
私の勤務している会社は、eラーニング(*)も使って、社員教育を行っています ―― ってまあ、今時、どこでもそうでしょうが。

In my company, e-Learning systems(*) is working for education of employees, well nowadays, many companies use the system.


(*)Education system using PCs tables and smartphones vis the Internet.


The other day, a new education package has come to my mail box.

簡単に纏めれば、「介護」と「子育て」 ―― 我が国のみならず、世界の社会課題 ―― に対する、会社としての取り組みに関する内容でした。

The contents are, company's measures and policies about in short "caring" for "parents" and "children", which are not only domestic but also international social problems.


"My parents had been gone, and my senior daughter has been business person and my junior daughters is a college student. Anyway I don't have think about the problems".


But after a few seconds, I screamed alone.

―― アホか! 私は!!

"How stupid I am!"

―― これから「介護」「子育て」を迎える世代、あるいは現在進行形の世代を、サポートする主体が、この私だろう!

"It is me to support the generations of present and future, who have to fight against "caring" for "parents" and "children"

―― 世間がどうなろうが知ったことではいが、社内の人間や、娘たちは、ドンピシャのターゲットだろうが!!

"I don't care of the world, however I have to support my co-workers and my daughter as supported persons"



I blamed me that I thought, even for a moment, that I had escaped from the two major social issues.


例年、4月の上旬は、入社したての新人が、窓口業務でOJT(On the Job Training)に出てきます。

Usually, in early April, new employees who have just joined the company appear for on-the-job training (OJT) in window operations.

当然、新人ですので、その業務がもたつきますし、4月は各種手続で、多くの人が窓口に集まってきて 混雑します。

Naturally, since they are newcomers, their work will be slow, and in April, many people will gather at the counter for various procedures, making it crowded.


However, it can also be said that this is a "start-up period for the social system," a period that the people of Japan need to watch with warm eyes.



Today, first thing in the morning, I went to the post office to send out an express registered mail. The person at the counter was a so-called senior uncle.


The uncle was probably a newcomer, with a younger bureau staff member by his side to assist him with business procedures.


He seemed to be confused, however, it could not be help.


About the express registered mail, the method to read a destination address changed to scan the envelopment( I don't have to write the address), I could use the credit cared, and get a receipt including the tracking number.


For me, as a users, these are very useful, however, the operator ( the uncle at the counter ) seemed to be hard to use various devices.



The uncle is me of the future.


Let's all take care of our seniors (elderly).


They (I) have already finished the role of "weaker of society", and now they are expected as essential labors


In addition, they will be contributors to save national budget by rising the age of qualifying conditions.



Now, the slogan of "Take care of elder people" is not completed. The phrase of "as important labors" will be added after the slogan.



In this column, I am writing a column exposing my ignorance and inexperience.


I once wrote about a time when I was scammed.

―― 「自分(江端)の無知や無能や無力をさらして書いている」と、これほど念入りに言っているのに、それでも『傷口に塩ふってくる人』は、一定数いるなぁ

"Even though I have been very careful to say, "I am writing to expose my (Ebata's) ignorance, incompetence, and inability," there are still a certain number of people who "sprinkle salt on the wound"


I am deeply aware of this.



Well, 'beating the dog that fell in the pond' is 'quite fun' for everyone (even me).


After all, the dog (me) is currently drowning in the pond, so I can't fight back.


In addition, I am also aware that, in my case, 'I have reasons to be beaten'.

そして、これらの批判コメンをすることが ―― たとえ『池に落ちた犬を叩く』のであったとしても ―― 担保されている社会は、やはり『良い』のだと思います。

I believe that a society that guarantees the ability to make these critical comments is a good one -- even if it is "beating the dog that fell into the pond".



Just remember, I forget about the "person I "have beaten" in a few minutes. however,

「私"を"叩いた人」のことは、10年単位でも忘れません ―― というか忘れることができません。

I will not -- or rather, cannot -- forget the person who "beat" me, even if it takes me 10 years to do so.


I'll continue to retain vivid memories, and I think I'll remember it for the rest of my life.


私、研究所の先輩から『愛の永久機関』の称号を頂いておりますが ――

I have received the title of "Permanent Institution of Love" from my seniors at the laboratory.


