

Our family has purchased two "bumper crop radios."


It is usually used as a receiver to pick up TV sounds and to obtain disaster information in an emergency.


このラジオは電池式なのですが、結構な頻度で電池交換が発生します ―― 毎日使っていますし、つけっぱなしにしてしまうことも多いようなので。

This radio is battery-operated, but the batteries need to be changed quite often -- I use it every day and seem to leave it on a lot.


As expected, I thought, "This is a waste of batteries.


So I wired it to the battery box using the power supply adapter from a discarded phone in the junk box, but it did not work well.


' I thought, 'That's odd, isn't it?' I looked at the voltage with a tester and found that it was not even 0.1 volts. It seems to deteriorate over time surprisingly quickly.



Suddenly, I disassembled a USB cable from a USB adapter I had purchased at a 100-yen store, which was lying all over the place in my house, and tried to wire it together, and it was a "hit


The radio emits a robust and energetic sound.


To be able to switch to batteries in case of a disaster, the wiring was done simply by hooking the lead wires to the electrodes without soldering.


So, we had to run a cable about 5 meters long to carry it around the room.


As it were, this is a hassle, but as an alternative to giving up the benefits of batteries, I think it's just how it is.



I hold a Master's in Electrical Engineering.


I have had to work hard to obtain the title, but this is the extent to which it has helped me understand "electricity" in my daily life.



Raspberry PI4(ラズパイ4)で、ある特定のDockerコンテナが動かないので、頭を抱えています。

I have a headache because a particular Docker container is not working on my Raspberry PI4 (Raspberry PI4).


From Raspi 4, the CPU has changed from AMD (CISC chip) to ARM (RISC chip).

ラズパイが、このサイズ(名刺サイズ)のままで、性能を上げるには、低電力消費と高性能を組み合わせたRISC(Reduced Instruction Set Computing)アーキテクチャを使わなければ、やっていけないというのは分かります。

I understand that Raspi cannot do without RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing) architecture, which combines low power consumption and high performance, to increase performance at this size (business card size).


However, it is a disaster for the engineers dealing with such "transitional periods.


It's more of a disaster than "a surprise invitation for a drink from your boss."

Dockerコンテナは、チップとかOSとかに関係なく動く ―― というのが建前ですが、そうでないことは結構あります。

Docker containers work regardless of chip or OS -- the building block is that they work irrespective of chip or OS, but that's pretty much not the case.


I have often run into this problem, especially with Raspi.



Understanding how to figure out the "time to melt" due to these system change issues is essential.


Do you see such time as an 'unproductive waste of time' or a 'necessary up-front investment for the future'?


This argument does not make much sense.


This type of technical challenge will always be solved if left alone.


Computers will continue to improve, and software that stopped working because of the chip change will eventually work again.


That's the kind of thing that people do their best to do.


In the digital industry, we can take advantage of the achievements of such people.



The time it takes for prior art to become generalized is frighteningly short, and the first-mover advantage gained from previous development is not great.


There is a "patent law" to protect the interests of prior art inventors, and I believe it has specific effects on device, material, and machine inventions.


However, inventions in digital systems are less likely to be protected by patent law.


First, the algorithm itself is not patentable (JPO has decided that), and second, it is deathly challenging to prove infringement. Even if we prove it, the amount of money we can get is paltry.

では、なぜ、大手の企業は、金にもならない特許出願を、エンジニアの社員たちに強いているかというと ―― 他社に対して「マウント」を取るためです。

So, why do significant companies force their engineering employees to apply for patents that don't pay well -- to "mount" other companies?


The purpose is to claim "territory" by filling a particular technical field with many patent applications (even without Patent approval).


It may be a sense of "effective occupation of the technological field.


In short, 'We're in this territory here.'


What they are doing is "legal," but the essence of it is the same as "anti-socialism."



A capitalist economy is, after all, a "territory war.


As a lowly member of the organization, I am also protecting the organization's security not with a "Chaka" (gun) but with a "neta" (idea).




The following content comes to Amazon Prime.


