
長女が、Amazon Primeでも「映画クレヨンしんちゃん 嵐を呼ぶアッパレ!戦国大合戦」が見れない、と言っていました。

My senior daughter told me that she couldn't watch "The movie Crayon Shin-chan The Great Battle in Warring States period" is not available on Amazon Prime.


Maybe she want to have a screening at a friend's house, I think.

でも、まあ、その、なんというか ―― なんとかしました(詳細は省略)。

But, well, what can I say -- I did something about it (details omitted).


「映画クレヨンしんちゃん 嵐を呼ぶ モーレツ!オトナ帝国の逆襲」と併わせて、この2作は日本映画(×日本アニメ映画)の最高峰です。

Together with "Crayon Shin-chan The Adult Empire Strikes Back in heavy storm", these two movies are the best of Japanese movies (not "Japanese animation movies").


As a father, I am willing to help her for her activity.


この『2作』について知っている人は、当然に知っていますし、知らない人は、当然に知らないわけで ―― それは、仕方がないことですが ――

People who know about these two works naturally know about them, and people who don't know about them naturally don't know about them -- it cannot be helped, however,


I think it's better to watch them without prejudice.


I won't let you regret it.



I think I know a little bit about "rough numbers" concerning our country (Japan), partly because I write a series of columns like this one.


Among them, though the population of Japan has changed a lot recently due to the declining birth rate, I have a rough idea of the population as follows.


(1) One million people are born each year, and one million people die.

(2)100万人 X 100歳 = 1億人

(2) 1 million people X 100 years old = 100 million people


It's really rough, but it's useful to have this image in mind.

つまり、日本国内では、ざっくり毎日3000人くらいの人間が、生まれる一方で、死んでいる ―― つまり「置き代わって」いるのです。

In other words, roughly 3,000 people are born and die every day in Japan -- in other words, they are being "replaced".


On the other hand, looking at this page, the current vaccination speed of COVID-19 in Japan is,


roughly 10000 people/day.



What I'm trying to say is...

―― 毎日、10000人の接種者がいれば、1人くらいは、毎日死んでいく3000人の中に入っているだろう

"If there are 10,000 people vaccinated every day, at least one of them will be among the 3,000 people who die every day".



Of course, such a comparison of figures cannot be used to determine that there are no fatalities associated with the new coronavirus vaccine.


In fact, I don't believe that there is any such thing as "no causality" in a population of over 100 million people.


The human body is a super complex system, and everyone's system configuration is different.


What triggers what, in the end, no one knows.


"Safety" is really just a matter of "probability against the population.



But at this point, all I can say for sure are,


"The probability of dying from corona infection (which has been proven to be causal) is much higher than the probability of dying from the new corona vaccine (which is currently unknown).




"As a survival strategy, the virus will continue to mutate to make it easier to infect unvaccinated humans"




The reason why Ebata, who is not a doctor, can say such a thing with such confidence is that he frequently monitors data from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare and other sources.


The other reason is that I have been using genetic algorithms (GAs) to solve various problems, and I have a "physical" experience of the powerful effectiveness of these algorithms.


Recently, as a weekend engineer, I implemented and validated the algorithm for the memo here.

―― 分単位で変動し続ける状況に対して、あっと言う間に、(準)最適解を見つけ出してしまう

"The algorithm can come to find the (quasi-)optimal solution to a situation that fluctuates from minute to minute in a matter of seconds."


I was even astonished myself when I saw the results.


In my opinion, it is indisputably clear that the virus will continue to mutate to make it easier to infect unvaccinated people as a survival strategy.


という訳で ――



I'm not a doctor, I'm not an expert in infectious diseases, I'm not a vaccine development engineer, and I'm not even a member of the expert panel, however,


in the background of all the "big talk" about the new coronavirus vaccine,


"There are two things involved: (1) I'm used to reading numbers and (2) I'm (still) using genetic algorithms.



I have already written many times about how much I like Kaoru Takamura's books, in the stories "God's Fire" and "Shoot the Riviera".


I've read a lot of other books, but lately I've been rereading a lot of them, and I'd like to add some more famous ones.

という訳で「マークスの山」に手を出したのですが ―― ぶっちゃけ『しんどい』です。

That's why I started "Marks Mountain" -- it's "tough" to be honest.



OK,OK, I know what you mean, however, Kaoru Takamura's books as a set of upper and lower volumes are very difficult to read through the upper volume.

これを越えないと ―― というか、これを越えるからこそ、「一生モノの本」になるというか。

If I don't go beyond this -- or rather, if I go beyond this, it will be a "book for my life.


Well, it's like an ordeal.