Rather, I think "Fast Breeder Reactor of Hatred" would be more appropriate for me.



Programming that I have never done before excites me.


I've never played games (I mean it's computer games) seriously , but probably in the same direction.

「思い通りにプログラムが動く = ラスボスを倒す」

I think that "I make a program that I want to execute" is equal to "I defeat the last boss."


違いがあるとすれば ――

If there is a difference,


I think programming is a great way to pass on know-how to third parties.


In contrast, the know-how to defeat the last boss is not protected as intellectual property, nor can it be transferred to a third party.



The Ebata family is a typical family of ordinary people, I think. However we had never used the following phrase of


"Don't play games all the time, study!"



To begin with, the culture of gaming has not taken root in my family.


The last game words I heard were "Nintendo-DS" and "Wii".

娘たちはハイティーンの時代を"No Game"で過してきたのかと思うと、それはそれで凄いことだな、と思います。

It is amazing to think that my daughters have spent their high teenage years playing "No Game".


Return to the topic.



Conversely, gaming talent cannot be transferred to a third party, and therefore strong differentiation can be achieved.


Professional game players are one example.


Games could be the subject of school education if they are properly systematized, manualized, and curricularized.


This can easily tag-team with current programming and STEM education.


In addition, e-sports have a high potential to contribute to the health of the elderly in that they are less likely to be affected by age, gender, or physical size.


It is also, in fact, one of the solutions to "loneliness" and "isolation".


One negative effect of education may be the creation of a new paradigm, that of "game aversion".


Just like the "English haters" and "math haters" that are prominent in our country, the building of a tendency to dislike games could be a solution to problems such as "game addiction".



Well, in fact, the current introduction of programming education is also likely to generate "programming aversion".


I can honestly say, 'It will definitely occur,' I believe.



The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that 63 Japanese nationals are banned from entering Japan.

私は入っていないようでした ―― 当然ですが。

I didn't seem to be in it -- naturally.



I have previously done my own research on whether a customer who refuses to show proof of vaccination can be banned from the premises.



This time, I looked into it again.


The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that 63 Japanese nationals are banned from entering Japan.


This Section 521 is open-ended, as long as it does not conflict with current law, and its scope appears to be quite broad.


It is possible to specify a "dress code", a "first-time customer", or even to designate individuals to be banned from facilities by name.


If you ignore this, you will be subject to a police report and forced eviction for the crime of trespassing and eviction from a building, as stipulated in Article 130 of the Penal Code (x Civil Code).

もちろん、名指しで出禁を指定された人は、『「契約の自由」の濫用』として、訴訟に持ち込むこともできますが、私が、ざっと調べた限り、裁判になっても、原告が敗訴しているようです(例 平成29年1月12日静岡地方裁判所沼津支部判決)。

Of course, those who have been designated as banned by name can bring a lawsuit for 'abuse of "freedom of contract"', but as far as I can tell, the plaintiffs have lost their cases in court (example: January 12, 2009 Shizuoka District Court, Numazu Branch decision).


Of course, any entry/exit ban that conflicts with current law would obviously be invalid, but, well, such a case would probably never go to court in the first place, I think.



Is there anyone who would like to try the action of 'file an appeal (immediate appeal) against the entry ban to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs'?

ロシアが採用している行政法の法体系を、全然知りませんが、ロシアの司法による『判断理由』を読んでみたいな、と思いました ―― 理由の記載なし、というケースも含めて。

I don't know the legal system of administrative law that Russia has adopted, at all, but I would like to read the 'reasons for the decision' by the Russian judiciary -- including the case of "no reasons stated".



I mentioned the other day that 'one (of) the targets of my research this year is "loneliness"'.

"ネガティブの感情" ―― フォースのダークサイド ―― の活用方法に関して、私の右に出るものは ―― 少ないと思います。


When I mentioned this to my wife, she said, 'What?' She asked me back.


My wife also had the same impression of the place as I wrote in my diary above.


昨日、ノリーナ・ハーツさんの「THE LONELY CENTURY なぜ私たちは「孤独」なのか」を読了して、今、まとめに入っています。

Yesterday I finished reading "THE LONELY CENTURY Why We Are "Lonely"" by Noreena Hertz and am now putting it together.

