

I have heard that the second movie "Sho de Saitama" was also a hit.


Sho de Saitama" was an enjoyable movie, but not so much that I "burst out laughing and swooned" (well, such movies are rare).



Yesterday, I was hit by "The Nakagawa Yosei 2022 "Finding a Property for Rent in Tokyo" by the Nakagawa, which I watched on YouTube (jump to YouTube).



In addition to the Odakyu line, Shimokitazawa, Shinyurigaoka, and Nambu line, which I am familiar with,


(To be honest, I didn't know much about Osaka.) "Umeda," "Kyoto," and "Otsu" were my territory when I was in college,

―― 笑いました。

-- I laughed.


I also sent a Line to my family.



(1) Osaka (including Kyoto) and (2) the west side of Tokyo (the west side of Tokyo), which appear in this contrast, were my past and present territories.


It is a pleasure to have someone "tinker" with the local community.


It is like having a spotlight shined on a humble local community.


It is quite natural that "Sho de Saitama" was a big hit with the people of Saitama Prefecture.


However, I feel that this is what is called "private favour" and does not seem to be tasty from a mass marketing perspective.



By the way, I am also from Nagoya (the city next door), so I can also laugh at the TV anime "Yajukame-chan kansatsu nikki".

『地元ネタで笑える』ということが『地元を愛している』と同義かと問われると、ちょっと違和感を感じますが ――

I'm not sure if "laughing at local stories" is synonymous with "loving your hometown," though,


I think there is something similar to "love.




import httpx
import sys
import asyncio

async def call_start_endpoint(value: int):
    url = "http://localhost:8000/start"  # 1つ目のFastAPIアプリケーションのエンドポイントURLを指定

    input_data = {"value": value}

    async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:
        #response = await client.post(url, json=input_data)
        response = await client.post(url, json=input_data, timeout=10.0) #10秒間応答を待つ

    if response.status_code == 200:
        data = response.json()
        return data
        print(f"エラーが発生しました。ステータスコード: {response.status_code}")
        return None

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
        print("使用法: python startkick.py <数値>")

        value_to_send = int(sys.argv[1])  # コマンドライン引数から数値を取得
    except ValueError:

    result = asyncio.run(call_start_endpoint(value_to_send))
    if result:
        print(f"1つ目のFastAPIアプリケーションの結果: {result}")


from fastapi import FastAPI
import httpx
from pydantic import BaseModel

app = FastAPI()

class InputData(BaseModel): # json形式の場合これが必要。これが無いと422エラーで弾かれる
    value: int

#async def start(value: int):  # json形式を無視した場合
async def start(input_data: InputData):
    # 2つ目のFastAPIアプリケーションのprocessエンドポイントを呼び出す
    url = "http://localhost:8001/process"  # 2つ目のアプリケーションのエンドポイントURLを指定

    value2 = input_data.value
    input_data2 = {"value": value2}

    async with httpx.AsyncClient() as client:
        response = await client.post(url, json=input_data2, timeout=10.0) #10秒間応答を待つ

    if response.status_code == 200:
        data = response.json()
        return data
        return {"error": f"エラーが発生しました。ステータスコード: {response.status_code}"}


from fastapi import FastAPI
from pydantic import BaseModel
import asyncio

app = FastAPI()

class InputData(BaseModel):
    value: int

class OutputData(BaseModel):
    result: int

async def process(input_data: InputData):
    value = input_data.value

    # 5秒間の待機
    await asyncio.sleep(5)

    # ここで2つ目のFastAPIアプリケーション独自の処理を行う(例: valueを2倍にする)
    result = value * 2
    return {"result": result}



Now, a big-name comedian has been suspended from performing due to allegations of sexual assault.


I have no proof of the "truth" of this, " so I will not mention it.


What I am looking for now,

―― このビッグネームの芸人さんについて、今年の運勢について語っていた占い師または占い番組

-- Fortune tellers or fortune-telling shows that talked about this big-name comedian and his fortune for this year.




(1) Did they properly predict the big event of "suspension of entertainment activities"?


(2) Did they predict the above (1) and make suggestions for countermeasures?


I think (2) above is brutal, but if (1) above was not done, then the "fortune teller" is "useless," if not "incompetent" or "a liar.