But hey, it's already, honestly, it's hard.


So, I'm pretty much in a give up mode.


で、「マークスの山」のドラマとか調べていたのですが、Amazon Primeでは、現在視聴制限がかかっているみたいのですよ。

So I was looking into the "Mountain for Marks" drama , but it seems that Amazon Prime is currently restricting access to it.

その流れで、なんとなく「レディジョーカー(主演 上川隆也さん)」の方を視聴してしまったのですが、

In that vein, I somehow ended up watching "Lady Joker" (starring Takaya Kamikawa).

―― 全7話を、1日で見終わってしまうほど、面白かった

"It was so much fun that I finished watching all seven episodes in one day!"


Shigeru Izumiya, Kosuke Toyohara, and Kyohei Shibata were all great.



Lately, my way of reading books has become so focused on acquiring information that I don't seem to be able to 'enjoy reading' anymore.

我が国では、「本を読むということ」 = 「価値のあること」という文化が根づいています。

In our country, there is a deep-rooted culture that "reading a book" means "having value".

私も、読書は良いことだと思ってはいるのですが ―― 問答無用に「良い」とすることは、ある種の「思考停止」だと思んですよね。

I also believe that reading is a good thing -- but to assume that it is "good" without question is a kind of "thought stopping".

吉川英二さんの「三国志」でなくても、私だったら、ドラマ"The Three Kingdoms"の視聴をお勧めしますし、

Lately, my way of reading books has become so focused on acquiring information that I don't seem to be able to 'enjoy reading' anymore.


Instead of reading a book with a horrifying title like "The Slaughterhouse Organ", I recommend watching the anime "The Slaughterhouse Organ".


Well, that's beside the point.


ドラマ「マークスの山(主演 上川隆也さん)」の方を、見たくて、見たくて、仕方ありません。

I can't wait to see the drama "Mountain for Marks (starring Takaya Kamikawa)".

Amazon Prime と、NetFlexの方は、ダメなようです。

Amazon Prime and NetFlex seem to be a no-go.

どなかた、現在「マークスの山」を見れるサイトをご存知でしたら、教えて下さい ―― 本を読むのを止めてご連絡を待っています。

If you know of a site where I can currently see "Mountains for Marks", please let me know -- I'll stop reading the book and wait to hear from you.



By the way, now that "Bees in the Sky" has been made into a movie, I would like to see "God's Fire" made into a movie as well.


But... the reality of the Fukushima nuclear accident is beyond the content of "God's Fire", so it might be difficult to make a movie about it.



Today, I would like to share one of my scary stories with you.



The other day, I got on the Shinkansen to go home for a day trip to support my mother's discharge from the hospital.

―― 寒くて凍えそうになりました

"It was so cold and I almost froze"

昔の乗り物、映画館は、本当に凍えそうになるくらいの温度に設定されていて ―― というか、空気循環システムの機能が十分ではなくて ―― 場所によっては、「暑くて仕方がない」というところもあれば「寒くて凍えそう」と場所が、併存していたのです。

In the old days, rides and movie theaters were set to freezing temperatures -- or rather, the air circulation system was not fully functioning -- and some places were "too hot" while others were "too cold".


However, in recent years, with the development of air circulation methods through 3D simulation calculations, I believe that these problems have been solved to a large extent.


So, when I felt the unusually cold, I thought to myself with many questions


In fact, the people around me didn't seem to have any trouble with the cold.



That day, I was on the Shinkansen on my way home.


I pulled out my father's work clothes, his belongings, from my parents' house and stuffed them inside my knapsack, however, at thit time,

―― 暑くて、汗が吹き出してきました

"It was so hot, and I was sweating"


When I looked around, I couldn't see anything like that.



The cause was clear.

―― 「江端智一」の寒暖調整機能の劣化、または故障

"Deterioration or malfunction of the cold temperature control function of "Tomoichi Ebata""



Since about the year before last, my body has been reacting to the air conditioning in the office in a messed up way, freezing and sweating when I come to work.


I have also found that there is a huge gap between the 29 and 30 degrees Celsius temperature setting of the air conditioner at bedtime, which dominates our physical condition the next day.


There are days when I can relax and rest without air conditioning on a tropical night, feeling, "It's nice and warm," and there are days when I can wake up with air conditioning on a rainy night, feeling , "It's too hot".

This situation was that,

―― 「江端智一」という被制御対象の取り扱いを、「江端智一」自身が制御できなくなりつつある

"Tomoichi Ebata" himself is losing control over the handling of the subject he controls"




My sister and I were really worried about our late father going to bed without air conditioning on tropical nights.