Somehow, my intuition told me it was a "hit," and I started watching it with my wife.


"Rokubei of the Kuro-Shoin room"

嫁さんは、第1回(全6回)で降りてしまいましたが、私は、WebRTCの調査をしながら、このコンテンツを流し見をしていました ―― で、そのまま、朝の4時までかけて、全話見終えてしまいました。

My wife got off after the first episode (6 in all). Still, I was watching this content while investigating the video distribution server -- and I finished watching all the episodes until 4:00 in the morning.


I didn't feel much at the time, but the next morning, in my futon, I remembered my late father, and tears began to flow.


私が知っている限り、私の父は、私の目の前では、ただの一度も弱音を吐くことなくその人生を終えました ―― 私と真逆です。

As far as I know, my father ended his life without a single moment of weakness in front of me -- the exact opposite of me.


On the other hand, as you know, I am a person who keeps saying "ouch," "painful," "suffering," and "I can't do it," and continues to disclose them without any shame or shame.


This way of living that matches my inner and outer life is probably right from the perspective of protecting my mind and body.

しかし、そういうことを一切吐露することなく、沈黙し続けた父は ―― 少なくとも、この私に対しては、多くを語り、そして、伝えきった、と ―― 今ならそう思えます。

However, my father, who remained silent without ever revealing any such thing -- at least to me, he said to me and conveyed to me a lot -- now seems to me that he did.

『父は死んだけど、少なくとも私の中で生きている』 ―― そういうセリフを、私は臆面もなく、しかし、確信を持って、私は言うことができるのです。

My father is dead, but at least he lives on in me' -- lines like that I can say, unabashedly, but with conviction.


Well, I think that when I die, then my father will die too, in the true sense of the word.


And, that's fine.




I wrote the following in my diary,


"However, in my life, I have come to know that "honesty" is never inferior to "not honesty."



My father passed away, leaving me with this.


And then it occurred to me,

『私も父と同じように、このように誰かに何かを残すことができるだろうか』と考えた時 ――

When I thought, 'Will I be able to leave something like this to someone else like my father did--'


I now chuckle to myself, 'Probably not.'



The other day, my second daughter told me that there is "intellectual property (IPR) exploitation" in the name of job interviews.


The subject of the interview was to come up with "the next new business for our company."

このお題は、どの会社も、のたうち苦しみながら、考えて考えて、失敗して、やりなおして、また考えて ―― を、続けている最難関の業務です。

This topic is the most challenging task for any company, as it is a constant struggle, thinking, thinking, failing, redoing, thinking again, and so on.


The company's "nastiness" (or "meanness," "vileness," or "horror") lies in the fact that it "makes job hunters think" about this most challenging task.

―― これを"知財搾取"と呼ばずに何と呼ぶ?

"What would you call it if you didn't call it "IP exploitation"?"


To be clear, I get mad with this company.

『その会社の名前を、ブログで公表したろか』とも思いましたが ―― 次女に類が及んでは意味がありません。

I thought, "Should I publish that company's name on my blog? But it would be meaningless if my second daughter was disadvantaged.


This issue seems like a good thing to do, slowly and methodically, after the second daughter's job search is complete.



And, well, my second daughter asked me to help her out with the story.


After all, I am "Ozenji's patent specification manufacturing equipment.

第一ラウンドくらいファイティングポーズを見せないと ―― 『王禅寺の特許明細書製造装置』の名にかけて。




I once had a guy who gave me a job because "other people were busy."


'Die, you idiot,' I said, still angry.


In this way, it has the same meaning as 'I look bored.


The only option for a request from someone like this is to 'refuse,' but that may not be possible in the case of business.

それでも、私が、このような言い方をされたら、私はその人間のことを忘れません ―― 最悪の印象とともに。

Still, I will not forget the guy with the worst possible impression.

この程度の配慮は、年齢を重ねれば、なんとなくできてくるものですが ―― いつまでたっても、それができない人間もいるものです。

This level of consideration comes with age -- but some people can't do it forever.