そのようやスキャンダルの予防措置への警告も出せないような「占い師」や「占い番組」は結局のところ"無用"、もっと言えば"害悪"にさえなると思うのですが ―― 多くの人は、そう考えないのでしょうか?

I think that "fortune-tellers" and "fortune-telling shows" that fail to warn against such scandalous precautions are ultimately "useless" or even "harmful" -- don't most people think so?



By the way, I am doing a " calculation " in the simulation." It is a simple calculation to determine what will happen if we continue what we currently do without changing a single millimeter.


'If you have an income of 100,000 yen per month and spend 120,000 yen per month, how much of a deficit will you have after one year?' (Answer: 240,000 yen deficit). Those are what I did.


Therefore, it is miserable that my simulation calculations are treated with "fortune-telling," a one-way subjective statement by an individual without any logic or data to support it.



Anyway, I am looking for "last year's fortune-telling show or its fortune-teller who talked about this comedian and his fortune for this year."


We would appreciate your cooperation in this survey (e-mail address here).

―― 「教育現場というシステム」は「性犯罪発生装置」として機能する



My father entered the Preparatory Training Course during the Pacific War and lost the war, so his final educational background is a junior high school graduate (middle school graduate).


My father continued to work for the family, and after being laid off from the company, he set up his factory.


ただ、子どもの私の目から見ても、父には、優れた能力や、人を魅了する能力がなく、そして、運にも恵まれていなかった ―― ぶっちゃけ「絶無」だったと思います。

However, from my child's point of view, my father could not excel or attract others, and he was not blessed with luck -- to be frank, he was "nothing" at all.


Still, he was one of the adults who has won my utmost respect (Ebata) here.



I can't bring myself to feel sympathy for 'those who bemoan their bad luck based on their education, ability or luck.'


Because I have watched my father's back.

『あんたは、うちの親父よりも、恵まれていなかった、と言い切ることができるのか?』と ―― まあ、これは、理不尽な問いかけであることを百も承知の上で ―― 私は、尋ねたくなるのです。

"How can you say you were less fortunate than my father?" I am tempted to ask -- well, I know this is an unreasonable question.


The above logic may sound similar to the following story. However,



Not at all.



The success(?) of generative AI businesses, such as ChatGPT, etc. There is at least one thing that can be said about the success of these businesses.

―― 詰め込み教育や礼儀教育は、正しいアプローチである

"Cramming and courtesy education are the right approach."



There is no relationship between the "production" of generative AI technology and the "use" of generative AI technology (this is important, so let me say it upfront).


However, when we learn the " production " process of generative AI technology, we can see that. 


"To become a human being who can give accurate answers in a friendly manner like ChatGPT," 


we need to "cram" a tremendous amount of knowledge and "train" ourselves to respond in a friendly and polite manner."



Please read this page for more information about that.


Also, please refer to this figure for "kind and courteous."


In other words, "those who skip learning essential knowledge and cannot even use honorifics are 'less than AI.



As far as I know, the claims of teenagers and their parents that "cramming education reduces thinking and imagination" are delusional.


This is because the power of thought and imagination is created by "adding on" little by little to existing thinking methods and processes.


In other words, I believe 'without base knowledge, there is no way to think or imagine beyond it.


I am "Ozenji's Patent Specification Manufacturing Equipment, Ebata.




Itching on my body, especially my face, neck, umami, and shoulders.


I had no choice but to spend my days applying "kinkan" to the badly itching area before going to bed and enduring the intense pain for a minute, but I thought, "I've reached my limit," so I went to a dermatologist.



The doctor in charge of my case glanced at my affected area and assured me it was hay fever.


Of course, I have terrible hay fever and have suffered from "sneezing" every year, but I never suffered from "itching."


She said lightly, "Oh, you added 'it' this year.



Various diseases and ailments continue to be newly entered each year.


Again, I went home with a prescription for various drugs.


It was pretty pricey, but I'm OK with it if it removes the "itch."


I did some research and found a past case 8 years ago.



I guess you could call me an "unlearned."



These issues have finally led to a move to abolish the ruling party's factions.





The issue at issue in this case is (1) above. Kickbacks are, in effect, an alchemy of unrestricted funds and are an act of tax evasion.