We tried as much as we could to tell my father in his later years to 'turn on the air conditioner at night anyway'.


However, I come to think that

―― 父を、凍えさせていたのかもしれない

"The air conditioner may have been freezing my father out"



At that time, I even think that my father was being "abused" by the air conditioner.


As I remembered the "cold in the Shinkansen" this time.



This problem is, frankly, insanely difficult.


I certainly don't think that my sister and I were wrong to be worried about "heat stroke" when my father couldn't use the air conditioner properly.


However, I have come to feel that the air conditioner setting of 31 degrees Celsius (Listen to me! , it is "31" degrees Celsius) is either too cold or too hot, depending on the day, and I don't know what the "right" answer is anymore.



As I have told you before, there are only two ways for a human being to die.


(1) you can die before you develop dementia or (2) you can die after you develop dementia.


And many people will be (2).


The person in (2) will not be able to operate the air conditioner, and they will not be able to operate the air conditioner and will have to leave it to someone else to operate.


This means that in the near future, I will have to spend my life in a "freezing summer" without being able to tell anyone about it.



What do you think, this horror?


It's a lot scarier than those ghost stories.


However, listen to me. This is not a fictional story, but a real one.



Today, I was watching the programs that were stored in my HDD recorder.

「BS1スペシャル マイケル・サンデルの白熱教室 君の成功は努力の結果?運?」

"BS1 Special: Michael Sandel's White Heat Classroom: Is Your Success the Result of Hard Work or Luck?



Students from prestigious universities in Japan, the U.S. and China gathered via video conference to answer Professor Sandel's questions.



Well, I'll spare you the details, however,


- It's no surprise that Professor Sandel and the U.S. students are speaking in "English.


- All Chinese students were all speaking in English.


- Only the Japanese students spoke in "Japanese".

―― なんだろう? NHKが敢えてそういう演出をしたのかな? だとしたら、その理由は?

"What is it? Did NHK dare to stage it that way? If so, what was the reason?"


I thought that.


There may have been an explanation of why somewhere in the program.

適当にスキップしながら見ていたので、私が見落している可能性もありますが ―― その理由が、もし、

I was skimming through it at random, so it's possible I'm missing something -- but if the reason is that

―― サンデル教授と、英語で質疑応答できそうな日本の学生を、一人も見付けられなかった

"NHK couldn't find any Japanese students who could answer questions in English with Professor Sandel"


If that is the case, I think it is the Japanese government (the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) that is to blame, not NHK or the students.


EE Times Japanで、ずっと私のコラムの面倒を見て頂いているMさんのコラム

The column by Ms. M, who has been taking care of my column at EE Times Japan,


"After the second dose of vaccine, I had a 'full combo' of adverse reactions."


is very powerful.


After reading it, I thought

―― 副反応の個体差って、凄いな

"Individual differences in adverse reactions are amazing"




The Ebata family's (mine, my wife's, and my second daughter's) adverse reactions are as described here.


By the way, my wife and I was able to get an appointment for my senior daughter at a large vaccination site this time.


My wife and I did not have any adverse reactions that interfered with our lives in both the first and second rounds, and my second daughter's reactions are that she had something like the flu but had a good appetite.


In comparison, Ms. M's adverse reaction seems to be much worse than ours.


Incidentally, "moderate" for the new coronary infection means that in addition to the symptoms of this adverse reaction of Ms. M.

―― 自分の両手で、自分の首を力強く締めつけて、呼吸困難にした状況を、1週間~2週間以上も続ける状態

"A condition in which one's own hands are used to forcefully tighten one's own neck, making it difficult to breathe, for more than one to two weeks"




I used to have asthma, so I know it well. Asthma, in a nutshell, is a disease that makes it impossible to breathe.


In the past, each asthma attack has lasted less than two hours for me.

しかし、あれが、1週間~2週間以上も続くかもしれない ―― それは、私に自殺を考えさせることができるくらいの「拷問」です。

But that thing could go on for more than a week or two -- that's so much "torture" that I could consider suicide.


Mさんの症状が、いわゆる「コロナの軽症」に相当するものです ―― 『軽い風邪?』 バカいってんじゃないですよ。「軽症」ですら結構な地獄を味わえます。

Ms. M's symptoms correspond to what is called a "mild case of corona" -- "like a mild cold?" Don't be silly. Even a "mild case" can be quite a hell.


In addition to this, "moderate corona" is a high fever and neck tightness that lasts for more than a week or two.


When you have "severe corona," it's not about the pain anymore. It's about losing consciousness. And once you become severely ill, you have to leave life and death to your own "luck".