For example, "I (Ebata).

―― プレゼンを見れば、モテるヤツかどうかは、一発で分かる



My words and actions have hurt many people (including my blog and columns).


I have "talked too much" about too many things to think I am the exception.


How not to hurt people, are, I think, 


To remain silent, not speak, and not reveal one's true feelings.



However, it is much more difficult to do.


We should remember that 'talking about something' is synonymous with 'hurting someone.


If you want to remain a "good guy," keep your mouth shut.


Incidentally, the reverse phase of the above phrase is,

―― 語れば、必ず「悪い人」になる

"Talking will always make you a "bad person.""


「しゃべれば、ロクな目に合わない」―― これは、もう、人生の帰納的経験則といっても過言ではありません。



By the way, regarding the above "because others are busy," whatever the truth of that, the phrase to use in this case is,


'There is no one else I can turn to but you, Ebata-san, on this matter!



Again, "whatever the truth may be."


「ロケット 失敗からの再起 技術者たちの348日」を見ました。

I watched "Re-emerging from Rocket Failure: 348 Days of Engineers."


The severe expressions on the engineers' faces made my clenched cup tremble.


Even without the production of "Project X," the engineers onsite are enough to "shake their heart.



I don't need any staging.


I don't even need music.

『プロフェッショナル 仕事の流儀』みたいな、かっこいい台詞も、名言もいらない。

I don't need cool lines or quotes like in "Professional: The Way of Work."


As it is, I think something is inspiring in this world.


I have a master's in electrical engineering, so I could understand the part about the electrical system that was considered the cause of the previous failure.


The fact that such content may have been one of the reasons for the "shaking of my heart.



The scale and duration are different, but when I also obtained effects that exceeded my expectations during the experiment,


"It made me want to clench my fists and roar joyfully."

と思える時が ―― 本当に稀ですけど ―― あります。

There are times - rare, really - I feel like the above.


Sometimes, engineers are not in love, money, status, or power but are just 'happy with the experiment's results.


However, I don't have any friends to hug or pat each other on the shoulder and rejoice with, so all I can do is "run around the room," shouting, "Hyah-hoo!


It's a shame.


I am a scary person from the outside.



The following is an excerpt from the column.



But finally, on October 29 (about 30 minutes ago), I turned a stepper motor with an EtherCAT enslaved person!


I was so happy that I was jumping around the house, but no one in the Ebata family could share this joy.


"If you're happy, I'm happy," my lovely wife said, not stopping to wash the dishes, whose aphorisms is 

―― リトマス試験紙が、青になろうが赤になろうが、それが一体何だというの?

" What does it matter if the litmus test paper turns blue or red?"





For the first time in a long time, I was watching YouTube.


As for alcohol, I have talked about it again and again, but if I (Ebata) were to list the disadvantages and advantages, it would be something like this.


■Disadvantages of Ebata's quitting drinking alcohol

- 『お酒を楽しむことができない』という絶望感(今も絶望している)

- I despair (and still despair) that I will never be able to enjoy alcohol.

- 思い出でしか、"酒"を語れなくなった

- I can only talk about "sake" in my memories.

- 睡眠薬と安定剤が、定常的に必要となった

- I need Sleeping pills and stabilizers on a steady basis.

- 飲み会が、さらに嫌いになった

- I hated drinking even more.

- ノンアルコールビールの消費量がハンパなくなった

- My consumption of non-alcoholic beer has increased



■Advantages of Ebata's quitting drinking alcohol

- 体重が落ちた

- Lost weight.

- 肩が凝らなくなった

- Shoulders are no longer stiff.

- 仕事で踏ん張りが効くようになった

- I'm able to stand my ground at work.

- 昼寝が普通にできるようになった

- My naps are now regular.

- 人間ドックからの警告が来なくなった

- No more warnings from the human health inspectors.

『酒を楽しめない人生は、人生の半分を損している』のは事実だと思いますが ―― 大丈夫です。



My wife asks me if I can't 'control alcohol' by saying I only drink on weekends or at the end of the year.