「LONELY CENTURY」の感想文を書いています


The work that is currently expected of me (I think) is "how to measure loneliness", but this is quite difficult.


Technically, various measures can be taken. Although this is possible even with current technology, it is naturally intertwined with the issue of privacy.

―― プライベートを干渉されたくないが、孤独でいるのもイヤだ

'I don't want my private life interfered with, but I also don't want to be alone.'


I cannot find an approach that conveniently resolves these disparate and conflicting desires.


Usually, the answer is 'you have to give up one or the other.

一応、「THE LONELY CENTURY」の終章に、ソリューションらしきものは記載されているのですが、「これだ!」と思えるような決定打はないようです ―― まあ、そんなものがあれば、すでに実施されているハズですが。

There is a solution in the last chapter of "THE LONELY CENTURY," but there seems to be no definitive solution -- well, if there was such a solution, it would have been implemented already.



I am a person who can think that 'solitude is worth it,' so I have no hesitation in testing the following.



Compared to TOEIC, I don't have any resistance at all (I would rather take it).



Incidentally, there is a paradigm-shifting way to (comfortably) solve this "loneliness" problem.

「孤独」を「孤高」と読み替える ―― それだけです。

Replace "loneliness" with "isolation" -- that's it.



OSS (Open Source Software) is now a commonplace, but its origins can be traced back to fetchmail, emacs, and Linux.


I think the first argument (or rather, column) that presented OSS as "not just a bona fide source code disclosure, but a good software development model" was Eric Daymond's disclosure, "The Cathedral and the Bazaar".


I re-read this today and did not find any reference to the OSS business model here.


However, various business models have now been realized and are already well established.



Well, to see how badly OSS was treated in the beginning, please refer to this article.

'今となっては、ITに詳しくない人ですら知っている用語、OSS(オープンソースソフトウェア) ―― この概念が世間に公表された時、世界中のITエンジニア(私も含めて)から「アホじゃないか」と、あきれたものです'

'Nowadays, even people who are not familiar with IT know the term, OSS (Open Source Software) -- when this concept was announced to the world, IT engineers around the world (myself included) gasped and said, "Isn't that stupid?'


'The source code of a program is the culmination of software technology. If you make that source code open for anyone to see, it is like giving your work all the way to someone else.


Others include,

'その当時、Linuxのカーネルコンパイルなんかやっていたら、「江端ぁ! オモチャのOSで、遊んでんじゃねーぞ!!」と叱られたものです(本当)'

At that time, when I was compiling the Linux kernel, my boss said to me, "Ebata! Don't play with a toy OS! I was scolded by him.




And lately, I think...

―― ソースコードが開示されたところで、所詮、他人の書いたコードは、自分には読めない

"Even if the source code is disclosed, I can't read the code written by others after all"

という、『オープンソース ≒ クローズドソース論』を、主張したいと思います。

I would like to argue that a theory of "Open Source is nearly equal to Closed Source".

I know well, that,

―― オープンソースコードの理解にかかるコストは、オープンソースコードをスクラッチから作り直す程度のコストに匹敵する

"The cost of understanding open source code is comparable to the cost of rebuilding open source code from scratch"



It was late this morning that I was able to understand this from the opposite direction this time, by the fact of


'I couldn't understand a hundred lines of someone else's code, but I could instantly recall a thousand lines of my own code that I wrote five years ago.'



In other words, 'open source code maximizes its value when it is paired with its developers.


As a matter of fact, if I am using someone else's open source and a bug arises, I have no desire to debug that code at all.


In such cases, my response is about three things: (1) deal with the problem in operation, (2) abandon the use of the code, or (3) hope the bug does not come up in a workshop at a conference.



Of course, this my experience does not negate a single millimeter of the OSS development and business models that have been discussed.


But for me, my OSS is about


"Collaborative development between me in the past and me in the present"


is the most significant.



Professor Leskenen's line from Steins;Gate Zero episode 18,

「これは、私と、私による合作なんだよ ―― 時を越えた」

"This is a timeless collaboration between me and me"


should be added to the significance of OSS development.