The reason why I refrained from going out (only late night walks) and completed my two doses of vaccine early was because only


"To avoid this hellish pain (and death)"



To put it bluntly, "prevention of infection to others" is a petty reason that is about 1000 steps backward from this purpose.


I honestly don't care if other people (except for my family) suffer or die.



I will continue to do everything I can to 'avoid my hellish suffering (and death)'.


If you don't want to get vaccinated because you are afraid of adverse reactions to currently known or as yet unknown vaccines, that's fine, however,

―― 自分の両手で、自分の首を力強く締めつけて、呼吸困難にした状況を、1週間~2週間以上も続ける状態

"A condition in which one's own hands are used to forcefully tighten one's own neck, making it difficult to breathe, for more than one to two weeks"


If you are suffering from those symptoms, I will not help you.


(Unless you're like my mother, who was stopped by her doctor from giving her a second shot because it was seriously dangerous.)



Finally, there is the matter of the "president of some housing company" who appears in this column.


If this is true, then the president fits my previous definition of a


"lowlife terrorist"



It can be said that the president of the company himself is "power harassing" his employees to prevent them from getting vaccinated, putting their lives in danger.



I was given a powerful example of "Ignorance is violence" and "Low ability is the strongest".



I am currently taking compliance training (bribery) remotely.


The crime of bribery is not limited to money or goods, but applies to any object or thing that provides a benefit to the person concerned.


Even if something is completely worthless to another person, it can be considered a "bribe" if it is beneficial to the person concerned.


I am not an honorable person, and I would like to have money and goods, but I don't have the kind of stuff that would get me fired or subject me to criminal penalties as an alternative.


Besides, I think emotions (grudges and revenge) are more effective in moving me than money or goods.


Also, the things I "really" want often occur out of the blue.


For example.

―― 突然、動かなくなったDockerをなんとかして欲しい

"I want you to do something about the Docker that suddenly stopped working."

―― どんなに見直しても、プログラムが動かない。原因を示唆して欲しい

"No matter how much I review the program, it doesn't work. I need you to suggest a cause."

―― AWSの設定で、パケットがファイアウォールを越えない。正しい設定方法が知りたい

"In AWS configuration, packets do not cross the firewall. I need to know how to configure it correctly."


This means that the provision of such information may also be considered a "bribe" under the law.


However, unless the inducement of profit is objectively recognized, it may be difficult to qualify it as a "bribe."



When I was posting the above "whining" on my blog, if a person who kindly gave him advice included his company name in his email, etc...


I may end up memorizing the name of the company because it made such a good impression on the person.


I think.


I know this is a very ambiguous way of doing things, but I think this kind of "kindness" can be a good sales strategy (x bribe).



There was a president of a venture company who used to write in my column, "Ebata is boasting about their technological capabilities.


This guy dissed me on a social networking site where he disclosed his company name and personal name, and I remember thinking, 'Oh, he's a genuine idiot'.


I have no intention of interfering with this company's business activities, but I have vowed to 'never respond to this guy and never deal with his company's products.



After all, it is difficult to separate the public from the private.

その2つは「感情」で繋っているからです ―― 「靖国問題」を出すまでもなく

Because the two are connected by "feelings" -- not to mention the "Yasukuni shrine issue".



"The King's Speech" is one of my favorite movies of all time.


It is about the friendship between King George VI of England, who suffered from a stutter, and the speech therapist, a commoner from Australia, who treated him


I think I've rewatched it about 10 times now, especially the closing scene of the radio broadcast of the war between Britain and Germany.



Right now, Amazon Prime has both subtitled and dubbed versions of the film released.


The Japanese dubbing is not bad, but I prefer the subtitled version (in English).


The desperate speech of the King of England, who suffered from a stutter, is well conveyed.


Personally (as an engineer), I also like the scene where many broadcast engineers are adjusting their machines to convey the King's speech to the whole of Britain.


―― ジョージ6世の立場に比べれば、気楽なものだ

"Compared to George VI's position, it's a piece of cake."


I told myself, and presented my bullshit English at the conference presentation on Zoom webinar.


Next month, I will have to show it off again.


Anyway, I am sincerely grateful for my birth as a selfish folk weed, not linked to the imperial family and without a title.



I'm currently researching programming education and other STEM education, and I've found that when I try to find the source of it, I end up with something terrible.


But so far, I seem to be the only one who has tied it to that.



Recently, I watched,

NHK BSプレミアム フランケンシュタインの誘惑 「原爆誕生 科学者たちの"罪と罰"」

NHK BS Premium: Frankenstein's Temptation "The Birth of the Atomic Bomb: Scientists' Crime and Punishment


(Replayed again today at 11:45)



It's the "Manhattan Project."



