

I had a conversation with my senior daughter (who seems to be back frequently), who recently returned to her hometown.


Daugher:"Dad, that 'Frieren in Funeral'..."


Me:"It's 'Frieren in Future'"

(*)邦題は、"Frieren : Beyond Journey's End"となっています。「フリーレン:終末の彼方へ」って感じでしょうか。



I was amazed at how just one letter can completely change the impression.


I could see Frieren putting up the "mourning curtain" for the funeral hall using her magic.



ChatGPT gave a dumb answer, so here it is.

私: アニメ「葬送のフリーレン」の邦題を教えて下さい

Me: What is the Japanese title of the anime "Sousou-no-Furiren"?

ChatGPT: アニメ「葬送のフリーレン」の邦題は、「That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime」(転生したらスライムだった件)です。

ChatGPT: The Japanese title of the anime Sousou-no-Fureren is "That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime."




Many articles begin with the headline, 'Never Abandon anyone.'

それは立派なことだと思います ―― もし、それが本当にできるのであれば、ですが。

That would be admirable -- if it is possible.


In my case, on the contrary, I can assure you that


"I'll abandon anyone."



It is clear from my experience.


I know I have abandoned my studies, work, friends, and even my parents.



It is impossible to say, "Never abandon anyone" in the first place.


The above is easy to prove.


Because I cannot provide resources to others beyond what I have.


It is a simple conservation of energy law.


The only exception would be if I self-destruct (or die) in the process of continuing to 'never abandon'.


The above case would be a good time to say we have completed "Never Abandon Anyone."



I know that "Never abandon" is a "statement of determination" or a "strong adjective.


So, I know that the way I said it above is unfair and malicious.


But I still can't say 'never abandon anyone ' so quickly.



By the way, there is some good in "abandon anyone absolutely.".


When someone doesn't help me, that is,


Calling them a liar,


Feeling betrayed,


Being pessimistic against miserable

―― そういう感情を、短期間かつ小さく収めることができるからです。

"This is because such feelings can pack them quickly and in a small way."


If I prepare to be "absolutely abandoned" again,


What should I take to "not let them abandon me so quickly?


I can always prepare to keep thinking about the above.




In conclusion for today,


(1) Don't believe someone's phrase, "I will never abandon you.




(2) I will try to 'never let someone abandon me.'


are important.


私は、あなたのことを「勇者 ―― ビヨンド エバハラ」、省略して「エバハラ勇者」と命名したいと思います。


As I write here, I believe that


"Social values continue to be upgraded on a fortnightly basis."


私は、これを『Windows Update的価値観バージョンアップ』と呼んでいます。

I call this a "Windows Update-like Value Upgrade."



The day after a Windows 10/11 update occurs, the computer can take 30 minutes or more to boot up; if it is terrible, it can fail.


When it fails to start, my mind goes blank.


If the reboot fails, I may not retrieve the HDD's contents.


Even if it could be retrieved, the work may require dozens of hours or cost tens of thousands of yen.

Windows Updateは、常に私にとっては「恐怖」の対象です。

Windows Update has always been a "horror" for me.

私の意図せぬ形で、勝手にシステムを更新され、勝手に機能を追加され、そして、不具合を起こすWindows Updateですが、それでも、私は対応し続けなければなりません。

Windows Update updates my system without intention, adds features without permission, and causes glitches, but I still have to keep dealing with it.


This protects my system (PC) from cyber attacks that continue to strengthen daily.


Aside from that.



Others have already discussed the LDP Youth Bureau's "radical party"(*) from a moral standpoint, so I will not mention it. Still, I would like to discuss it simply from the perspective of the organization and its members.


(*) It was discovered that an "extreme dance show" was held at a party held by the LDP Youth Bureau in 2023. At the party, a highly revealing female dancer appeared and body-touched the attendees. The youth bureau chief and others resigned over this issue, and some have criticized the party.


(1) The premise is that this kind of party would not have been a problem or might not have been considered so much of an issue 30 years ago during the bubble economy. But now is not 30 years ago.