However, I am too clumsy to perform such "analog control" well. Therefore, I have no choice but to use digital control.



The WHO may be correct in its assertion that "alcohol is the best of all medicines" is a false theory, and "alcohol is 100% poison" is the true theory.


However, even if alcohol is an addictive drug like morphine, methamphetamine, or narcotics, it is legal if the law allows it.


I don't criticize smokers as long as they don't spread stale air.


In addition, if, on the contrary, alcohol and tobacco have the effect of shortening life expectancy and curbing social security costs, this would even be welcome.


Taxes on alcohol and tobacco are delicious from a state fiscal perspective.


I used to make my alcohol, so I know the cost of alcohol and have a rough understanding of tobacco.


I was pretty shocked when I found out that beer can be made for about the price of tap water +/- (by the way, the statute of limitations has already passed on the contents of this column).

私には、酒もタバコも、『自分の体を壊しながら、納税し続ける』という観点からは、『国家による霊感商法』の様にも見えますが ―― それでも、合法です。

To me, both alcohol and cigarettes seem to be "state-sponsored psychic sales" from the perspective of "continuing to pay taxes while destroying one's own body" -- but still, they are legal.


あなたの「ウンコの匂い」を嗅がされる人の「苦痛」に想いを馳せましょう。「ウンコ」はトイレで、「タバコ」は分煙室で。 ―― JT

Here is a story by a tobacco company about the effect of reduced pensions due to the premature death of smokers.



Thanks to the efforts of WHO and various governments, the smoking rate is decreasing year by year.


(I feel it has not decreased as much as I had hoped.)


The government's next target is probably "alcohol".


I am a college student and have never seen a college student smoking on campus (true).


I believe that if the increase in social security costs caused by alcohol becomes quantitatively precise, the government will turn to a "prohibition campaign" with the very survival of the nation at stake.



Yesterday, I was carrying a travel carry-on bag stuffed with experimental equipment, which had become like a lump of iron


I thought that if I made a mistake in carrying the equipment, I would get "strained back in one shot," so I used equipment for people with disabilities & seniors (elevators and escalators) for all of my transportation.


―― 20代のころから、1mmも進歩していない

" I have not progressed one millimeter since my twenties."


I was almost in tears.

私の未来予想図では、『こういう作業は若い部下に命じて、私はちょっと良い服と靴の装いで、お客さまと、にこやかに会話をしている、ダンディなシニア』だったのですが ―― 今の私は『ただのシニア』です。

In my vision of the future, I had envisioned "a dainty senior who orders his younger subordinates to do this kind of work, and I am dressed in a slightly more formal dress and shoes, having a nice conversation with customers" -- but the result was "just senior."


"Boys, don't be ambitious. It's going to be hard later."


I am going to Hokkaido University next month and would like to shout this phrase in front of the Clark statue.


(Well, I probably won't do it. I'm afraid I'll get in trouble with the company and the university.)



Yesterday, I talked with my daughter, who drove me to the train station.


Daughter: "You are as hard as ever. The other day, my mom and I talked about how when you collapse, we might say, 'We knew it was going to happen,' before we get surprised."


Me: "I think I am now in the speculation phase of 'when' and 'where' I will collapse."


Daughter: "If you know that much..."


Me: "But I can't reach Grandpa's (my late father) "hard" anymore. When I was helping my father with his work, it was so hard that I, as a junior high school student, thought, 'I might die.'"


Daughter: "Grandpa is out of scope. We can't hold him to that standard.



A year ago, my team leader stopped speaking during a remote meeting.


They thought, 'It's probably a communication failure or a device malfunction,' but the next day, we found out that he had passed away, and the team was in a panic (I was not at that meeting).


He also helped me on the back end when I was going through a tough time (during the field demonstration), so I was pretty shocked then.

―― もう人生で二度と関わりたくない文化祭


It was not until six months later that I could ask one of the people involved about the incident specifically. It was such a shock to me.



However, despite this life-changing impact, I have not been able to make any significant changes to my lifestyle.


