others, aren't it?
Well, if they're saying, "the experts should be in charge of the technicalities" or "the politicians should be in charge of the politics", well, it's not up to me to say.
The book treats our underlings as "tools" all the way through, and even the love they show for that "tool" is one of your winning strategies. I am uncomfortable with the ideas.
In particular, the phrase "put the soldiers in a corner and let them use their strength to the best of his ability" pisses me off.
It is no exaggeration to say that this is a moving drama that shows the insatiable potential of human technology and depicts the potential of human beings and human love.
Based on the background, with reasonable potential and commitment to technology, a trivial human being, almost nothing love, I, Ebata, would like to say a few words.
NOT "God only gives us trials that we can overcome"
「神なら、私に試練を与えるな」―― と。
BUT "If you're God, don't give me a trial"
I've had a lukewarm life, I had no ambitions and I just want to live my life easily.
"JIN" should just be a "person of admiration" for me.