I do not understand that the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office has only brought indictments against the factional treasurer and the lawmakers who have received kickbacks totaling more than 40 million yen.

―― キックバックの金額が4000万円であろうが、4000円だろうが、アカンだろう

-- It is an evasion if the kickback amount is 40 million yen or 4,000 yen.


However, if we were to be so strict, it would mean that all existing political parties would collapse, so I thought that the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office had drawn a borderline of 40 million yen.


I guess it means even if 'justice and righteousness' are essential, it is meaningless to stop the operation of a nation to a standstill.


Well, even salaried employees like myself are exempt from filing tax returns for internal income of up to \200,000 per year (however, this is legal, but kickbacks are not listed, even if they are only \1).


Many salaried workers in Japan may not be able to feel it, but once you file your tax return, you will start to feel the hatred of "kickbacks" (it's true).



A political party faction has three functions.


(1) Political activity collection function


(2) Ministerial manufacturing function


(3) Education function for new council members



And this time, the illegal (1) is just being uncovered.


As for (2) above, it may have served as a coordinating device for the dynamics within the vast political parties, but this will (probably) be reviewed after this incident.


The problem is (3), but I think creating such an educational institution would also suffice for this.


For example, a training period of approximately one year is also provided for those who pass the bar exam.


Successful candidates will learn knowledge and techniques related to legal practice that are commonly required for legal practice.

新人の国会議員についても、同様の仕組みを導入すれば足りると思うのです ―― まあ、議員としての仕事をしながらなので、半分は、OJTになるとは思いますが。

I think it would be sufficient to introduce a similar system for new members of Congress -- well, half of it would be on-the-job training since they would be doing their work as members of Congress.



First, a Member of Parliament is a professional who deliberates and creates laws.


Naturally, we expect them to develop that ability.


Since this is just the right opportunity, the following examination system should also be established to train new council members.



We don't need a member of Congress who can't respond to this level of content.


親の介護フェーズが終わった(死亡した)時から、自分が、被介護対象者になっていく ―― を実感しています。

I realize that from the time my parent's caregiving phase ends (death), I will be the one to be cared for.


Both our couples are experiencing noticeable subjective symptoms, such as a significant loss of strength, unexplained rashes, worse insomnia (which has been present for some time), and the inability to move their bodies (fingers and arms) as much as they would like.


Of course, we all have times in our 30s, 40s, and 50s when we realize that we are losing our functionality, decade by decade, but I can tell you that this became more pronounced after the end of my parent's care.

―― もうすぐ、あなたにも、この拷問が日々が始まる。そして、誰もが、そこから逃げることはできない



I believe that psychological factors may be a significant factor in this reason.


If you have cared for/observed your parents for an extended period, you have been involved in/observed the process of gradual death of a human being.

健康状態は改善することなく、悪化の方向にのみ決定している一択のプロセス ―― これは、結構な地獄です。

A one-choice process in which health is determined only in the direction of deterioration, not improvement, is pretty much hell.


The personality that is formed through this process is nihilism.

『人生における、努力も、苦労も、栄光も ―― その最期にあるのは、それらと等価交換にもならない、長く辛い死へのプロセスだけである』は ―― 別段に仏教を学ばなくても、毎日が「諸行無常」の実体験です。

The only thing at the end of life is the long and painful process of death, which is not even equivalent to the effort, hardship, and glory of life" -- even if you don't study Buddhism separately, every day is an authentic experience of "all things are impermanent.



About 50 years ago, the songs "Children Who Don't Know War" and "To a world far away" became popular.


I remember that we were made to sing at a cultural festival at some teachers' request (pressure).

正直、私は、これらの歌に1mmも感情移入できませんでした ―― 何言っているのか分からんかったので。

I couldn't get a mm of emotion into these songs -- because I didn't know what they were saying.



I believe that the concept of "adults who don't know/know about caregiving" will be created in the future.


It is unfortunate for those who have witnessed the sudden death of a parent due to an accident or illness.

しかし、10年以上も続く(寿命 - 健康寿命 = 男性で7年間、女性で12年間)連続的な親の死のプロセスを見つづける人も、また不幸なのです。

But it is also unfortunate for those who continue to watch the process of continuous parental death that lasts more than ten years (life span - healthy life span = 7 years for men and 12 years for women).