I am aware that I am such a "fool.


However, I also realize that "changing oneself" is so tricky.



As noted here,

―― 『漢字はググればいい。計算は電卓使う。学校で勉強する必要がない』の仮説は棄却された("失敗した")


For a while, "Just Google Kanji characters. Use a calculator for calculations. There is no need to study at school,' the post/video of a child who claimed that he did not need to study at school became a hot topic.


I had hoped to see the results of this "social experiment" with himself as the subject, but it appears he has "stepped down" from it.


I am very disappointed.



I am not in a position to comment on this in any way, though, since one's life is one's own decision,

―― 自分と関係のない他人事として、この実験結果を知りたかった

"I would have liked to know the results of this experiment as someone else's business, unrelated to my own."


I thought that.


After all, I did not dare to put my daughter in this experiment.


Therefore, I was very grateful to have someone unrelated to me do those things for me.


Hence, it is still disappointing.



I don't care what other people do when they have nothing to do with me.


People who say something about the behavior of children who are strangers, whether they agree, disagree, praise, or criticize, are more 'bored' than 'loving.


I'm not so unsophisticated as to meddle in other people's lives.


After all, I have the mindset of "I just keep observing people jumping off the platform.


I do stop "flowing stroller," though.




「Last Days 坂本龍一 最期の日々」を視聴ました。

I watched "Last Days Sakamoto Ryuichi Sakamoto's Last Days."


In my reflection, I realized that

―― 私もあと10年ちょっとくらいしか残っていない

"I only have a little over ten years left."



Even if I can live a little longer, "10 years left" is a very realistic figure if I include various disabilities (including cognitive disabilities).


Nevertheless, like Ryuichi Sakamoto, I have no accomplishments to leave behind for posterity, nor do I have life lessons to share with my future colleagues.


I still wonder if this is how I would sum up my life.




I do not believe that, for one millimeter, "history" will create the next better generation.


What I have learned from history,


(1) We fail to apply the lessons of our predecessors.



(2) We make the same mistakes over and over again.



(3) We cannot learn from anything but our failures.




私が残せるものとしたら、膨大は数の失敗 ―― いわゆる「黒歴史」くらいです。

The only thing I can leave behind is many failures—the so-called "black history."


The significance of this "black history" is to "comfort" or "lick each other's wounds" by saying, "In the end, you and I are just human beings of this level, so you should live your lives without overreacting.


Well, I think I can do that much.



Therefore, I will actively disclose my "black history" frequently.


Today, as the first installment, I disclose the following,


"I bought a book called 'Exercises for growing taller and taller,' which came with Shonen Jump magazine.



It was a costly purchase for me, a junior high school student at the time, but I bought it.


So I imitated the strange dance-like gymnastics diagrams and continued for about two weeks, but then I got bored.


I realized, "Can I grow taller by doing gymnastics?


These kinds of dubious booklets and tools use two approaches to fool the dim-witted teenagers.


(1) "Surprised comments"


They list many "testimonials" from successful people whose sources are unknown, which will attract buyers.


However, we do not know if this alleged "successful" person exists.


(2) "Recommendation comments from university professors."


Add a comment that a professor at a university (sometimes the name of a foreign university), which may or may not exist, recommends it.


To begin with, it is unclear whether the professor exists (usually accompanied by a photo of a senior citizen in a suit).


Of course, now I would do all sorts of investigations, targeting, and retaliation (involving the government and judiciary, if poorly done), but teenagers are an essential buying group, the so-called "suckers," in that they do not and cannot know such things.


I will not say, 'Don't be fooled by this advertising.


On the contrary, I say, 'Of course, they will be fooled,' I even think it's better that way.


I believe teenagers must develop "distrust" and "hatred" toward society and adults through this kind of process.


It is a very inexpensive tuition for training by evil men and women and scams before you become an adult.



So, although I can't match Ryuichi Sakamoto's feat of "changing the world with music," and in fact, my vector is entirely different,


I want to start my contribution to the world by "licking my wounds with black history.