私は、あなたのことを「勇者 ―― ビヨンド エバハラ」、省略して「エバハラ勇者」と命名したいと思います。
As I write here, I believe that
"Social values continue to be upgraded on a fortnightly basis."
私は、これを『Windows Update的価値観バージョンアップ』と呼んでいます。
I call this a "Windows Update-like Value Upgrade."
The day after a Windows 10/11 update occurs, the computer can take 30 minutes or more to boot up; if it is terrible, it can fail.
When it fails to start, my mind goes blank.
If the reboot fails, I may not retrieve the HDD's contents.
Even if it could be retrieved, the work may require dozens of hours or cost tens of thousands of yen.
Windows Updateは、常に私にとっては「恐怖」の対象です。
Windows Update has always been a "horror" for me.
私の意図せぬ形で、勝手にシステムを更新され、勝手に機能を追加され、そして、不具合を起こすWindows Updateですが、それでも、私は対応し続けなければなりません。
Windows Update updates my system without intention, adds features without permission, and causes glitches, but I still have to keep dealing with it.
This protects my system (PC) from cyber attacks that continue to strengthen daily.
Aside from that.
Others have already discussed the LDP Youth Bureau's "radical party"(*) from a moral standpoint, so I will not mention it. Still, I would like to discuss it simply from the perspective of the organization and its members.
(*) It was discovered that an "extreme dance show" was held at a party held by the LDP Youth Bureau in 2023. At the party, a highly revealing female dancer appeared and body-touched the attendees. The youth bureau chief and others resigned over this issue, and some have criticized the party.
(1) The premise is that this kind of party would not have been a problem or might not have been considered so much of an issue 30 years ago during the bubble economy. But now is not 30 years ago.
(2) The LDP Youth Bureau is an organization that, in this day and age, continues to be maintained with brains and intelligence equivalent to an "MS-DOS" operating system and is composed of people who do not even have the specifications of a discarded PC, and have been unable to upgrade their software for 30 years, let alone once every two weeks.
It is nothing but anxiety to entrust the future of our country to such "incompetent young men," but more than that,
―― そもそも、そういう下品なイベント以外に、自分たちが楽しめるイベントを自力で企画・運営できない
"In the first place, they cannot plan and organize events they can enjoy on their own, other than such vulgar events."
I feel a deep sense of despair at the lack of creativity that
For example,
'Assuming that the majority of the attendees at this party were women legislators, and then given the mission of conducting this event, what would be the best way to shape the event?'
Like the above, I would appreciate the event being well thought out under various binding conditions.
As a corporate researcher (that's me) who must constantly come up with new inventions amidst all kinds of restrictions (novelty, inventive step, corporate profit, corporate brand, etc.), I am angry at this inaction, a "vulgar event that shows no effort at all.
Still, I am impressed that that organization (the ruling party as of 2024) likes to party.
It looks like 'people who would be dead without the party.'
政治というものが、『パーティと不可分一体』であるとすれば ―― 『私(江端)には、政治は無理だな』と再認識しました。
If politics is an inseparable part of partying, I realized again that politics is impossible for me (Ebata).