This time, I would like to talk about it from an engineering perspective.


(1) Sudden success in the first experiment

広島原爆投下の3週間前の、1945年7月16日に、プルトニウム型爆弾ファットマンの爆発実験 「トリニティ実験」が実施されましたが、

On July 16, 1945, three weeks before the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, the "Trinity Experiment" was conducted to test the detonation of a plutonium bomb, the Fat Man.

―― いきなり実験に成功するか?

"The experiment suddenly succeed?"


I thought.


It was unimaginably difficult to control the detonation (implosion) of a protonium core by uniformly applying the same pressure in two millionths of a second.


Without the present technology of of GSP and EtherCAT, it would have been very difficult to achieve such high precision timing.


Implosion is the question of whether you can crush a tomato without destroying it, and it is the process of using explosives to compress a tomato into a smaller size, like a ping-pong ball or a pachinko ball, without bursting it.(They achieved this by induced detonation of explosives of different properties.)


As an engineer, I thought , "Well, out of a hundred times, they probably succeeded one time on a whim."


Before the Trinity experiment, I'm sure they conducted many preliminary tests of implosion, but I couldn't find out how they judged the success or failure of those tests.


(2) The atomic bomb was dropped on Japan only three weeks after the first test (Trinity experiment).

―― たった3週間で兵器として完成できるものか?

"Could it be weaponized in just three weeks?"


To begin with, transporting a weapon with nuclear material from the US mainland to Japan was insane.


Although the probability was low, there was also the possibility of a misfire, and the carrier may be exposed to radiation.


In the first place, there were very few people who understood the horror of the atomic bombing in those days.


(In fact, there was an accident in which a researcher who stepped over a nuclear material died instantly.)


(3) Successful explosion on the first try


This was also a great thing. Bomb duds are a fact of life. "It's not uncommon for a bomb to be dropped, but fail to explode.


Generally, "first use weapons" are going "duds," but the second and third detonated in Hiroshima and Nagasaki without fail.


It was not normal.

真面目な話、『米国が、国土に、原爆の不発弾を一つだけでも落としてくれれば・・・』と思いますが ――

Seriously, if only the U.S. had dropped just one unexploded bomb on Japan...


Well, the U.S. would never give its top secret to an enemy country.



In other words, the Manhattan Project was not just a project to develop an atomic bomb, but it was a plan from the beginning to use it as a weapon (storage, transportation, and operation).

原子力というと、どうしても、理論や、エネルギー、制御などという観点に引っ張られてしまいがちですが ――

When we think of nuclear energy, we tend to be drawn to theories, energy, control, and so on.


As an engineer, I can't help but marvel at the "operational technology" (OT).



Well, look at this US coronary vaccine development project, "Operation Warp Speed"

―― 本気を出したあの国は、やっぱり怖い

"I'm still afraid of that country when it gets serious."


I can't help but think so.



I described the cervical cancer vaccine before (Dr. Shibata told me about it).


My second daughter was caught up in the so-called "vaccine frenzy" and was not vaccinated, so I told her to get vaccinated during this summer vacation.


"As for the cervical cancer vaccine, I told my second daughter, who is the only one in our family who hasn't been vaccinated, to 'go get vaccinated now, go right away.


as I wrote.


However, as a former member of the engineering department, I found the schedule and content of my second daughter's university lectures so demanding that I couldn't even look at them and said, "I'll just postpone it until summer vacation.



Cervical cancer vaccination is free of charge for 6th graders to 1st graders of high school, but there is a fee for all others.


However, I thought, "It's probably only a few thousand yen," but after a quick check...

―― 全3回接種で、約5万円

"Approximately 50,000 yen for all three vaccinations"



To be honest, I was shocked by the amount of money.


However, this is not a "money" issue, so I say to her, "Go ahead".


I declare the following to my second daughter.


"Naturally, I (Ebata) will pay all the expenses".


"If you become disabled due to an adverse reaction, I (Ebata) will take care of you (the second daughter) for the rest of your life."


"I (Ebata) will take care of you (the second daughter) for the rest of my life, and I (Ebata) will never die until you (the second daughter) die.


I will not overeat, drink, smoke, etc. in the future. I will exercise every day and limit my consumption of Hokkyoku-Ramen to no more than four times a year.


"If you get an adverse reaction, you can continue to curse me (Ebata) for the rest of your life and stay alive.




There is no guarantee that the second daughter will not be among the 3,000 women who die annually (roughly 100,000 over 30 years).


This is no big deal rather watching my daughter killed by cervical cancer and being able to do nothing.