(2) The LDP Youth Bureau is an organization that, in this day and age, continues to be maintained with brains and intelligence equivalent to an "MS-DOS" operating system and is composed of people who do not even have the specifications of a discarded PC, and have been unable to upgrade their software for 30 years, let alone once every two weeks.


It is nothing but anxiety to entrust the future of our country to such "incompetent young men," but more than that,

―― そもそも、そういう下品なイベント以外に、自分たちが楽しめるイベントを自力で企画・運営できない

"In the first place, they cannot plan and organize events they can enjoy on their own, other than such vulgar events."


I feel a deep sense of despair at the lack of creativity that


For example,


'Assuming that the majority of the attendees at this party were women legislators, and then given the mission of conducting this event, what would be the best way to shape the event?'


Like the above, I would appreciate the event being well thought out under various binding conditions.


As a corporate researcher (that's me) who must constantly come up with new inventions amidst all kinds of restrictions (novelty, inventive step, corporate profit, corporate brand, etc.), I am angry at this inaction, a "vulgar event that shows no effort at all.



Still, I am impressed that that organization (the ruling party as of 2024) likes to party.


It looks like 'people who would be dead without the party.'

政治というものが、『パーティと不可分一体』であるとすれば ―― 『私(江端)には、政治は無理だな』と再認識しました。

If politics is an inseparable part of partying, I realized again that politics is impossible for me (Ebata).



I was surprised to read some of the reader comments on my column.


This means that some people misinterpret the concept of the fertility rate (special fertility rate).


The birth rate needed to maintain the current population is "2.08".


This means that 2.08 people from one male-female couple (married or unmarried) in a country can give birth, i.e., 2 + α, which is equal.


Some people seem to think this is based on "1.0."


This is a terrible misunderstanding.



It is a big mistake to say, "Korea is at 0.72, but Japan is at 1.20.


If the birth rate that can sustain a population is expressed in a 100-point test,

■韓国: 48点(187カ国中、世界最下位)

South Korea: 48 points (out of 187 countries, lowest in the world)

■日本: 57点(187カ国中、下から10番目)

Japan: 57 points (10th from the bottom out of 187 countries)



■アフガニスタン: 228点(187カ国中、上から17番目)

Afghanistan: 228 points (17th from the top out of 187 countries)



Afghanistan is enrolled in the best-selected class, and we (and everyone else in Korea) are in the required remedial class.



Of course, a high birth rate does not mean everything is O.K. (infant mortality and other factors must be considered).


Incidentally (as you may be tired of hearing by now), the ranking of women's status in Japan is at about the same level as that of Afghanistan.


So I think it is very likely that (some) people in Afghanistan see us as, at least, we are winners against Japan.

―― 仮にタリバンを武力で殲滅することができても、"勉強が嫌いな少女"を虐殺することは、絶対に不可能



At any rate, the reference value for the birth rate is not "1.0."


But "2.08".


Thank you very much for your understanding and cooperation.



Recently, farewell and welcome parties have been planned.


Recently, I have been having trouble using the excuse of 'corona disaster.'


However, quite a few people around me (at home and work) are literally 'rolling over and suffering' from coronas and flu.


With this in mind, I would like to limit my participation in "drinking parties" to remote environments only.



However, the organizer of a drinking party tells me, 'Make your attendance flag clear.


In no small part, I know what it is like because I, too, have been asked to be the organizer of such an event,

―― 出席はしたいが、欠席したい

"I would like to attend, but I would like to be absent."


The subtle subtleties of the heart are not taken into account.


Is it impossible if it would be possible to interpret "not replying" as meaning "regrettably absent.


土壇場で出席したり、欠席したりするバカに、これまで私がどれだけ腹を立ててきたか ―― それを考えると、「出欠の旗幟(きし)を明かにせよ」という指示は、支持できます。

Considering how often I have felt angry by idiots who attend or miss a meeting at the last minute. Therefore, I can support the instruction to "clarify your attendance."


However, from now on, I strongly hope that you will resolve this issue by adding, "Those who have not responded will be confirmed as absent as of midnight today. We hope this will be determined by adding, "If you have not responded, please refrain from making any further changes.