連休中ですが、普段より働いている気がします ―― 疲労を感じます。

I'm on holiday, but I feel like I'm working more than usual -- I feel tired.


Based on my policy of "making every effort to 'cut corners'" , I am struggling with following issues.



Come to think of it, the book I made myself before really helped me out.


'Thank you, past me!' And I thank myself for crossing time and space.


私、最近、teratail(https://teratail.com/)という技術系の質問掲示板を使わせて頂いておりまして ―― 質問ばかりしています。

I have recently been using a technical question board called teratail (https://teratail.com/) -- I ask a lot of questions.


I am too sorry to do this, but even I would like to answer what I can.


That's the 'trade-off'...No, I don't mean that. Let's see, it's called 'mutual aid coexistence', yes, yes.


However, anything I might be able to answer is either "answered" or "resolved", leaving no room for me to speak.


『いつか、あなたを助けるから、今はちょっと勘弁ね』と呟きながら ――

With muttering, 'Someday, I'll help you, just not right now,'


Today, I am sitting in front of my computer with giving my headache, and trying the construction and use of the GIS database for Utsunomiya City.


BS世界のドキュメンタリー 「女王陛下の戴冠式」を見ていました。

I was watching the BS World Documentary "The Coronation of Her Majesty the Queen".


This documentary chronicles the 16 months of preparation leading up to the coronation event, with comments from Queen Elizabeth II and others involved at the time.


I love these behind-the-scenes stories of events and enjoyed watching them.



My senior daughter said, "I wonder how much the queen will be paid for this".


I replied, "I don't think Her Majesty the Queen is getting paid."


Senior Daughter: "Why, in the UK, can they make these programs?"


Ebata: "Perhaps, well, in a good way or a bad way, the British imperial family is certainly 'open' to the public."


Even after the divorce, it is hard to imagine the paparazzi chasing the former Crown Princess to death in a car accident in the Japanese Imperial Family.



Ebata: "Personally, I'd like to watch a documentary recording the Emperor's accession to the throne, even if it's 10 years later."


On the other hand, the wife said.


"I don't want to watch that."



Well, I thought that the "degree of opening and closing" of the Imperial Family is not only the judgment of the Imperial Family and the Imperial Household Agency, but also our public awareness might be a major parameter.



Russia is currently under a condemnation resolution from the United Nations.


In the past, Japan withdrew itself from the League of Nations (1933).


Russia is under economic sanctions, but it is the world's energy resource producer and China is a (de facto) ally.


In the past, Japan was also subjected to economic sanctions from all over the world (100% economic sanctions since 1941).


In addition, our country's energy production was only about 10%, and our only allies were two European countries (Germany and Italy), neither of which was an energy supplier or had transportation routes that could accommodate energy (*).


(*)To my surprise when I looked into this issue, it seems that Japan was producing quite a bit of crude oil at that time.

―― それでも、当時の我が国の国民は、4年間の戦争を耐え凌いだ

-- Yet, the people of our country at that time endured four years of war

もし東京大空襲がなれば、もし原爆投下がなければ、もしソ連の平和条約の一方的破棄がなければ ―― たぶん、もっと長い期間耐えていただろう、と思います。

If it had not been for the air raid on Tokyo, if it had not been for the atomic bombings, if it had not been for the Soviet Union's unilateral abrogation of the peace treaty -- maybe they would have endured for a longer period of time, I think.


Incidentally, public disillusionment with the war occurred only in the last six months of the war, when air raids began to become more frequent, and until then, government approval ratings had been relatively favorable.

戦争中の政府の支持率は「高い」 ―― これ、結構、常識です(例えば、自殺率が恐しく改善します)。

Support for government during war is "high" -- this is pretty much common knowledge (e.g., suicide rates improve horribly).


Japan lost the war, but Vietnam was fought for 20 years and finally won against the U.S. Cuba has been under economic sanctions since 1960 and is still enduring them.



I think you should do your own research and think for yourself about the "Russian invasion of Ukraine" instead of just receiving one-sided views from the mass media.


I have looked into this issue from the perspective of "comparisons with our country's past wars in the Pacific," but I am sure there are many other approaches.