どちらも不幸ではあるのですが、その不幸の『内容』が違う、その気持ちを共有できない ―― そういう時代の到来は、すでにやってきていると思います。

Both are unhappy, but the "content" of their unhappiness is different, and they cannot share their feelings -- I believe that such an era has already arrived.





A name is an "Identification of myself and others" and should not be easily changed.


The reason is that the identifier (name) embodies the credibility (brand) of the person (including corporations).


In that sense, the cult group that tried to rebrand itself by changing its name from "Unification Association" to "Family Association for World Peace and Unification" is nothing short of "cowardly and disgusting.


The government (Agency for Cultural Affairs), which was complicit in such a cowardly act, must continue to be criticized.


Religious organizations that have lost credibility must work to restore their honor and return their "negative brand" to a "positive brand.


It doesn't matter because the religious organization can keep its name and continue its activities even if ordered to dissolve.


They lose the spiritual, legal personality (tax) preferential treatment.


一方、正のブランドも負のフランドも1mmも化体していない、「江端」という名字 ―― 私は、この名字に私は全く興味がありません。

On the other hand, the surname "Ebata" has not incarnated a single millimeter of positive brand or negative friend -- I am not interested in this surname.


If I were asked to change my last name from "Ebata" to "ABC" starting tomorrow, I would agree within a second if you could convert the cost of that procedural facility, administrative, and other hassles in the future and then pay me a sufficient incentive to do so.


When my daughter changed her last name to benefit from the current civil law when she married, I would have no emotional attachment to it.


When I married my wife, I thought it would be fine if we kept our separate family names or if I changed my last name.


Because it didn't matter.



When I hear about 'taking a so-called son-in-law to preserve the venerable family name, I scornfully sneer at

―― 一体、あんたの一族ごときが、これまで何をやってきたというのだ?

"What in the world has your family ever done?"



The parties involved must be severe, so I shouldn't laugh at them.


江端 ―― 普通に考えれば『居住地が川っぺり』でしょう。

Ebata -- The usual way to think of it would be "residence is on the riverbank."



井上陽水さんの歌に、"リバーサイド"を連呼する、意味がよく分からない歌がありましたが ―― 私には、「水害危険地区」または、「ラブホテルの乱立エリア」を思い浮べることくらいしかできません。

There was a song by Tatsuro Yamashita that I don't know what it means, called "Riverside" -- I can only think of a "flood hazard area" or a "love hotel infested area."



At any rate, I do not find any significance in the surname "Ebata" other than as an "Identification of myself and others."


However, I acknowledge that "Ebata" is a relatively small number of people, so it has a high ability to be an "Identification of myself and others."

―― 一体、裁判所も、立法(国会)も、『識別子の取扱い』ごときに、なんで、こんなにゴタゴタしていやがるんだ



As of New Year's Day this year, the Ebata family has discontinued its newspaper subscription.


I made this proposal shortly after we were married.


It has been 30 years.


I withdrew my proposal after receiving protests from my wife's family and relatives, in addition to her fierce opposition to my view that 'news on the Web is enough.


Well, maybe my views 30 years ago were a bit too advanced.


Back then, there were no cell phones, let alone smartphones, and only a few people were using computers.



TV program listings can now be viewed with TV recording devices, and news is automatically added as a service menu on social networking sites.


On the other hand, newspapers continue to be structured nonsensical, requiring the reader to spread out the paper and insert the article in the fold.


I have not found any "areas that have evolved as an easy-to-read medium over the past 30 years," such as the inability to read articles in succession without moving to the next page.


There is no attempt to create a tailor-made newspaper to meet the readers' demands or anything like that.


(By the way, I don't need the sports and literature articles, so I want a newspaper that cuts them out and makes them cheaper.)


Aside from entertainment scandals, we do not hear any stories about political scandals (political funding, etc.), such as newspaper scoops.


(Incidentally, I was one of those people who read the part about the scoop fight in "Climber's High" and thought, "Are newspaper reporters idiots?")



Recently, however, when I began to think that I might need the newspaper to keep up with news in fields in which I have no interest, my wife came to suggest that we discontinue the newspaper.


Since there was no reason to disagree otherwise, I agreed.


If I feel like subscribing again, I might try to subscribe to "Akahata" or "Seikyo" this time.