Well, I am aware that I am being very selfish.





For some time now, I have had a vague hunch that 'the number of employees leaving the company may increase due to the promotion of maternity lea


Lately, this hunch is "coming true" (though I would appreciate it if you would refrain from giving me examples or data, as this is a matter of private life).


Although "returning to work after maternity leave" has been a social issue for the past several decades, I feel that the opposite phenomenon, "leaving the workforce after maternity leave," will become a problem shortly.

―― 一体、今まで、私は、家族を犠牲にしてまで、会社の為に働いてきたんだろう?

"What have I been doing all this time, sacrificing my family for the company?"


And then, one day, they suddenly 'come back to themselves'?


This may be one "death of values" in our country.



I have already mentioned that "I work for the company (society) for the sake of my family" is a standard phrase for child abandonment.



Working for the family" literally means "working for the family," not "working for the company."


Of course, it is up to the individual to decide who works for whom.


But at least those who think 'I can't raise a child' should not choose a life of having children.


Since you have chosen a life of having children, it is natural to "work for the family."



In this sense, the citizens of our neighboring country, with a birth rate of 0.72, are genuinely severe and honest people.


Of course, the same is true for the young people of our country.


This birth rate figure (1.20 in Japan) comes from the fact that they are prepared to say, 'I cannot raise children.

# ちなみに国家が人口を維持できる最小値は、"2.08"(人)です。

# By the way, the minimum a nation can sustain a population is "2.08" (persons).


I believe that a "person who decides not to live with his/her child" is much better than a "person who runs around endorsing abandonment."



I have already given my answer to those who shout, 'What about the future of our country?


If there is nothing to do, our country should die a slow and gradual death.


If the government can focus on 'how to soft-land the death of the nation without causing pain to the people,' I would be OK with that.



The phrase "silence is golden" and the phrase "those who do not speak up at meetings should leave" are both "true.


If you speak up, they make you do it.


People not disadvantaged by speaking out are essentially 'people who don't work/need to work in the field.


Or rather,

―― 激務で1秒でも多く寝たいという人間を理解せずに「会議で発言しない者は立ち去れ」とか平気でいう奴は、要するに『バカ』なのです

"Anyone who says flatly, "Those who don't speak up at meetings should walk away" without understanding those who want to sleep as much as possible due to hard work is, in short, an "idiot."



I can think of several ways to solve the problem during a meeting.


But I remain silent about the solution because I'm probably the only one who can make that happen.


If I make a statement, they say that absolutely, 


'Well, Ebata-san, please take charge of just the first part of that."



Do you think that the means to solve a problem can be divided into "first", "middle", "last", and so on, you stupid bastard?

「しゃべれば、ロクな目に合わない」―― これは、もう、人生の帰納的経験則といっても過言ではありません。

It is no exaggeration to say that this is an inductive rule of thumb for life: "If you talk, you will get hurt.



So, as today's punchline, I am one of those "idiots."


This is part of a document I prepared 20 years ago.


It's too late now, but I am a selfish asshole.


I think I am a little brighter than those unaware of that awareness.




I suddenly remembered that our first pre-marital crisis was a gap in our honeymoon destination.


I suggested that,


- "Grotto Temples" in Afghanistan



-"Wall of Lamentation" under the jurisdiction of the United Nations (or Palestine or Israel)




Other places I remember suggesting include Poland and Osifientim (where the Auschwitz concentration camp was located).


Well, everything was rejected by my wife.



Since I was the one who had sought the marriage, I could not file an objection to the dismissal.


However, I should have gone 'back then' when I was physically more robust and had a higher tolerance for mental shock.

―― ということを、若い人に、私からの遺言として残しておきたい。

-- I want to leave this as my testament to the younger generation.



I have previously written a column on the GIGA school concept.


A news program recently ran a feature on an "IT literacy gap" among elementary schools in Nagoya City.

格差の発生の原因を纏めると ―― どの世界でも同じですが ―― 「金(予算)」と「人材(教師)」らしいです。

The causes of the disparity can be summarized as "money (budget)" and "human resources (teachers)" -- the same as in any other world.


The academic achievement gap is also caused by "money (cram schools)" and "human resources (instructors)," so it can be said that it is precisely the same form.



I, however, have been looking at it wrong.

確かに「金」と「人材」の問題はあるけど、私たちは、それを乗り越える歴史的奇跡の3年間 ―― "コロナ禍"があったのです。

Yes, there are "money" and "human resources" issues, but we have had three years of historical miracles to overcome -- the "Corona Disaster."


At that time, children and adults were also forbidden to go to school or work and had to study or work at home.


Not for three days or three months, but for three years (well, not the whole three years).

『この3年間で、教師のITリテラシーは、爆上がりしたんだろう』 ―― 私は、そう信じていましたし、そんなことも書いていました。

I believed, and even wrote, that "IT literacy among teachers must have exploded in the last three years.


(but I could not find that journal of mine. If anyone finds it, please let me know).

現場の教師は、全員、リアルタイムの遠隔授業を、自力で実施できるくらいに、レベルアップした ―― と信じていた私は、ただのマヌケでしたか?

Was I just a fool to believe that all teachers in the field had improved to the point where they could conduct real-time remote classes independently?



However, if teachers in the field are being asked to "deal with tablet freezes" or "set up wifi" or even "install LAN", then that is a pretty bad situation.


The jobs are essentially that of a janitor, who maintains the school's facilities, including electricity, water, and building repairs.

しかし、電波強度、指向性、ITアドレス、デバイスドライバ、アプリのインストール、セキュルティ対策から、AWSのクラウド設定に至るまでの、IT設備の全部を網羅する ――

But it covers the whole gamut of IT equipment, from signal strength, directionality, IT addresses, device drivers, app installation, security measures, AWS cloud settings, and more.

そんな『IT用務員さん』がいるでしょうか? まあ、いないでしょうね。

Would there be such an "IT janitor"? Well, I don't think so.


Maybe with those skills, they can work in any company's IT systems management department.


And they would be making more than a public elementary school salary.



I think the GIGA School concept fundamentally lacks a system that can maintain the IT infrastructure on campus, even before tablets and apps are used.


I hope the system in that area will be a good place for senior IT technicians like myself to receive after retirement.

なにしろ、ITのアプリは凄い進歩していますが、ITのインフラそのものは、私の見たところ、1970年ころから、さほど進化しているようには思えないのです ―― いわば、電気の結線、水道の管の接合レベルです。

IT applications have made significant progress, but the IT infrastructure itself, as far as I can tell, has not evolved much since 1970 -- at the level of electrical wiring or water pipe joints.


So, I think the "retired recipients of senior IT technicians" will probably be exemplary until about the time of my death.




Recently, I have received frequent e-mails asking for "training on using the Generative AI.


I have been a critic of buzzwords in this series of articles, but when it comes to "generative AI," I can't say it is a buzzword.


Because I use the "Generative AI" to the fullest every day.



I did a little research on the news heads that appear in combination with this "generative AI,"


"Good use"


"The management ranks."


"How to solve social problems."


"Learn in three hours."


"Three Keys to Better Results."


Yes, it's the same as before.


These news heads are for those who have never tried using a generative AI.


These are sweet words for those who want to "let someone else use it without using it themselves" or "cut corners as much as possible even if I use it myself.



I wonder what it is.


I couldn't do the "back hip circle" in elementary school, and I am still traumatized by the word.

さか上がり ―― それは、私が『愚劣教育の極み』と断定した、体育ハラスメントである、鉄棒運動の技の一つです。


What did the adults say to me when I was having trouble doing "back hip circle"?

―― 理屈じゃないんだ。何度も練習して、自分の体で覚えていくんだ

"It's not logic. You practice it over and over, and your body learns it."




I want to say 'the same thing' to those who like to cut corners and get comfortable with generative AI, OK?


All you have to do for a generative AI is feed it natural language, tables, and figures.


Why don't you try that level of detail yourself?


An adult interested in generative AI and not trying it out for themself can be called 'less than an elementary school student.